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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. so why are you so interested in the idea of it coming to toonami anyways?
  2. so far the AMC Buy-out has not made things much different for Sentai/Hidive(App Still sucks and people's complaints usually go unanswered) do you really think Toonami's clamoring to add urusei yatsura to the block though?
  3. Does AMC Not want to play with toonami? it seems odd that Sentai/Hidive content isn't filling in the gaps
  4. 2-0 with an auto draft team so far...
  5. CN Schedule:  It's official: Adult Swim got later seasons of Bob's Burgers.  The show's 9th season makes its Adult Swim debut Monday, October 2 at 8:00p. Episodes 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 to be precise.
  6. currently 2-0 in the UEMB Yahoo Fantasy football league and i wasn't even online for the draft so my team was on auto-pick....
  7. i think it's less they've given up and more that nobody's willing to come to the table we still have no damn clue what AMC intends to do with sentai filmworks(AMC+ has gained nothing from that purchase so far)and if toonami fits in any of those plans they might have for it
  8. Apparently this decision was a budget made one from production IG not a creative one according to its president on twitter
  9. After shoegaze we probably get the uzumaki mini series
  10. I think it’s fair to say this year has been a dumpster fire for the block and I’m having a hard time justifying watching it just for one piece
  11. Recently read chapter 1 of mama yuyu on the shonen jump app and like most who have read it I’m unsure of where this series is headed
  12. This week will be a billy and Mandy marathon on Friday
  13. 44 minutes out of one hour and thirty minutes. There’s still so many commercials left…
  14. Discord chat went into boredom as soon as this came on but was hyped during grunge
  15. This Friday’s Ed edd and eddy marathon will include the Cartoon Network invaded episode the Ed’s are coming
  16. I only caught some of checkered past launch day but wasn’t able to see it the rest of the week due to dish cutting out Not too keen on the price for dish so we might just switch to Hulu+Live TV
  17. Already checkered past has more effort in its packaging than nick rewind had for its entire Run on teen nick
  18. They seem intent on just spamming koth whenever possible
  19. No you can probably blame that on WBD not giving them more money to acquire shows with…nobody Is gonna give shows to them for chump change
  20. Jason Demarco has not been the team captain of toonami for quite sometime now so I don’t know why you think despite him getting promoted and Gill austin being the captain that he calls the shots
  21. Think we got a little off topic…anyone been enjoying checkered past so far?
  22. No but you said you’d rather have no toonami than one filled with isekai
  23. It will depend on the viewership for season 1
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