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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. for my time-zone Adultswim will start at 5:00 PM and at that point is it even adultswim?
  2. The Writing Staff is gonna need to really improve for season two because i can't really see these characters carrying a franchise even it's best two characters are starting to either get really annoying in the case of Theo or just really stale and boring in the case of Matt(I Feel like that character only exists so they can say We Got Naruto's VA To Say Weird Things!)
  3. Since Viz Media is co-owned by two companies I don't think having one service would work too well... The WSJ Content would greatly overshadow the Shonen Sunday Content
  4. That was last week's episode(Surprised nobody talked more about it last week honestly) Something I Don't get about last night's episode...despite Theo's failure he managed to get the girl and they were kissing by the end we know they probably won't be together in the season finale and she probably won't be mentioned again which makes the decision to have him win her over by the conclusion of that episode bizarre speaking of season finale adultswim didn't air a promo for that so it seems they wanna keep it a mystery
  5. Didn't He Say The Japanese Production Company is the party that makes the decision? They Got MHA Most Likely due to that and not because crunchyroll felt generous
  6. feels weird to see this now when adultswim seems to be moving away from live action projects
  7. toei probably wants one piece on toonami so i doubt they'll price the show out of toonami's budget again there isn't anything better they can put in that time slot and more reruns are just gonna send the wrong message so they'll come to some kind of agreement for more episodes
  8. I Don't understand why WBD pretends to care about toonami and then doesn't do anything to prove it.....
  9. The K-Manga app is dogcrap and more so when you compare it to the viz media app
  10. it's odd that new episodes air every thursday night at midnight(or 11:00 for my time zone)much like primal because this show is nowhere close to that in terms of gore Primal Yeah I Can see why it aired so late at night but unicorn?....
  11. It's not like they have anything better to use in that time slot and more reruns wouldn't be a good look for the block right now They'd have to double up otherwise like you said it'll be a frustrating slog
  12. i don't think the show tied up in Japan is an original
  13. Once we get to dressrosa....one episode per week is going to suck
  14. I Can't really see one piece leaving the block again not anytime soon anyways because Toei still seems to care a lot about american cable tv hence why One Piece was able to return
  15. Yeah that was for DVR Theater...A late night spot where adultswim would air shows like that to fill time although it seems like they no longer have interest in something like that anymore Adultswim is looking for more reliable shows and has no interest in the experimental night owl approach they once employed which is a shame because that experimental mindset is what made adultswim so cool and interesting You Could get stuff like Tim And Eric Great Job you could get frankenhole frisky dingo or bizarre infomercial style shorts adultswim was when the night owls came out and took over....Now though? it's less "Adultswim is this night owl's hang-out" and more like "adultswim is where you go if you wanna watch a couple hours of KOTH" Adultswim used to have more than one show occupy the sunday night line-up with new episodes but now it's just one show gets all the attention for sunday nights and then when it's over something else will take it's place...being the one new show on sundays
  16. There's little reason for me to regularly tune into adultswim because i don't feel like watching hours of american dad or king of the hill I Like adultswim for the adultswim content not for the acquired sitcoms they use to pad out the line-up each night and as such i miss when there was more than one adultswim original airing in a single night when sunday's weren't just "Royal Crackers" or whatever the flavor of the month show happens to be for [AS] at that time when Adultswim's experimental night owl shows weren't being phased out and bumpers weren't so damn boring
  17. At this point it just feels like one piece is a filler show on the block but one that's very confusing because it's never gone back to double episodes even when the schedule has been as lackluster as it is now and it really needs more than a single episode with how crappy it's pacing is
  18. Now we know a day before this...there's gonna be a unicorn marathon on toonami
  19. whatever the show is...This Japanese Production company doesn't want toonami to have it anytime soon
  20. which is a shame because it's very important and sets up events for season 3 without it You'd be very confused
  21. after this sunday there will be one episode left in the season... they really rushed through season one by airing the first three episodes in a single night
  22. You Are starting to get really annoying with this whole "It's A Childish Show" Nonsense
  23. Can't sign up for it on the website though you gotta do it through the app which means working through apple/google.... I've heard they can make subscription services awkward to handle and if you have problems then you gotta contact apple/google
  24. https://twitter.com/MangaAlerts/status/1655936798454071301
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