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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. Yeah it really sucks that some people like me gotta make a GoFundMe page just to afford a decent life pay the bills and actually get food because the system refuses to acknowledge the less fortunate
  2. Raised $200/5000 I appreciate everyone whose donated so far just know every bit counts and it’s going towards Paying the bills plus buying food which is something we desperately need right now supplies are low and I hate that it’s come to this this is my hail Mary play because my mothers already sold off as much she could for us to stay afloat and they only helped us for so long if this fails then I don’t know what we’ll do we were barely able to pay the last electric bill thanks to a friend sending us money at the last minute however since he’s struggling just like we are i can’t count on him to come in at the last minute to keep our power on again.
  3. This is awkward for me to do but me and my mother are in financial crisis so I felt like making a gofundme was pretty much my Hail Mary play
  4. https://gofund.me/a10d93b1
  5. Week 1 is almost over thoughts?
  6. Yahoo rated my draft D+ which I disagree with
  7. Thoughts on draft results?
  8. HIDIVE had acquired it for streaming
  9. Like it or not Nothings replacing twitter/x and I can’t really see there being much of a crowd on blue sky
  10. To me toonami lost its appeal when the packaging got stale and we started to get fewer Tom/Sara segments
  11. Even so I’m not expecting something amazing 4 shows in and I have my doubts most folks aren’t in bed by that time.
  12. Let’s stop pretending that time slot is anything but irrelevant after naruto concludes. Nobody’s gonna stay up that late for whatever it is
  13. There’s a lot but here’s a few. 1.uzumaki will come out when it’s ready and production is going great. 2.he has no desire in toonami airing earlier or more often he believes the current time slot is perfect. 3.no plans to change the toonami packaging graphics. 4.slim chance of gundam witch from mercury being on toonami but he says maybe someday things will be different 5.he already knows what’s gonna replace naruto 6. Things between crunchyroll and toonami seem to change every six months. 7.if he Could pick one western franchise to make an anime for toonami he thinks mad max would be the best choice
  14. Watching one piece on toonami is frustrating because even at two episodes per week. It’ll be years before The Next Story line… things became less frustrating when I started streaming it on crunchyroll. I could get a couple episodes in and then switch to something else Honestly if I had never switched to streaming I realize I wouldn’t have been able to watch Frieren spy family or chainsaw man whatsoever
  15. I think many people here have this assumption that toonami can do much better than boruto at that time slot. It’s 2024 and I don’t think that’s true. Maybe when companies were eager to be on toonami and any time slot was a good time slot but now? I just don’t know who’d be interested in lending out a show for the barely anyones awake time slot
  16. Cable television is mostly reruns these days. A lot of channels are just playing old movies and tv shows That isn’t worth paying so much for
  17. Regardless of what’s in that time slot nobody’s gonna watch it. Fewer and fewer people watch toonami each year so why pretend that isn’t the case? There’s little chance a new show gets that time slot and keeping it around just for more DBZ Kai Reruns seems silly
  18. It’s more likely they’d get rid of that time slot entirely
  19. My problem Is it feels like adultswim is becoming more and more just background noise the network that this Could be any other network and nothing would be different
  20. I haven’t watched it in months since getting rid of cable and paying out the ass just to watch anime once a week made no sense Now I just watch anime on streaming services
  21. There still isn’t enough episodes of most original content so they gotta pad out the schedule with koth/bobs/Ad which ends up making adultswim look very repetitive and boring
  22. It’s a shame because I don’t think anime should just be relegated to graveyard slots on Saturday especially when adultswim struggles to fill time slots Monday-Friday without using multiple bobs burgers American dad and king of the hill episodes
  23. I remember when they tried airing my hero academia as something to close out the nightly programming for adultswim Monday-Friday However they couldn’t even get through the third season before removing it from the lineup
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