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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. That’s very unlikely….sounds like a very paranoid assumption
  2. It’s more that toonami cannot afford much of anything right now…it’s not about every anime sucks currently because that’s far from the truth
  3. Saying you’d rather toonami get canceled is rather harsh….
  4. I used to be quite excited for toonami and now it’s just something I could sleep through without giving a damn because the lineup has become so lackluster and most of my anime enjoyment now comes from weekly series on crunchyroll like Mashle
  5. I think blaming demarco for every toonami problem is stupid
  6. Good bad somewhere in between?
  7. Thing is this was them trying to argue an hour long episode doesn’t count for the prior toonami deal and that they’d have to pay extra An argument that doesn’t hold much water. Its not a movie or an ova it’s an extra long episode
  8. Crunchyroll really didn’t want to give this to toonami did they?
  9. Did this really need to be an argument that went on for several months?
  10. It’s sad how it’s entirely possible adultswim will air ten episodes in a row of koth as the normal schedule one day
  11. Cartoon Network sign off still says good night at 4:00 pm(I’m central) which is weird considering it won’t be night time for several hours
  12. WBD probably doesn’t think they should throw cash at crunchyroll to help out toonami for whatever reason instead they expect toonami to keep operating with a paltry skeleton crew and a lousy budget that gives them no bargaining power when they need new shows. Nothing will change as long as Team David Z feels toonami isn’t worth investing more money into and I still have no idea why he’d be so hesitant to assist the block when like you said WBD initially had these big talks about the importance of toonami and promoted them on various networks but then decided that’s all they were gonna do in terms of help
  13. Not sure why people kept demanding bleach TYBW like it was gonna restore toonami to its forever glory
  14. I’m really starting to think he is that guy from twitter with the meme demarco pfp that rants about how toonami is run by incompetent fools the names are too similar and they act the same
  15. Dude times change if distributors really gave a shit about anime being on American television then We’d be seeing it on more than just a late night block on Saturday’s
  16. Aside from Hulu and Netflix the other major streaming services don’t really dabble in anime that much
  17. Aside from toonami there really isn’t a place for anime on cable television which tells you how much things have changed
  18. No company has any incentive to work with toonami anymore because streaming puts more eyes on a show than a late night tv block ever could….
  19. Those shows were likely too expensive for toonami to acquire anyways I think many fans keep forgetting the toonami crew is a small staff with low funds to throw at acquisitions
  20. Any idea what show is giving them so much trouble that this schedule update was thrown on Facebook so quickly they forgot about the rerun and said nothing about the schedule at all?
  21. I Guess we'll have to wait a long ass time for the next superman animated series then....took way too long to get one after Superman TAS
  22. uh wtf...she didn't request her followers assault the uploader so please knock it off with that crap i saw the tweet and nowhere does she say "Attack Them My Loyal Followers!" or anything implying that
  23. no it was set to premiere on cartoon network much like unicorn but because data showed them kids don't watch cable they shifted this to adultswim although I wonder why nickelodeon/disney still operates as if kids are still watching them(Not Even A Nostalgic Late Night Block for disney channel)
  24. would this show be made more adult in a second season? by the time this show was switched to the adultswim brand they couldn't really change what demographic the show was aimed at what was done was done
  25. I Yearn for when A.I Shit-Posting didn't show us the way to lazy casting..."Replace everyone with robots in the next video game/animated movie/tv show!"
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