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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Just caught up to MHA One Punch Man - love this manga One Piece - is the end near
  2. Happy Bday dude Still waiting for them dank Hentai Reviews
  3. The Nashville Sex Predators
  4. The Carolina Sex Panthers
  5. Nice tell her all about Star Trek
  6. I know that the manga got rushed towards the end so I’m hoping they do add to the anime to let things flow better and get it done the way Kubo wanted or close to it
  7. Just saw this it was great definitely better animation then most of super haha
  8. Could squid games actually win I haven’t seen succession or yellow jackets
  9. The Batman 8.5/10 Good movie great score, action and enjoyed Pattinson as Batman it was a long movie but I dint really feel like it was kept me entertained. Dark Knight is still best Batman movie
  10. Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness 7.5/10 I enjoyed it had some great scenes and battles felt like it could have been better want to see the directors cut Thor Love and Thunder 7/10 It was alright enjoyed the second half of the movie more but still nothing to rave about I guess I had better expectations for it since I enjoyed Ragnarok a lot more Everything Everywhere all at once 8.5/10 what a great movie deft a must see great action scenes story and characters Nobody 8.5/10 man what a surprise of a film did not expect it to be that good. Enjoyed it from start to finish great action flick
  11. Bruhhhhhh It’s alright it’s alright they trying to make an amazing anime
  12. I had warriors in 6 Boston came out strong and the turned the ball over and just couldn’t recover from being down big
  13. Sour mother ducking patch kids
  14. Greatest ESPN commercial ever
  15. We’ll then warriors in 6 wake up call for them
  16. I’ve never ate there
  17. I’ll wait until it’s released at my local blockbuster
  18. Happy birthday get turnt
  19. Lol the nets Boston Looks dam good The West Warriors in 5
  20. Happy Birthday dude
  21. Shippuden 386 Discussion Episode Title: I'm Always Watching
  22. Watch Kingdom too it’s just as good
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