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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Our heater broke 9 days ago and we just got the new system put in today so I'm incredibly thankful that I can do literally anything in the house without freezing my nuts off.
  2. It's funny how the people who wank off the Framers the hardest ignore the fact that this was the last thing on the planet they'd want. Then again they never could have imagined that a sentient pile of pond scum could possibly be elected in the first place.
  3. That'd be interesting at least.
  4. Speak for yourself, I was hoping he caught the 'vid and got turned into toaster oven pork chops.
  5. Heh, that was an all-time Toei title for episode 45. Nice to know some things never change.
  6. I'm sitting here freezing with a broken heater but this conversation is giving me warmth.
  7. Why is he back? ...why is he still alive?
  8. So in other words they were fucking idiots, got it.
  9. I really hope there are blatant Harry Potter character ripoffs all over this thing. It would make me very happy.
  10. He won something at least.
  11. Regardless of what happens, I'm seriously grateful to Rewind for finally motivating me to sit through this. If they aren't able to air R, I'm going straight into it on my own.
  12. You couldn't pay me to watch boxing even in the best of circumstances, and this was probably the worst.
  13. Good, they're coming back just in time for a mass exodus of eyeballs on their ads.
  14. I have a sudden craving for jerky.
  15. 4D chess? The only board game Trump understands is Hungry Hungry Hippos.
  16. Our boy is burning like a million calories per workout. I don't think those things are going to his thighs.
  17. I'm glad you are, but I...can't really say the same. Like Jman said, there's not really anything here, other than a handful of beaten-to-death shonen tropes. It's completely paint-by-numbers.
  18. I'd assume because nearly everyone in Japan gets cremated.
  19. Heh, figured no one would bother with a new thread. Well at least this one had Clancy Brown and...uh...Clancy Brown?
  20. Trust me, I know, but like...let me dream.
  21. I'm not even joking anymore, I want some sort of basic knowledge test before people are allowed to vote. Dumb motherfuckers need not apply.
  22. Y'know that's not doing a lot to disprove my prevailing "masses of dumb drooling rednecks" theory.
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