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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Is she expecting soon or is she expecting in January when they'll actually be dubbing the show? Five months is really stretching the idea of "soon" in a pregnancy.
  2. Don't get much more mainstream than this.
  3. Honestly that's fair. Fena- I like the cute navy guy, how long before he dies? Helloooo hot eyepatch lady. Whales are awesome. I like the cute archer guy, how long before he dies? Chip and Dale here annoy me but I like the girl. He likes whores, I have a chance! Definitely go with the full suit of armor. Alright, I guess the cute outfit works too. I love this dog. Oooh shiny things. It's a rock. I need an adult. Holy shit a lighter! Oh hey, we get an actual clue. Aw hell it's that guy. I can get behind some fightin' wenches. I enjoy that nobody actually seems to like Yukimaru. I hope they teach this girl to fight soon. I hate these twins. Just pick her up and carry her like a sack of potatoes. Shit there's no floor here! He's gonna need a bandaid. I have no idea if this navy kid is a boy or a girl. Archer guy is my boyfriend. Aw hell, cute navy guy is evil. Helloooooooo hot eyepatch lady, again. Hero- I'm gonna fuck your dad, Shoto. Meanwhile, tea party. Don't do drugs, kids. I love dragon waifu. Selkie is the best. Pocket sand! Gee I wonder who they'll team up with. I goddamn love Selkie. Here's your contractually-mandated beach episode. This is definitely the best use of everyone's time while they're supposed to be training for a villain war. Aww turtle. They murdered that turtle. I forgot Nejire can fly. Guys I think the giant dragon might be tracking you. Fog power seems like a really shitty quirk. Seal Punch! How did y'all miss a wholeass plane? Uraraka missile, go! Those Gunhead Martial Arts just keep paying off for her. Uraraka honey you can just float the crates. Good job girls. I'm disappointed we didn't get bikini dragon waifu. I'm sure that mysterious country isn't relevant to the movie at all. Hey look, an obvious tie-in for the movie. Yashahime- I hate you, replacement Shippo. I can also be bribed with gummy bears. Oh, it's this asshole. Now there's seven of these magic rocks? HOOT HOOT MOTHERFUCKER. He just looks like a Pokemon ripoff. Towa is the worst of the girls. Joke's on you, she's dead inside. He would be horrified to look inside my mind. Hi, dream Miroku. Wait, replacement Shippo is a boy? Oh hey, Kagome and Inuyasha. Well that seems ominous. So are they dead or what. Fuck off, Kikyo tree. Hi, Sesshomaru's child bride. I feel like that was a suspiciously easy victory. This seems like a trap. Whelp, you're screwed. Her true form is definitely someone's fursona. She did the thing! Stab her in the face. Towa still goddamn sucks. Oh hey, she's actually doing something right. Here, have a bag of gold. This dude definitely isn't shady as fuck. Food Wars- I don't care about any of these people. It's amazing how quick I forgot most of this arc. I hate every single one of you. I do vageuly respect this big guy who appears to not give as ingle fuck about any of this. I hate Rindo and the fact that everyone seems to love her just makes me hate her more.Green tea kit kats are pretty good. I don't even really remember whiich team most of these people are on. GATOR NO. At least that gator doesn't have to be in the show anymore. I hate how hungry this show makes me. Fuck off, Soma. Don't call him the winner, don't encourage his horse shit. That's a lot of peppers. I've had gator nuggets before, they basically just taste like chicken nuggets. I have the spice tolerance of a five year old, my mouth is burning just seeing this shit. Clover- Just when it looked like there'd be some actual stakes in this fight, everyone who even vaguely mattered was magically revived. Murder them all, evil Seitz. Charmy still best character. It's nice that they took all those border towns offscreen so I didn't have to bother watching it. Oh right, that's the demon that did all that shit. Somebody kinkshame that guy. I hate you, sister fucker. I forgot about the dimestore Addams family. Please kill sister fucker first. I am once again being seduced by Patrick Seitz. Just kill even one of them and you can have me as your bride. Goddammit cat! Dude I'm right here with my big boobs and eternal capacity for hatred you can exploit. Look with your special eyes. I would be the most powerful being in this world with the bottomless well of anger that fuels my soul. The cat's gone now kill them all. THANK YOU. Well I guess I'm obligated to marry him now. I miss you, twink Ryuk. I love seeing Asta suffer. This is doing this for me.
  4. At least we got everyone's favorite feral hog son out of it. He almost makes up for Zenitsu being fucking unbearable.
  5. I can see that point and I imagine it could work well for occasional productions, but I'm not sure how well the co-op method would work as a large-scale industry standard. I could see a handful of productions managing to come together for a series, but the industry overall probably can't survive off of like, five really well-done shows per year. I do think it'd be a benefit to everyone if shows were being made at once (does anyone really need another half-assed isekai harem anime with cute waifus and a dead horse of a story in any given year?), but obviously not to an unsustainable extent. I don't know enough about Japan's economy or anime production in general to really offer suggestions about how to improve things over there, but I feel like there's no easy answer. It's kinda way out of my wheelhouse to debate about market systems in general since I'm still failing the "Stop throwing money at Endeavor figures with excessively fat asses" challenge and I'm not entirely sure the above paragraph actually makes a fraction of sense to anyone else.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. All workers in the anime industry deserve to be paid a living wage, but this sure is a weird anti-capitalism rabbit hole that this thread has gone down. Every single anime production (yes, even your favorite niche art house title) exists at least partially with the goal of turning a profit for its creators. Sure there'd still be some anime being made if the big bad capitalism boogieman wasn't a thing, but let's be honest here that most projects we've enjoyed over the years would have never seen the light of day. I don't think anybody really wants a Thief and the Cobbler situation where a creator toils away for 30 damn years on one single dream project, even if it's not ripped away by those greedy capitalist dogs at the last minute. There's a midpoint somewhere between "art exists entirely for art's sake and damn any concept of overhead control from the industry" vs "the capitalist pigs in power demand their daily blood sacrifice from the workers destroying themselves in the art mines creating anime waifus" and I'm not sure how nerds twisting each other's points to snipe back and forth online is doing any good with that.
  7. I'm sorry, the what?
  8. Tonight's theme is pirates, apparently. Fena- Quit blowin' holes in me ship! I'm already loving that hot eyepatch lady.Howdy, whores. Ohhh, that's gross. I love this dog. I like Angie for obvious reasons. Being broke sucks. I like Fena, she's spunky. Well, it's worth a shot when the alternative is getting fucked by some rich creep. Whelp, this plan's gone awry. HEY KOOL-AID MAN! Aww, they came to save her. The pervert is angry. Shit they can't tell directions. Good luck, fat guy. Goddammit just let the girl lead. Good luck, old guy. This is just my whoresona. Oh he's cute. Whelp, grandpa tried. I'm not entirely sure these guys are on our side. This could be going better. I don't like where this is going. I'm rooting for whoever this is. I hope this is her childhood boyfriend. We're all just looking for a decent man who's not evil. Well this would have been a heartfelt reunion. "Remember the good old days when you'd hit me with a stick?" Good doggy. Oh good, they took the puppy with them. Fuck yeah, pirate dog! Well, that's different. All ashore to the creepy magic island. Welcome to fantasy Japan. Quick question, why the hell are we here? Protect this fancy chunk of glass with your life. Hold it up to the light and see what happens. Here, have a new friend. HAMMER. That is a sweet bow. Hello there, attractive shirtless guy. She is adorable. Calm your shit, Chip and Dale. Where's your glasses, Jin? Yukimaru is hot, date him. Oh, haircut. You have their bow and their axe. Oooh fancy boat. Aww, the old dudes can't go. Correction, fancy SUBMARINE pirates. Chalk another one up on the concussion counter. I hope her whore friend's okay. Hero- Date me, Hawks. It's probably not a good thing that the League of Villains is here too. The kids love Hawks. Well that sounds ominous. This is great because I'd happily listen to Seitz read a phone book. Burnin' is my wife. Tokoyami is a good boy. FUCK YEAH BOTH HARDBOYS ARE WITH FATGUM. I'd also like to be under Endeavor if he's offering. "I blow up my own limbs." Oh no, you've activated his analysis power. Meanwhile Bakugo being his usual angry little bastard self. Shoto is a good boy. It's okay to hate your garbage dad, I love him enough for both of us. He's a surprisingly good teacher for such a terrible person. Bakugo he's been doing this since before you were born. Would I throw myself in front of a truck to get Endeavor to rescue me? Absolutely yes, I can't even deny that. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Shoto. Yashahime- It's nice to see that Kohaku actually grew up to be good at his job. Here, have another pirate ship tonight. You can't fool me Crispin I know it's you. I could go for a burger. You kinda suck, Towa. Kaede's too old for this shit. He's suspicious, stab him. How do you go the wrong way, you just look at the fucking mountain and walk towards it. He's a water bender. Boy you sound like a shitty pirate. Remember Kagome giving absolutely zero shits about leaving things in the past? It's a trap, you fucking idiot. Oh, this was back from the first episode. Goddammit Kagome. I hate you, girl Shippo. How many of these goddamn pears are there? Couldn't you just try setting that bear on fire? Moroha continues to have absolutely zero competition for best girl. HOOT HOOT MOTHERFUCKER. Like fuck is Towa the most reliable at anything. Clover- Swole Asta is still deeply, deeply disturbing. Just kill them all, evil dude. I fucking hate that fairy. Wow, what a coincidence that this guy just starts throwing insults at the old king without knowing he's fighting the lost prince who just learned about his family. I want them all to die. Who's this nerd? "We should use the dead elves' magic for the sake of our kingdom, who did actually kill them back in the day. It's what they'd want." Fuck off Yuno just let them all die. Jesus fucking christ Tink make up your mind, do you want girls paying attention to him or not giving a shit? Am I finally lucky enough to have someone die? Thank you, evil Hawks. He is officially the best character if they're actually dead. Cry harder, Tinkerhell. Goddammit of course I'm not that lucky. Goddammit Dimestore Griffith there were almost actual consequences to this! Half the squad died, but conveniently it was the half made up entirely of background characters who were never given any focus.
  9. I mean, I get doing that if it's a subject that actually matters but these are just weebs on Twitter screeching about the companies that air their cartoons. You'd have to actively try to find a subject that matters less than that.
  10. Fuck yeah, Jojo! Fuck you, Netflix!
  11. Remember, it's always morally justified and preferable to steal from Netflix.
  12. Boy am I glad that my Twitter feed is just 90% porn and bad memes.
  13. That's hardly a new arc. The entire final arc felt like I was in hell for a solid four years of real time.
  14. I mean, Aizawa's a playable character and his ability's probably just as hard to play against.
  15. I hope they put that subscriber money into Ex-Arm season 2.
  16. Mineta being the first explicitly confirmed queer character is both simultaneously gay and homophobic.
  17. Hero- Fun story, we're supposed to know exactly what happened in Deika City because there's an entire arc set there that the anime just decided to leapfrog over and come back to later. You okay there, Fuckhands? Bakugo is surprised to have friends. Haa, they cut him out of the interview. That sure sounds like a lot of destruction. Is that the demon from The Exorcist. I love that Endeavor's fanboy became a meme in-universe. Hi, Mt Lady's ass. Todoroki has no idea what's going on. I love my kids. I'd find "Shut your trap and trust me!" to be comforting if I was stuck in a crisis. Deku is trying his best. Oh no you made the mistake of asking him about All Might. Oh hey, he put out a single noodle of that stuff. All Might's looking rougher than usual. I'd also rather wrap up in Aizawa's scarf than sit in a chair. Well that doesn't sound ominous at all. HO HO HO MOTHERFUCKERS. Everybody's got a different ball on the end of their hat, that's cute. I dont't think he's going back to the guy who died. Uh where's Jeanist? CHRISTMAS ERI OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Oh my god she doesn't know holidays she's too precious. Oooh can she fix Vault Boy soon? Tokoyami no. Awww they got each other's gifts. ERI NO. Next up, GARBAGE DILF HOOOOOOOO. Hi boyfriend! It's me I'm in the show. I'll make good use of you, Hawks. Uhhh you okay there Jeanist? Best Jeanist controls clothes so I choose to believe Hawks had to fight him naked. Hey Hawks whatcha got in that big bag there? New OP is a real banger. Awww Mama. I want Deku's All Might scarf. I hate you, Sliden' Go. I already dislike this shady dude with the laptop. It's okay Hawks I can't handle real coffee either. Hiiiii garbage dilf! Date me you piece of shit. "This'll be great for you, Bakugo. You've both got a personality like a dumpster fire!" There he go. WELL THAT'S OMINOUS. It's too early for this shit. I wonder what his budget is for clothes he destroyes running into battle. Shoto I'm gonna fuck your dad. Hi Hawks! I mean, the crazy guy's probably got a fair point about Endeavor. Do you have a moment to talk about the Lord? I still don't know how Hawks wears shirts. Hey Endeavor why is our boyfriend acting strange? Damn I wish I could read. "Man I hope he can read." OHHHH THAT'S OMINOUS. This ED promises me sad Hawks backstory and I'm here for it. I don't remember making so many horny comments involving the word "daddy" when I wrote this thing but I sure had to remove a concerning amount of them. Yashahime- God I love Moroha. Don't share the reward with your cousins, they suck. How is she charging that thing? "You hurt my butt's' feelings" is a pretty great line. Goddamn kid. I'm sure those are just normal cats and not demons or anything. Welcome to Crazy Cat Lady Village. She's the best. The most adorable demon invasion. And then everyone died. Towa sucks. Calm your thirst, girl. You should probably not trust that guy. Moroha thinks your taste in music is shit. Just find a bunch of ghost dogs to take care of it. FUCK YOU, CATS. Monk dude's totally evil, you goddamn idiot. Just fill the hole, hole filler. Cat demons have nine lives. In a surprise to absolutely no one, the monk is evil. RIP ghost cats. You're dog girls how are you losing to the cats. Moroha is the best. Goddamn furries. Fine kill the dumbass monk see if I care. Great Myoga that's real helpful but Inuyasa's not here right now is he. I kinda hate Towa. That's a lotta skulls. Food Wars- I'll watch it but I refuse to put forth the effort of writing about it for an hour. I hate everything and I want them to suffer.
  18. My two favorite things in life are Christmas and dilfs so this is a great night for me. Congrats on the whole adult thing.
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