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Everything posted by NaBabby

  1. 85 with a fan isn't too bad. My house stays around 50° in the winter and it's miserable
  2. Double masked, hopefully
  3. https://unevenedge.com/profile/1357-sparks_/
  4. When finally we opened the box We couldn't find any rules Our heads were reeling with a glut of possibilities Contingencies But with ever increasing faith We decided to go ahead and just ignore them Despite tremendous pressure to capitulate and fade So instead we went ahead To fabricate a catalogue Of unstable elements And modicums And particles with non-zero total strangeness For brief moments which amount To nothing more than tiny fragments of a finger snap And meanwhile we're furiously sleeping green And the map has started tearing along its creases due to overuse When in reality, it's never needed folds And the air's withholding the sound Of its wellspring And our heads are approaching a density Reminiscent of the infinite connectivity of the center of the sun And therein lies the garnered wisdom That has never died
  5. Just sit down Giannis and take a rest, you'll get em next year, hang back and let Chris Paul dribble out these last few games and take this ring away from you. That's right.
  6. the legend
  7. Today I just walked around the yard and thought about things
  8. I make myself available to all users to assist with their site questions and moderation issues as needed, that's what being a Real moderator is all about. Nothing these fake mods would know anything about. Idk whose name that is blocked out in red there, but I would've gotten them to stop harassing that person requesting assistance, no further discussion needed. That's real forum justice.
  9. Both Giannis and Trae look like they may be out for tonight, or will be playing hurt. Let's just give the title to Chris Paul already and stop with all this foolishness
  10. Hmmm nope, no it seems pretty clear to me as written. I think you may be miscomprehending something here, be well.
  11. Beautiful, making dumpster fires great again, we all love to see it.
  12. I don't think a year of social distancing is enough to cause kids to grow up to be pedos like whatever happened to you.
  13. I'm not seeing any of that garbage that got shoehorned into DF awhile back about the friends, family and ogres of users being off limits re: insult/troll fodder. I hope this is intentional and will also be left out of the final draft.
  14. Terrible news if true Need to go find my old account
  15. He should've stuck with what he does best https://unevenedge.com/topic/11848-i-cant-use-this-as-an-avatar/
  16. My money's no good here?
  17. I'm 5'6, so that's impossible
  18. Why are you measuring your height so often?
  19. Also can I please get a name change?
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