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Everything posted by NaBabby

  1. Sssomebody ssstop me from sssmoking!
  2. Gonna watch Rampage here in a little bit. Heard it opens with a TNA title match... Kinda cool, kinda like oookaaayyy... I do prefer AEW showcasing occasional title defenses of other promotions titles instead of making one or two more midcard titles for the sake of giving more of their guys something to do, but it would be nice if they had like one more belt (not the FTW) I don't remember if this was actually a stipulation of the belt at the time, but when I play that fantasy booking game I like to use a version of the old TNA Legends Championship, with the gimmick of that title being only former world champions (from any promotion) can challenge for it. Maybe they could introduce something like that, given all the former champions on their roster. Basically a midcard title belt for veterans to give them something to do, more exclusive than something like the TNT title which should be for younger guys who haven't been world champion before.
  3. Back when the restaurant I worked at had steak I would love it when someone ordered well done. Wished it happened more. Sucked to have it taking up a burner for that long but loved not having to really pay attention to it or worry about them sending it back because it wasn't perfectly medium-rare or whatever. Customer basically saying "I really don't care what it tastes like or how it turns out" whew, thank you, now I can focus on these ten other things while your shit burns
  4. Wasn't until I had a car with a broken gas gauge that I learned the value of knowing my car had a 14 gallon tank and got ~25mpg Also taught me the habit of clocking my mileage btwn filling up.
  5. More like that sadsack folder is permanently grounded from getting to enjoy any more of my free quality content. Gotta go to one of the three folders above it to get that fix now.
  6. 1 & only! 1-0 -nly!
  7. At this point I want to see Philly run it back with Ben Simmons one more time, let's go. Fuck it young lion, go ahead and overstay your welcome, no one better trade for this guy or I'll be upset at them for robbing us of this season-long disaster in the making.
  8. Driver hands me a $20 and tells me to get gas I go in and say give me $20 worth of gas Only $18 worth of gas could be pumped before it was full Didn't want to go back in and try to get a refund for the unused gas so just left. If you did this with $100 in cash you would have to go back in and hassle the attendant to give you back like $80 something
  9. I'm pretty sure your card has to authorize the amount, so a billion $ wouldn't work, and if you said a ridiculously high amount you could cover, you would only be trolling yourself by not having access to those funds until the temporary hold was released. I did this with cash for someone else's car once and there was like $2 left to go after it was full and apparently that's a whole thing to fix or at least was at this one gas station 10 years ago, I basically just drove away leaving a free $2 in gas for somebody ready to be pumped I am pretty sure.
  10. Looks like the pouch that tent stakes come in
  11. My house is full of different spiders that spin webs, mostly house spiders and brown widows, occasionally I'll see this really small type of spider whose ID idek suspend down from the ceiling on a single thread, and I am more than cool with all of them. I like having them all around my house, I enjoy them, I know they mean no harm and aren't capable of it. But what I can't stand are the kind of spiders that don't have webs being in my house. Big ass wolf spiders. Brown recluses. That's the shit that freaks me out. Scariest one is when I was a teenager and suddenly a large fat brown spider ran across my bed, over the blankets that were covering my body, headed straight for me. Flung that shit off so quick and couldn't find it afterward. After that I moved my bed a few inches away from the walls it used to be pressed up against. Dumbest one is standing outside the college apartment with some roommates who were smoking on the concrete patio, and suddenly this huge wolf spider runs in from the grass right into the middle of where we were all standing, one of the guys is like Aaah! and stomps it, and immediately a million little baby spiders start spawning from its dead body and fanning out in all directions from their smashed mother, dude went AAAAAH and we all just went inside laughing.
  12. 100% They just gave Jake Roberts a multi year extension. Unless he's all the way done with wrestling, he'll stop by and wooo a few times for that crazy paycheck.
  13. Lmao it literally went right from Gage rolling a pizza cutter across Jericho's bloody face STRAIGHT to a Domino's pizza commercial, with Gage continuing to use it in Picture in Picture then holding it up and kissing the bloody pizza cutter over and over... When I read that Domino's was upset I figured they were just overreacting, really did not think it would look this bad lol
  14. AEW has some real shitshow matches, the stupidest refs in the world, endless interference in tag matches, guys who spend five minutes laying down outside the ring until the exact moment it's time for them to come running back into the match completely rejuvenated, and just a lot of stupid antics in general, but that 10 man elimination tag was some of the worst shit I've ever seen in my entire life. I skipped both of the Pinnacle/Inner Circle 10 man matches I figured they would be horrible, but there's no way they came close to being as bad as this mess. Literally what was the point of this? So dumb
  15. https://archive.is/LKyz3 -- More polls show people dislike Kamala despite Joe's popularity. Kamala Harris has become the most unpopular US vice president six months into an administration since at least the 1970s, according to polls. Two recent polls both showed 46 per cent of Americans approved of Ms Harris, with 47 per cent and 48 per cent disapproving. By contrast Joe Biden's approval rating in an average of polls is 51.3 per cent, and disapproval is 44.9 per cent. One of the most concerning elements for the White House is Ms Harris's unpopularity among young people. An Economist/YouGov poll found 41 per cent of voters aged 18-29 had an "unfavourable" view of Ms Harris, with only 36 per cent viewing her "favourably." Ms Harris is also struggling with Hispanic voters, possibly due to her role leading US border policy. Of the 48 per cent in the Economist/YouGov poll who viewed the vice president "unfavourably," the vast majority [40 per cent] said they did so "very unfavourably." Ms Harris has alienated some Hispanic voters by telling people from Central America "Do not come" to the US, while also infuriating conservatives and some independents by taking many weeks to physically visit the border. The only recent vice president to have similarly poor ratings after six months was Mike Pence, but he was not "underwater". According to Gallup 42.1 per cent approved of Mr Pence's performance at that point, and 41.9 percent disapproved. The previous vice president - Mr Biden - had an approval rating above 50 per cent after six months. Before that Dick Cheney, and Al Gore, were in the 60s at the same stage. Even Dan Quayle, the much-mocked vice president of George H.W. Bush, was nowhere not underwater after six months. He had an approval rating of 43 per cent, and disapproval of just 22 per cent, with 34 per cent undecided.
  16. Hey mods, so is the word 'retarded' officially banned now and if so will it continue to be edited out of posts, with warnings by mods to not use that word inserted into said posts? Is that correct? Because that happened. Asking for clarification because I always thought this gave us all the greenlight to use the word. Is it fine or not? https://unevenedge.com/topic/30766-trump-derangement-syndrome-snowflakes-making-meme-a-reality/?tab=comments#comment-526622
  17. Stealing which idea for what? Do you booking sim too?? Haven't caught this week's ep yet but do want to see this pizza cutting bank robber. I skipped the show altogether for a couple months during the playoffs, but came back for Road Rager and every week since then has been pretty good. I loved the Cornette stand-in geezer getting crucifixed into oblivion several weeks back, so petty lol. Almost wish that led to a short-lived faction with his MMA guys just to get a few more ranting promos, but there's way too much going on as it is with their huge roster, and we already have QT's school (for some reason). I have NO idea what they're going to do with the dark order after this Page thing is over, since my scenario of a stable split btwn Brodie and Bray factions is now out of the question... Maybe they'll turn on him once he's champion in service of their new leader. I'm not going to single out any one guy, but there's at least a couple too many ex WWE guys as it is, with more otw... He understands that just because he can afford to pay everybody, doesn't mean he can push everybody, right? I have no idea how they're going to finesse this shit. If they're just going to keep hiring every guy who bails on the E then a brand split damn near seems like the only option. When Christian first joined I thought he was guaranteed at least a transitional world title reign within the next couple years, just for the cool historical stat of him winning the world title of every promotion that's ever been on real TV in America, but that seems literally impossible now with all these guys, idek how you'd do it.
  18. Honestly I'm pretty shocked that this is playing out almost exactly the way I booked AEW in my modern journeyofwrestling.com scenario *last year*, from Omega winning the title followed by (presumably) Adam Page, to picking up Christian, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk.....and now probably Bray Wyatt? If he comes in to lead the Dark Order I'm just going to call myself a witch. Only big thing still missing is a Lesnar-Punk feud...
  19. I reminded her a week or two ago when I saw the announcement and she said maybe she would drop by but that she'd be really busy this week.
  20. I go back to this guy's stuff a lot. Also really like this playlist he put together of random music - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9AGYvuiFH0o
  21. A big fat old retired general gave his searing hot take on Blue Fox News and my jaw is still on the ground. Why aren't more people talking about this?
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