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Everything posted by NaBabby

  1. Nope it's way more people than that.
  2. It's not even close to only 2 Senate Dems, it is virtually the entire right wing capitalist imperialist party. We have two of those
  3. You are seeing backbone, the establishment Dems are standing firm in doing what they want to do and are always going to do regardless of how much their voters hate them for it.
  4. Oh yeah no not if there's a line, don't go waiting in line. They're usually pretty dead for a few hours btwn lunch and rush hour here. It really sucks how this entire country is basically just set up to be a coercive advertisement for fossil fuel consumption, a mandate to either own a car or get run over.
  5. Well, I made it a little further into this one before my face twisted into a cringing grimace and I had to look away
  6. They've been letting people walk up here. Homeless people and carless people and stuff. Not like officially on the sign or anything but it's a thing. A worker even told me to do it when I tried a locked lobby door. I'd say try it and see what happens.
  7. I honestly couldn't read past this, cringing too hard.
  8. Because like you, he can't stand being corrected
  9. Hey remember George W Bush? Florida, the Supreme Court? Remember that?
  10. Really? Really? No you very clearly didn't use the right term. He has absolutely no influence over what he's predicting so it's not a self fulfilling prophecy, in any sense. A self fulfilling prophecy is when you're like "I know I'm going to do bad at this interview, I just know it" or "I'm going on a date but there's no way they'll like me," then you go do the thing with that attitude and those thoughts in your head, causing the thing you feared to happen. Jesus, you really can never see or admit when you're wrong about anything, ever.
  11. We have the laughing react and it's great, but can we also have a simple smiling clown face? You know, for when someone says something that is clearly absurd or tells a corny dad joke that doesn't exactly make you laugh, but you still want to express your reaction to their lame levity without heart-ing, downvoting, or laughing at it? None of those seem appropriate, but a nice smiling 🤡 would be perfect. Anyone else have any react suggestions? Is this even a thing that we can suggest? Surely we have room for one or two more.
  12. O cool. I went to the first link - https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Oak_Ridge/Mentions I was presuming they might've blown it up in a huge explosion or something at some point, but it looks like there's only one real mention listed and no context is provided. The second mention says "Oak Ridge, North Carolina" which could be an error since Oak Ridge is *near* North Carolina, but I'm going to say it doesn't count.
  13. No Fire Emblem? Not even any Pokemon battle music? FFS
  14. Hmm, I'm assuming something disastrous happens to Oak Ridge at some point in Marvel canon, so probably not.
  15. I was video chatting with a friend in Japan who let me watch the opening ceremony this morning. It was really weird and boring and scattershot at first with like a laser light show going into tapdancers and shit, and then all that happened and it was like extra WTF. All the different JRPG music lol
  16. Must also avoid the kinds of reptiles which swallow gators whole.
  17. Harris under water with 47 percent unfavorable rating in new poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/564080-harris-unfavorability-at-47-percent-in-new-poll?amp&__twitter_impression=true More registered voters view Vice President Harris unfavorably than like her, according to a Morning Consult-Politico poll released Wednesday. 47% of registered voters polled had an unfavorable view of Harris, compared to 45% who had a favorable view...
  18. Of course. Have you ever tasted poop?
  19. LA Times article out today covering her laugh. https://archive.is/yuKzi The funniest thing about this story is I can't remember ever hearing Trump laugh, not once. Anyone got a vid of Trump laughing, in any context, ever? In the 80s, while hosting The Apprentice, anything? Of course you don't, he's never done it. That seems way creepier and more offputting than Kamala's show of laughing whenever someone asks her a question she doesn't like. Can't believe this article didn't mention it.
  20. Compiling Kamala news and content here. She is the Vice President and could be the Democratic nominee for President in 2024. Kamala watch starts now.
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