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Everything posted by NaBabby

  1. I don't understand your angle here
  2. Well, that is fortunate for you.
  3. Because of the new rule against anime buttholes?
  4. Why are you specifying Monday? Is it any different on other days of the week?
  5. NaBabby

    y am i here

    No i was just being stepwark
  6. NaBabby

    y am i here

    600+mg gotta hit that third plateau
  7. NaBabby

    y am i here

    em to
  8. NaBabby

    y am i here

    Real posters stay posting
  9. Uhhh wow ok, pretty messed up to say this about her when she doesn't even have an account here to defend herself
  10. I am simply asking what is the higher end of what you could afford to pay, based on what you expect to draw from your pension?
  11. No? Not sure where this non sequitur came from, I asked the question of how much $ you could afford to pay in rent/lot fees every month by not working and solely drawing from your pension, I'm just curious.
  12. How much do I have to donate for a name change?
  13. What's the higher end of what you think you could swing per month? Again just out of curiosity
  14. I understand telling yourself this to stave off anxiety, the idea of financial security is very intoxicating, and you don't want to think of yourself as a sucker who got screwed, but when they come for your pension, and they will, you'll be forced to accept a settlement for a fraction of what you were promised because you have no choice, this is what they do to people. Better plan accordingly.
  15. Happens all the time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/as-a-grocery-chain-is-dismantled-investors-recover-their-money-worker-pensions-are-short-millions/2018/12/28/ea22e398-0a0e-11e9-85b6-41c0fe0c5b8f_story.html
  16. Congrats! Love to hear that. Whatever you're doing after this will surely be much better and make you happier.
  17. What does one of those go for per month where you'd like to live anyway? Just curious
  18. A nice fantasy which you've no doubt worked very hard for many years to elucidate in your mind, but they're going to take it away from you all the same.
  19. Yeah it's definitely the worst vaccine from the least reputable company, but one shot baybee!!! All the places doing J&J are closed today, so I'm going Monday
  20. That's sexist and anti lgbq
  21. That's the one I'm going for probably tomorrow. Just fuck me all the way up idc, one shot no boosters inject it and forget it
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