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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. Do you guarantee it? *runs away tittering to himself*
  2. Morrigan and Cap reveal http://shoryuken.com/2016/12/04/morrigan-and-captain-america-return-for-marvel-vs-capcom-infinite/
  3. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Haven't caught a NYC Ditto yet, got mine in NJ with my cousin who is an apparent Ditto magnet, he caught like five the first day
  4. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Brooklyn is chock full of Stops, no worries there, got one at the end of my block. Park Slope is an intresting area to play the game in, as one might guess. Vulpix seems to hang out near Marine Park, gotta go get more for Ninetales (annoyingly, the most common spawn I saw by the Salt Marsh was just Psyduck, no Karp). Otherwise spawns are somewhat random/mostly common where I am. Sometimes cool shit pops up, but I gotta visit more areas. If I ever see Lapras around here I'll let you know.
  5. http://shoryuken.com/2016/12/03/true-believers-feast-your-eyes-on-the-marvel-vs-capcom-infinite-gameplay-reveal-trailer/ No HUD, but a glimpse at gameplay. I guess we're back to 2 on 2 action?
  6. Looking forward to seeing some gameplay (premiering on tonight's Capcom Cup- https://www.twitch.tv/capcomfighters ), wondering if the control structure will still be like MvC3.
  7. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah that's happened to me, it's cool to know it's a Ditto, that way you can cut to the chase and use a Great Ball or something. Asshole Pidgey still ran away from me though, my brother in law caught him and got a better Ditto. At this point I'm betting they'll roll out Gen 2 in time for the holidays, though I'd also like if they made some rarer Pokemon from Gen 1 more available during that time, since there are some, though many players around here have them, I've never seen in my neighborhood, such as Snorlax. I dun really have the time to go into Manhattan to find things at the moment.
  8. AoT season 2 news, again http://epicstream.com/news/Attack-on-Titan-Season-2-Release-Date-Confirmed-A-New-Titan-Will-Rise
  9. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Best bets for Ditto are reportedly Rattata, Pidgey, Zubat, Magikarp and Spearow. I've caught a Rat one, a Pidgey Ditto ran away (Ditto is the same Pokémon for all players in a given spawn)
  10. Yeah seems to be.. well that's an oversight.. anyways I'm so hype
  11. Am I crazy or.. how do we delete threads?
  12. K got ninjad, lol, deleting my thread I was so hoping for this
  13. HYPE hope this link works https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1679238549033652&substory_index=0&id=1440408039583372
  14. Maybe check Bumpworthy Do you remember if it was b&w
  15. Haven't had much in the way of bubble tea, but I like rose petal teas (like Numi's White Rose) and rose water in desserts.
  16. Ew Well I guess I've had a better day than that person
  17. On the subject of Conan I'm totally wearing this shirt right now
  18. The only people who probably wouldn't say "fuck 2016" are Cubs fans
  20. Yeah, got into it via my brother in law Haven't read Auri's book yet either, he has a copy but I haven't gotten around to it, reading other stuff atm
  21. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/11/07/young-justice-returning-for-season-3 http://deadline.com/2016/11/young-justice-warner-bros-animation-productions-season-3-1201850391/ IT'S HAPPENING
  22. that gif is me waiting for a political conversation to be over
  23. this quiz thing is neat, lotta potential there for board things.
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