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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. No doubt. I just left our bedroom to go to the bathroom and came back and the door was wide open. Mind you, we have two cats that stay back there too, so we always close the door when we leave the room. Disco was still in the same position in the bed, and our boy is still asleep too. Goddamn. I'm gonna have to break out the Ouija board and find out who's fucking around in here. Then burn the house down and move.
  2. last night, disco was on the porch, talking to what she thought was one of the cats on the porch roof. I was walking back home from my mother's house and she ran inside to lock me out, jokingly. i ran to the door to try to make it inside before she locked the door and it sounded like something barrel-rolled across the tin roof. loud as hell. she heard it from inside, and so did the boy. they both came running out and nothing was to be found. i could see the tin moving on the roof. disco thinks it was an owl, since it was not the cat, who was in the front yard. and my security camera inside was capturing a tapping noise coming from the living room. not sure what the fuck was happening here last night.
  3. Lasty made no previous comments on this post, but took it upon himself to respond as if he had anything to with anything in this post, by adding another lame joke.
  4. If we're counting thread sins, we are up one more now.
  5. Could be worse. Could be a dyslexic janitor in love with his hand.
  6. You're looking for a science fiction show with suggestions?
  7. What did you expect? At least it didn't end up like Lasty's lame joke did.
  8. Why do cows wear bells? Fuck you.
  9. Make sure to wash your hands after you take communion.
  10. I see no resemblance of the Undertaker. Maybe Zak Bagans protecting himself from a Pearl Harbor sneak attack.
  11. How sporadic are those sun tiles? I see two in the picture. Are they all over the place?
  12. Yeah, you pulled out the big guns there. You upgraded from cap gun to BB gun.
  13. But no one really interacts with your posts anyways. You post pictures that look like a middle school shop student tried to use some J-B Weld to fix a broken plastic patio chair. Trust me, you aren't a big deal here.
  14. Lasty is looking for a roommate. He likes to lick ass during podcasts.
  15. So, he wanted to tell us fascists are bad as if we were children who didn't understand it, because he felt the need to be the great liberator? Go build another shitty port a potty, you whiny bitch. You died on this hill and you weren't even a martyr, dick snot.
  16. He didn't even get it bad honestly. Dude didn't stay long enough to let the water boil.
  17. Shit. My bad. I didn't watch the video. I saw Mortal Kombat and went with it. My bad.
  18. Abstergo put it there, and it's gonna require up to 72 hours of game play to find out why and what.
  19. I got this game when it came out on the Genesis. It had the best graphics in my opinion at the time. Far as arcade to console graphics go.
  20. you need a break, ghost. go cheat on your left hand with your right hand.
  21. If you don't know the rules, don't play the game.
  22. I really have no idea what you said. Two girls one cup is my answer though.
  23. Every time I'm naked in front of the mirror. It laughs. Little dick mother fucker.
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