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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. It's not like I'm actually going anywhere. But I'd like to go alone and just rest. I need rest. There is no rest here. She can go alone the next weekend. Someone has always got to remain here. At all times.
  2. She wants to feel you....inside her. Also, don't eat, or you'll hurl chunks. Jesus. Is this drunk 101? Also, also, stop drinking cleaning chemicals.
  3. You weren't drunk enough to pull it off.
  4. I want a vacation too. I NEED a vacation. I want to go alone. Just a weekend getaway. Just check into a hotel and never leave the room the whole time. Just sleep and eat.
  5. William Shatner said fuck you. He told me to tell you. He's a personal friend. I'm not sure if he meant it, but that's what he said. I showed him your post and he was like, fuck you. I was like, damn man. Ghost is your biggest fan, and he said if ghost ain't got titties, then fuck you. I don't know, bro.
  6. We don't go half ass. We go all the way!
  7. Why is this even a thread? You could have washed your ass in the time it took to make this ridiculous shit.
  8. What????? The fuck you drying your ass off with toilet paper for? Your dad fucked your mom while she was pregnant with you, and his dick got stuck in your mouth one too many times. And while you're back in the shower, why aren't you washing that asshole with soap? And why does it take 3 minutes? You in there butt fucking yourself aren't you? Raw.
  9. Happy Belated Birthday!
  10. Happy Belated Birthday!
  11. Only hicks get hit by them. Move to Alabama.
  12. I wondered how why this thread had a few comments. Turns out I was right in my assumption. 95% are Stoned commenting.
  13. Glad I don't have network television now.
  14. resurrected


    I thought I told you about those. Yeah, they're still happening on a regular basis. I'm cool with it.
  15. Straight Talk is cheaper. And iPhones are better.
  16. resurrected


    I dream of my town a lot, but it's not exactly my town. There's always shit that's different about it. Sometimes I'm naked, running from the police. My mission in my dream is to find clothes, and escape the town. Also, I always end up in the same haunted house. No matter how any dream starts out, I always end up in the same haunted house. Every time. I progress in my dreams too. Like, when I first started dreaming of this haunted house, I was scared. But now, I'm more frustrated at the paranormal activity in the house. Like, I want to fight the ghosts. But I've never seen the ghosts. Only the shit they do. Like, pulling or pushing me. Slamming doors. Dragging me down a hallway. But they're always invisible. Weird. I know.
  17. But can you skin a buck, or run a trot line?
  18. Well, we went on a boring shopping spree. Got stuff to remodel the bathroom. Bought a new pressure washer. So, I had to do something semi-fun. Bought a book with several of Dickens' works in it. Got a book of George Orwell's works too, for disco. Got her some cool nerd stuff. Oh, and I got the complete He-Man series and the complete Batman TV show and Wonder Woman TV show too. Wonder Woman used to be my shit back in the day.
  19. I said fuck it and went and bought two more Switches today. Just for the hell of it. Now, there's one in 3 of the bedrooms.
  20. That's a good point. Not much out yet.
  21. I've worn worse. I had a fucking "I'm a Toy's R Us'' sweatshirt when I was a kid and I was forced to wear it to school. Nic Cage is cool. It's like my sex life. Gone in 60 Seconds.
  22. I'm a collector more or less. I have all 4 of the previous PlayStations, but when it comes down to actually playing, I go to my Xbox. And since I'm a physical media person, I have to say I'm disappointed in Xbox's lack of a new design for the game cases for the Series X. Just a regurgitated version of Xbox One.
  23. What do I need a new console for? Why wouldn't I need a new console? I've got to upgrade yo. Rocket League lookin' ass.
  24. I found a PS4 controller for disco a few weeks ago. shit was 65 bucks. I can pick one up for you and send it to you if you want. They have them all over down here.
  25. Pretty sure if you got mugged, the mugger would put a few dollars in your wallet and give it back to you out of pity.
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