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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Honey, please go back to school. Love is overrated as fuck.
  2. Nah, even when I first heard the song in the late 90s as a child, I thought it sounded old.
  3. I actually like Wham but this song just seems to have aged rapidly.
  4. Those marbles give me anxiety, just thinking of all the children who ended up with cut fingers in the ER from attempting to get them out, lol
  5. Trying to overcompensate for his hourglass figure . . . and probably something else.
  6. 😂
  7. that one thread in df about rainman 😂
  8. That's disgusting. He fortunately lives on the other side of the state, 5 hours away.
  9. Back in November, about ten days after election day. Considering I live in PA, I guess you could say I got covid to get Biden elected. 😑
  10. Well, here's a mullet of the main character the show is ripp . . . um, inspired by.
  11. I suppose so, considering it's what everyone calls men with shoulder length hair as having one.
  12. I think it's mostly a Korean American thing. I believe it's also quite rare in North Korea.
  13. This coming from someone who wants to bomb Afghanistan from existence because they don't uphold contemporary Western values. btw, you'd definitely be sent to a gulag under an authoritarian leftist regime, for being indolent and insane.
  14. (It was a joke.) Anyway, I like how religion is brought up in Korean media, as there are many Korean Christians, which contrasts with the more traditional Buddhist customs. In Japanese media, unless the theme is strictly Christian, it's rarely explicitly brought up, as Christianity isn't that common in Japan. People are already saying the soldier masks are probably gonna be popular Halloween costumes this year.
  15. The neverending falling guy on the right. I wish I was the smug center one.
  16. Eh, wonder why he decided on making the containers look like Chinese takeout.
  17. I was in the middle of working doordash and had to call support. Once the call ended, it misdialed one of my old friends I hadn't talked to in years and hoped to remain off her radar for quite some time. Fortunately, I hung up before the timer started, but it's still awkward af.
  18. I sense some lumpenproletariat here that need to be placed in the gulag.
  19. But as a half Japanese person who has watched Kaiji, I noticed the similarities and must now accuse the Koreans of plagiarism.
  20. It's a shame they don't sell scary themed sex toys behind a black curtain, considering they are owned by Spencer's, lol
  21. Maybe it's just that black men tend not to like cats? Come to think of it, I don't think I ever met a black guy that talked about their cat.
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