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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. If Guacamole counts, the guacamole from Chipotle. Otherwise, idk. Mustard is my favorite condiment in general.
  2. Or anything involving entertainment. Go back to Britain with Piers Morgan.
  3. I just had a feeling it was him based on his weird ways of trying to make us do "group activities." I think it's something he must have learned in group therapy sessions and now misapplies it to real life situations. Of course, I was still doubtful that it was him, and he was also typing with better grammar than normal . . . but then he had to bump one of his threads and confirm it was indeed him. So, maybe he'll be more persistent next time, but he'll still eventually slip up . . . again and again.
  4. It's all Elon Musk's branding as being high class, luxurious, and eco friendly . . . when I read somewhere that the cars manufacturing processes are actually worse for the environment than conventional internal combustion cars. I think it has something to do with the batteries. It will be interesting to see how gas stations change when more electric cars are on the road though. I'll wait to buy one when Toyota or Honda starts mass producing them, cheaply.
  5. I had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks for the first time in two years today and . . . it just wasn't as good as I remember it being. Maybe having covid changed by taste buds for the better, lol
  6. It's not like it's premium chocolate, for fuck's sake. It's just substantially better than other chocolates you can get at like Walmart or CVS. Sometimes, they have chocolate from Belgium.
  7. Who the fuck are you?
  8. Happy birthday! Don't forget to do a set of kegels!
  9. Was that supposed to be a joke?
  10. That's why we need to allow brothels to operate, so there are black holes to absorb all the excess heat from the concrete, cars, etc..
  11. Agreed. Instead of supporting the nuclear family unit, support nuclear weapons.
  12. Can't wait to see if you're right. I'm seething in anticipation.
  13. I knew this thread was gonna be bumped today.
  14. This woman managed to drive her minivan up a guard rail and get the vehicle stuck in place, tilted upward. The guard rail was in a parking lot, so it's not like she can blame misjudging speed at a turn or something like that. I should have taken a picture, but I thought it would be rude.
  15. How matriarchal and liberal of a thing for you to say.
  16. kegelspasm
  17. Starbucks pumpkin spice has for years now because people were complaining there was no pumpkin in it.
  18. Even though we broke up at the start of the pandemic and many things have changed since then, I wished my ex happy birthday today. We had a small, polite conversation, and that was that.
  19. The fact of the matter is that Delaware still has a small population. There is approximately 2.4 million people in the Pittsburgh metro, more than twice the population of Delaware. IKEA is very picky when it comes to opening new stores. Also, I really don't think most people think of going to IKEA while vacationing. For people who live far away and go to IKEA, it's normally a single-day getaway store.
  20. Well then maybe there will be an IKEA if the population growth sustains itself. Still, with the proximity to Philly and Baltimore, I dunno. People from the entire state of West Virginia come to the Pittsburgh IKEA.
  21. Probably because Delaware has a small population. I live in the Pittsburgh metro and there's more people here than all of Delaware. There's only one IKEA here. They intentionally design it this way. So in your case, they figure people who are truly interested are just gonna trek to Philly.
  22. I mean, the store layout is more European, but it isn't a special experience like say IKEA.
  23. I dunno about that. Many of their knock-off snacks seem bland compared to brand names. It varies.
  24. lol she has good taste. That stuff is from Germany, and they also have chocolates from Belgium and Austria. Imported goods aren't always better, but European chocolates seem to be creamier and richer in taste.
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