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Everything posted by midnight

  1. 25,426 right now, after falling 538 points. S & P 500 and Nasdaq also fell.
  2. I'd never heard of peach cheesecake either. But now that I have, I really want one.
  3. 1. Smokey and the Bandit. 2. Bad Santa. 3. The Jungle Book (Animated version). 4. Deja Vu.
  4. Well, this was a read. Not an interesting read, but a read nonetheless.
  5. Dollar store.
  6. You should take that hair back to Africa and get a refund, because you got screwed.
  7. Looks like she stuck her finger in a light socket. That hair is....yikes.
  8. I don't know, but is this the fuckable uniform she mentioned yesterday? Yikes.
  9. Oh fuck. That is harsh.
  10. Or buttermilk.
  11. Ahh she's always pissed. But nah. If I had pissed her off, my Trix would have had water instead of milk.
  12. My taste buds jack off when I eat Hershey's toffee Nuggets.
  13. Go to hell.
  14. I pity the ghost that's haunting a dollar store.
  15. midnight


    It was. A shit load of bits.
  16. midnight


    $30 bucks and you can kill it at your own leisure.
  17. midnight


    These are sprouts from a very old tree. They are doing tremendously so far. We dug up a few and planted them in the yard. The rest, I have in pots. Pecan trees have both the male and female flowers on the same tree. They are wind-pollinated. There is also some cross-pollination going on. Self-pollinating trees don't produce nearly as much. This tree produces a lot of nuts. A little more insight.
  18. It's a great system.
  19. midnight


    A little of both.
  20. Game Cube runs a close second.
  21. I agree. PS2 is still my favorite console of all time.
  22. midnight


    I was thinking about it, but I kept it long. Just not as long as it was.
  23. Yeah. This totally screams fuckable....
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