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Everything posted by midnight

  1. midnight


    yeah. That happened today. And a beard trim. Been about 5 years since I've had a hair cut.
  2. midnight


    i dug up 45 pecan trees today. Got them all planted in pots. This one tree has mass produced this spring. Thanks disco.
  3. Oh well.
  4. I got Odyssey last year, and didn't know it was coming with it. So, I bought the damn thing separate. Meh. Oh well. I'm only out 30 bucks.
  5. I found several, but several more I still have to find. 101 Dalmatians seems to be the one that is worth the most.
  6. Bed time.
  7. Yes. That one is the original, and the worst one. There is one behind Hardee's that is smaller, and has the best food. Then there is a nice new one, that's two stories, right behind the Walmart super center. It's ok. Just ok.
  8. @1938 Packard, what the fuck is this dude eating?
  9. Which Sombrero did y'all go to? The two story one? I ask, because there's three of them over there.
  10. I was looking at that too. Fuck if I know. Dude came in and got a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
  11. Yes. But I didn't know those were ever censored out. Although, if I'm not mistaken, there were other later edits. Such as the black centaur, Sunflower. Removed to avoid racism controversy.
  12. That guy has definitely diddled some kids.
  13. Unedited.
  14. I have that cover of the Little Mermaid.
  15. True. Fantasia was released on VHS. I have it. The highest one I am seeing is 101 Dalmatians. Song of the South is on the list of valuable ones as well. The most common, like Little Mermaid, that are rumored to be high, are really only worth like $20-$50.
  16. I have checked several sites and all are claiming the same info. All confirm that Beauty and the Beast is not worth that much. There are, however, a few titles that are worth a few hundred bucks. One or two worth 4 digits. Not that high though.
  17. I don't accept worms. But I accept beef.
  18. I want a hamburger. Let's eat some beef, baby.
  19. I have it. I just have to find it.
  20. Make babies and cook me something.
  21. Yes. And Beaver Buster IX.
  22. I don't understand why they're so damn valuable. One of those movies goes for 6K.
  23. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
  24. You can sell them to some of the whores on this site. You would sell out in five minutes.
  25. who has a wad of cash, and wants to make a fantastic purchase?
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