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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Fast food junkie. No wonder you're fat as fuck. You camp out in front of McDonald's in the morning, waiting for them to open, like it's a fucking Black Friday sale at Best Buy. You're the fucker that takes an elevator in a two-story building. Dollar General bitch.
  2. I collect nothing from the government, you dumb fuck. And I have never had to hold down two jobs, so I could pay my fucking bills. Learn a trade so you don't have to have two jobs, you typical, below average, piece of shit.
  3. I don't know why this wouldn't be our business. You talk about your fake mental illnesses. Your STD's. Dick you've sucked. But now you are too ashamed to say where you work? Nah. You work at the fucking dollar store. Minimum wage bitch=minimum wage bitch.
  4. I don't think I'm better. I know I am better. Both of your jobs suck. And you suck for having to have two jobs. Meaning neither job pays shit. I've wiped my ass with your bank account, and still had shit all over my butthole. Broke bitch.
  5. Minimum wage life, yo.
  6. Dollar General. Dollar Tree has standards.
  7. Try bologna wrapped fried chicken.
  8. It is shit. Like this thread. Like the OP.
  9. The colonel was white and did it right?
  10. Make chittlins (chitterlings) for dinner tonight and set her straight.
  11. Depends on the supervisor. I was in management at every job I had, and was never fired. I could have retired with any company. But never stayed too long, as more money from other companies always kept me moving. I had no loyalty to any company. Only loyal to the money.
  12. You will be fired next. Good thing you got that part time job at the dollar store.
  13. I haven't played as her yet. I played as Scorpion, Baraka, and Noob Saibot. Baraka was better in MK2 than he is now. His moves are limited in my opinion. I only played for about a half an hour. I'll give it another shot.
  14. I would like to have natural gas in my kitchen, but the only natural gas in my house comes from my ass, which isn't very helpful in the kitchen.
  15. Or, tell her you want to eat her asshole. She could be a fuggs and want to suck your dick on the spot.
  16. I'd make an introduction first. Next time you see her, say, excuse me, but I've noticed you from time to time, and was curious as to what your name is. My name is Doom. Or whatever it really is. And just go from there. Then wait a week or two, before asking her to lunch. Make small talk the next week or two, leading up to the lunch thing. For all you know, she could be happily married. Just play it cool.
  17. She's getting too big for her bedroom. Literally.
  18. I believe the word you were going for was Stepford. Maybe stop spending money on scratch offs, and invest in a Rosetta Stone. English.
  19. I had two of my nails painted a couple of weeks ago because they are ugly as shit. I need to get them repainted.
  20. @zombieninjakitten, I picked up MK 11 a couple of weeks ago and played it for the first time today. The roster is a lot smaller than MK XL. The move sets seem to have been limited. All in all, you aren't missing much. This game is nowhere near as good as the last one. They kept out some good characters. No Reptile, Ermac, Triborg, Shinnok. Sub-Zero looks like a dork. I am not impressed so far. I went through the first training stages and that was enough for me. I am mostly disappointed that Ermac and Reptile are not in the game, as those are two I play a lot. Also, Mileena is not in the game either.
  21. Tell them to come in for a drink and get them drunk so they have to come back tomorrow.
  22. Since I am old, I am going to assume a remodel, and not sex. So, paint. New carpet. New furniture. New lamps. New wall art. Totally unrecognizable. We are in the process of doing this to our house. The kitchen is almost done. It will be finished this week. Then the bathrooms. Then the living room. The bedrooms are ok for now. Also, have to finish the outside painting that we are working on. Plant. Landscaping. But at least the pool is up, but it must be shocked and cleaned this week. Soon as the rain moves out of the area.
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