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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Close to legally blind. Terrible vision. Near sighted. Sometimes I use readers as well.
  2. Yes really. It was horrible. The food folder is usually dead. Which sucks because I love to cook. I do post photographs on Facebook, and I have a food group on there as well. No one wants to talk about food here. They just want to argue. So, I do all my food talking on Facebook.
  3. Iā€™m not big on photographs. This place is dead because fuggs showed her hoohah. It killed lots of users.
  4. She's waiting on that ''guvment'' check to get there so she can buy some bologna to take on the field trip, no one wanted her to go on. Haha @ living the dream.
  5. Because I don't care about anyone else's problems.
  6. I was going to answer this seriously, but since you posted this in FFA, I will answer it accordingly. Everyone is paid a living wage. It's how you choose to live that determines if you are living beyond your means or not. You complain about not being paid enough, yet you go to hotels all the time to bang some random dudes. You had to pay over 6k down on a car. You have several phones. You are always eating out. You pay your bills. So, you ARE being paid enough. Even more than enough, since you throw money away on frivolous items, constantly. You didn't actually need a second job, but you took one so you can throw away even more money. It's no one's fault but your own for not having a skilled trade. Which would pay you what you're worth. So, you are paid what the company YOU chose to work for, thinks you are worth. There's your FFA answer.
  7. That is a dead turtle.
  8. Haha.
  9. I haven't watched it, but I own the seven seasons that are currently available on Blu-ray.
  10. To answer the post topic, I am lazy today. But not by choice. I started out to get shit done, but then the neighbor pissed me off again, and it's just best for all parties if I don't venture out of doors today.
  11. I think your rebuttal would have had more impact if you had capitalized the important word(s), OTHER and OTHER. Of course, doing a belly flop off the high dive could have a catastrophic impact.
  12. Once, while working night shift at a job, I clocked out for our dinner break, and went down the road to a bar. I got shit faced drunk, really fast. It was boxing night at the bar, and once the boxing was over, I climbed in the ring and challenged anyone to a wrestling match. Some young punk got in the ring, and I choke slammed him, and went back to work. 2 hours after my dinner break was over. No one at work said a thing. I finished the shift drunk. There is a term for that. King Alpha. Top that.
  13. As someone who has severe allergies, I can tell you, cigarette smoke does have a smell. A stifling smell. It messes with me as soon as I smell it. I don't know how this is even up for debate. If the people you smoked around weren't affected by it, well, they are probably smokers too.
  14. He drinks this.
  15. Defeat. Cigarette smoke smells like defeat.
  16. A needle. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
  17. No reason anyone should feel guilty because of their skin color. At least I don't.
  18. And his dad shot himself in the chest. Having been Hillary's campaign manager, that should get him hundreds of votes.
  19. What exactly is the chick in the wheelchair supposed to do at the beach? I want to see that. Also, the Muslim family are showing too much feet.
  20. Yep. Where I live, more like three hours. I don't worry about a post-apocalyptic scenario at all.
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