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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Fuck everyone. Fuck the blacks. Fuck the whites. Fuck the Asians. Fuck the Mexicans. Fuck the English. Fuck the Canadians. Fuck the Christians. Fuck the Muslims. Fuck the gay. Fuck the straight. Fuck em all. Fuck fat people. Fuck skinny people. Fuck aliens. Fuck ghosts. Fuck dogs. Fuck cats. Fuck the handicapped. Fuck athletes. Fuck actors/actresses. Fuck singers. Fuck astronauts. Fuck doctors. Fuck lawyers. Fuck Trump. Fuck Hillary. Fuck geniuses. Fuck science. Fuck math. Fuck you. Fuck me.
  2. ITT: Watermelons and racism. The new weight loss diet.
  3. Some of the people here should have been aborted as soon their slut mom's found out they were knocked up with some stranger's piece of shit baby.
  4. Oh man. This made me laugh. I wish I had the ability to be constipated after eating cheese, like normal people.
  5. English is clearly not someone's first language. Goddamn, there are some stupid cunts on this site.
  6. I am a different breed. Dairy does not like me at all.
  7. I have the shits everyday, because I like cheese.
  8. Your ass was hanging out and you were hoping to get ass fucked on the stairs. The feet you heard was someone running the fuck away when they say the fucking staring back at them.
  9. If white people here are mistreating you so much, why don't you take your ass to another site? You aren't the only black person on this site, but you might be the only black person that catches bans on the regular. Goddamn. Why is everything always about race with you, you predictable piece of fuck.
  10. I get banned twice a month. I go do other shit. Who gives a fuck. I might send the mods a message saying my bad, or it was worth it, or something like that, then dip. It's a fucking message board.
  11. I missed it, but I haven't been on here much this week.
  12. Did you catch a ban too?
  13. She likes getting banned so she can throw out her racist remarks. Because it's white people banning her simply because she is black. Has nothing to do with the fact that she is a piece of shit.
  14. I just picked a piece of chocolate off my shirt and ate it. Not even sure how long it's been there. And that still wasn't as gross as seeing a fuggs pussy photograph. Damn my eyes to hell.
  15. @katt_goddess, since bnmjy is the only one who has permission to post fugg's pictures, can you ban her when SHE posts one?
  16. White privilege? I get banned more than you do. The fuck you talking about?
  17. Haha @ the check wasn't for enough.
  18. What kind of super ice are you using that can stay frozen on the floor for an hour?
  19. The fragrance was pleasant. You just aren't used to pleasant smells. You are used to that pussy fungus smell.
  20. It's been over 100 here all week. Fuck summer. Wait. It's still spring. Fuck spring too.
  21. You just saw fuggs didn't you?
  22. I lost my erection in this thread.
  23. I'm one of her real life friends, shit nugget.
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