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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I understand.
  2. You. Complaining about weight, when you are skinny. Son, I am double your weight, and I can still see my dick. I’m not complaining.
  3. I’m selling buy one, get one half off ass whoopin’s. Act now, while supplies last.
  4. The boy curses sometimes. He gets it honest.
  5. She’s a non comprehending piece of shit. But the bipolar”s”.
  6. Never fart in public around him either. He will laugh his ass off and his volume increases drastically. Dad just farted and he needs to shit.
  7. Oh I know. She is borderline, semi-full blown retarded.
  8. Hahahaha! That boy says the damndest things. There was this old white dude at the meat market one day, and he was cockeyed as fuck. The boy straight up said, what’s wrong with your eyes? I almost shit myself right there. The dude didn’t understand him, and I lied to the dude about what he said. Damn kids.
  9. Haha. Nah. Don’t feel bad. He is super excited that y’all will be back Friday. He’s been talking about it all day.
  10. It was a big help, and you were awesome with the boy. He’s got a new best friend.
  11. Shit.
  12. Dogs way home isn’t a sequel. The new one coming to theaters, a dogs journey is the sequel to a dogs purpose. But all three are by the same author.
  13. I haven’t seen it either, but I have it. And A Dog’s Way Home.
  14. You will have to try harder, fuck face. I don’t like anyone. None of you nerds are cool. When I’m here, I am superior. Fuck the cool kids. Fuck the unpopular kids. Fuck all of you.
  15. This thread will get you no cool points.
  16. You are a bipolar whore.
  17. I only make great posts. Controversial. But great.
  18. will happen this Friday.
  19. So, you would tell your friends what to do? Gotcha.
  20. I don't need a picture to tell me she will kill it.
  21. I agree that she should not be in control of any living thing.
  22. $17 for a twig. That apple tree will be dead in a week.
  23. What's wrong with being weird? Besides, we didn't even ask for help. Stillz said she wanted to. Ask her.
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