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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Ready to play it.
  2. I rarely get bitten. Of course, they have had their fill of my blood over the years. They prefer ''new'' meat. Also, West Nile virus is bullshit.
  3. fixed
  4. fixed
  5. Well...it's done now. You can rest tomorrow. I'm smoking meat and cleaning up and I'm gonna get the handles on the cabinets. Nothing for you to do...until macaroni and cheese. Mmmmmmm.
  6. I have to clean the house in the morning. Just one more night of filth. Haha. I hate a dirty house. But again, fuck that today. I've got nothing but time tomorrow.
  7. They are awesome. I think the ice machine is starting to make ice now. The freezer will take til tomorrow to be freezing. I posted some before and after pictures on Facebook. Just the ceiling is left and the handles to the drawers. But fuck it for today. We are done.
  8. I never joke. Jokes are weakness. I am serious. All of the time. I am a mild mannered sociopath.
  9. You know damn well that I am entertaining. Try to lie and say I'm not.
  10. We got up at 7:00 to get started this morning. We woke up exhausted, and are beyond that now.
  11. If we all drove to Columbia, you'd shit a brick of excitement. Stop hating.
  12. Well, not with that attitude.
  13. I'm probably not going to eat either. The meat is thawed and ready for the smoker.
  14. No, no. We are rushing because the appliance delivery is after lunch today. We have to finish before they bring the shit to us. Also, it's supposed to rain, so that is making us rush even more. If it wasn't supposed to rain, they could set the shit out on the patio, but now they will have to bring it on in the house. We finished all the trim after y'all left. It's pretty easy now. Just the walls. We will be ready for tomorrow.
  15. Haha.
  16. I am fucking exhausted. Got all the trim work done, now tomorrow, get the walls and cabinets painted. Appliances are due to arrive after lunch. We had an awesome time with @Still Me and @lupin_bebop. Two cool people. I am ready for Saturday to get here. Still have to clean the house, after all the shit is done. Our house was trashed today. Fucking nasty and disgusting. But the kitchen will be done tomorrow, and then a good cleaning.
  17. @Balloons did that work?
  18. I remember Mario Brothers, and Super Mario Bros. being in the arcade. It was in the arcades the same time it was on NES. I watched a dude in an arcade hit the invisible blocks, which I didn't know existed until that moment, and went home and tried it.
  19. I remember how no one else knew how to do fatalities on MK2 in the arcade, and I figured Liu Kang's dragon fatality out. I felt like a true bad ass.
  20. I liked him. And M. Bison. Never was a fan of bland ass Ken and Ryu.
  21. I forgot all about Street Fighter 2. Always played as Blanka.
  22. Get ready for this thread to take off.
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