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Everything posted by midnight

  1. You lived in an RV campground?
  2. I own a lot of guns. For hunting. As long as no one tries to trespass on my property, I have no other reason than hunting to ever use one.
  3. When I was in high school, I, and many others, kept rifles in our vehicles. When cops came to inspect the school, and vehicles, nothing was ever said. Of course, I was in school before school shootings became the norm. I live(d) in a hunting community, so we had either gotten out of a deer stand before school, or were going hunting after school. No one was trying to open fire in the school.
  4. That....sucks.
  5. Haha. If you sneeze, you're gonna blow out the back of your pants. Good thing the dollar store has all black uniforms.
  6. Got caught being too Alpha. The principal is a Beta bitch and couldn't handle it. The female teachers wanna fuck you, but they're too old. The man teachers wanna be you, but are not Alpha's. It's a tough life. Not to mention the students who want to get in those pants. Just walk into the office and say, "What bitch? That's what I thought." And go back to work. It'll be fine.
  7. and now I am exhausted. Thanks, disco for planting. Can a lazy Sunday happen????? That would be super nice.
  8. Why would you pay $100 to go somewhere you've been a million times?
  9. No. But I know it was a children's show. It was a tad before my time.
  10. Hahahaha. Lilly white.
  11. Yes sir. I remember all of this.
  12. I was gonna throw out a p*ssy joke, but I couldn't, in good conscious pull it off.
  13. I used to watch Solid Gold Saturday Night. That's how old I am.
  14. I have an ad blocker, so I don't have to see the shit.
  15. Hahaha. I would have went through with it. Fuck all these people who are faux prudes.
  16. For God's sake, get LB a Krispy Kreme. And if you do, I will hate you if you take a photograph.
  17. I feel ya. When I went to Texas, I lived off of Whataburger. It was gooooooood.
  18. Glad y'all made it back OK.
  19. I told them where you live, but, I mean, what the fuck is there to do in Columbia, SC? It's a shit town. Charleston sucks. Hilton Head Island is lame. Savannah is where it's at.
  20. Make the thread. Please. It will be epic.
  21. If you're not topping out at 100 mph, then you're a pussy in a bitch car.
  22. Risking it all for that call center and dollar store paycheck. You will be unemployed and without a license before long. Then you will live on the boards, crying about how your bi-polar bullshit cost you everything, and it's just not fair. And it'll be the white man's fault, or some lame shit. Guaranteed.
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