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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Cancer has a beef with everyone. Goddamn big tobacco and asbestos.
  2. Ghost, I want your first time to be fantastic. Like, I want the girl to scream, "Shove your fucking Enterprise inside my Containment Unit, while I shoot Ectoplasm all over you, Captain Kirk!"
  3. Yep. I have been waiting a while for season 2. We watched Underground as well, but the show was cancelled. It was pretty good too. They cancelled it, leaving you wondering what was going to happen next. We will never know.
  4. You like feet don't you?
  5. Taboo is awesome too if you haven't seen it. Only one season so far.
  6. I came close to buying the complete series on Blu-ray. I have it queued on Hulu.
  7. It's hard to be amused when you're 174 years old.
  8. I'm sure she is. I can't wait for the whole "I got fired because they are racists, and now I'm on food stamps" ordeal to play out.
  9. Also, off topic, but I wish they'd stop making X-Men movies.
  10. I've yet to see Captain Marvel. Hope it is a good one.
  11. Monkey nipples.
  12. Let's abuse them so we can lose them.
  13. I wanna know about the shenanigans at the second job.
  14. That's only the one job. She's the procurer of monies at her second job. Although affluence seems to evade this one. What type of Italian food does fuggs eat?
  15. I don't know. He's never bothered me. Those who don't bother me, I tend to leave alone.
  16. Ice cold sweet tea, or what are we even doing here?
  17. Yep. Way too much grease in that bowl.
  18. Planted basil and cilantro. Lots of sexy happening around here today.
  19. (Sits back with my Orville Redenbacher cop porn).
  20. I was thinking this, but just didn't have the heart to say it.
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