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Everything posted by midnight

  1. You do that, and I'll do dad bod videos. I could have done beard videos, but the grill fucked me hard. Aspirations...gone with the wind.
  2. English is not the first language for this one.
  3. I had a homeless guy come up to me once. Well, I assume he was homeless. Asked me for five dollars. Said he wanted to get a drink. He was honest. I gave him a ten.
  4. Titty milk.
  5. It's not bad. It's kind of long. Worth the ten dollars.
  6. Who's the fattest liar is the better question.
  7. Oh hell no. I'd never eat haggis. I would like to go over there and see where he's from. I forget the name of the town, but I know it's close to Glasgow. My mom tried to go there once, years ago, but didn't have her passport papers in proper order, and was detained at Heathrow in England for a weekend, until they sent her back to the states. But he did say they love Indian food over there. He can't find good Indian food here in our area.
  8. My mother is always making him mince and tatties. Apart from that, not too much else he has told me about sounds awfully appealing.
  9. Sounds like a match made in government handouts heaven.
  10. I couldn't tell what that was in the picture. I thought it was a regular sausage patty to be honest. I've never seen blood sausage. And from the description, I never want to. My mother and my step-father make traditional Scottish meals a good bit, but never blood sausage. He also told me that they don't brown hamburger meat where he's from. He boils it. I've never had boiled hamburger meat before.
  11. Made burgers and homemade fries, with a side of fried pickles. Not sure what's gonna be on the menu next.
  12. What can I say that hasn't already been said? Fucking Sims. I'd be mad. You got ripped off. They owe you three dollars for taking that shit.
  13. Yeah, I think the Scottish have blood sausage with their breakfast. I knew he said he ate pork and beans and tomatoes with his breakfast.
  14. There goes those Amazon gift card giveaways.
  15. This is a traditional Scottish breakfast, or so I've been told by my Scottish step-father.
  16. Our house is paid for. In the past twenty years, the only thing that had to have any sort of repairs was the air conditioner. And that was minor work. Don't pour grease down the sink. Don't run your AC 24/7. Change your air filters. I mean, basic common sense things, and you will keep repairs to a minimum. Of course, I am one of few people that have never lived in an apartment.
  17. That is possible. It has happened before. But you should be thinking about a mortgage instead of renting an apartment. You don't want to rent the rest of your life. You are at the age where a home should be on the radar. Not an apartment.
  18. Linguistics is not her forte.
  19. Then who's gonna babysit when you're out whoring around? Rhetorical. You aren't moving anywhere. Your mom's place is free.
  20. What government check? And this didn't take all day. Took about twenty seconds. Tell me what a schematic is and what semantics are.
  21. S S C E H M E A M VS. N A T T I I C C S S
  22. Awkward is a word I am unfamiliar with.
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