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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I've been enjoying Naruto the last few episodes. It's been goofy but I like it.
  2. Pfft. There's nothing fake about this.
  3. Leaving this here. Apparently you can get the Joy-cons to work on PCs, Macs and Android. Not that I would take them over a more traditional controller but it'll make future emulation a bit easier. http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/3/6/14826924/nintendo-joy-con-controllers-windows-macos-android-support
  4. You might do better with swipe mode. I don't use it personally but I have tried it out and it works better than I expected.
  5. Scrap cable and stick with the internet. You can find anything you want to watch online. It's hard to justify paying a shit ton of money when most of the stuff on television is garbage.
  6. From the fiddly joy-cons, the joy-cons losing connection, the base scratching the screen and the low resolution, I don't know how the Switch is any better than a Wii-U. Luckily for us PC users, Breath of the Wild will be running on Cemu within a couple of months(probably). Apparently it's already running on an unreleased Version of Cemu.
  7. Ah, restaurant. That explains a bit.
  8. I usually just let burnt on stuff soak. It helps loosen whatever and gives me an excuse to wash it later.
  9. Mentally disabled?
  10. As seen on TV product strategy. 1. Invent a problem and convince people they have that problem. 2. Make useless product for said problem. 3. 4. Profit.
  11. I wouldn't call it reinventing. More like a superior alternative.
  12. It'd help if you included the word pizza.
  13. Only if that's what you've know all your life. You'd never go back if you got a rocker. It's like when I first gave my mom an optical mouse to replace her ball one. At first she didn't get the point but now she refuses to use the ball mouse.
  14. I ran into a display of them at Dillons(Kroger where I'm at) and instantly had to buy it. Best decision of my life. No longer do I have to worry about crusty pizza buildup between the wheel and the handle.
  15. I feel that I'm above such savagery.
  16. Nintendo hasn't made anything impressive since the 64. It's all been lack luster hardware and gimmicks. I do love me some Nintendo titles, though.
  17. I have so much to learn.
  18. you're* I take it grammar isn't part of his course.
  19. Toppings tend to ooze out when I try that.
  20. If you've been using a wheel cutter all your life, stop what you're doing and get a rocker. They're guaranteed to cut in a straight line, they're easier to wash and can be weaponize in the event of a zombie outbreak.
  21. Not that know of. I do have pectus carinatum, though.
  22. Sweet. How much did you spend on lottery tickets leading up to that win?
  23. So uh, how about the top end to them batteries?
  24. Can't wait to play this on PC.
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