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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. The guy who just lost family.
  2. Why do you give us this ammo? Is it because you like the attention even if it's negative?
  3. Holy shit Zeni. With those, you can have pizza anytime.
  4. The two should battle it out. There can be only one.
  5. Does heating 4 chicken patties in the oven count? Because that.
  6. Google fiber is nice but HOA? The horror stories I've read. I've heard the older ones can be cool, though.
  7. I'm sure everybody here has seen this but I'm posting it anyway. http://hackertyper.net/
  8. Can't say I'm a fan. I've eaten burnt food but that's because I don't like to waste and my oven is a bitch that hates everything that enters it.
  9. I just don't see the point when I know I'm going to mess it up later. Even if it's snug when I go to bed, it'll just get messed up again within minutes. The sheets get too hot to have them all tucked in.
  10. I'm willing to believe that he thinks the Earth is flat. Just look at how many celebrities are Scientologist.
  11. So in my case, nobody. #selfburn #ohsnapsIjustusedahashtag
  12. Never got the point of making the bed. Like, who is it going to impress?
  13. Things can't suck forever. Luckily your friend is still alive. You and he get through this and then life will be normal again.
  14. That's called a core charge. Most auto part stores will do that.
  15. If you get something where you can hook up the HDD externally, you could possibly do it that way. Otherwise you may have to take it somewhere. Not sure, though. But to take the old one out, you uncover it by either by removing the bottom panel(Or the entire bottom of the laptop depending on model) Take the screw(s) out of the HDD bracket, slide it back and lift it out. That's it. It's impossible to install a new on in wrong. They'll only fit one way. At the very least, you can salvage the RAM out of it. Once you remove the panel on the bottom, push the metal clips to the side and the RAM will pop right out. You'd be doing yourself a favor by learning this stuff. Might as well mess around with the old one if you're planning on replacing it anyway.
  16. Maybe he can't lift 40 pounds.
  17. There's a huge difference between those and installing a car battery. Putting a battery in only takes a couple of minutes and is very straight forward. I seriously cannot believe that an able body person would pay somebody else to replace their battery.
  18. You could just replace the hard drive. It's not hard.
  19. Cable is shit. You probably have a smart phone so you don't need a home phone. Seriously, all you need is the internet.
  20. You can always give Fuggs a call.
  21. I don't think I've ever seen anybody famous unless you count voice actors. I did get to meet cardboard Mike Row in the Kansas salt mine. It was an honor.
  22. A lot. Now how many do I want to eat in 1 day? 0.
  23. And everything goes right.
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