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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. It wasn't anything that graphic. All you could see was a bit of blood.
  2. One thing that amused me with OoT was that I could see the outside of the loading screen.
  3. You do know that most modern day televisions can be used as computer monitors? Not that I would want to. My monitor is plenty big when I'm only sitting a foot or two away from it. I use my 64 on my big screen and even then, I prefer using my emulator for single player games because it has better graphics.
  4. No. PC Skyrim still blows console Skyrim out of the water. Especially with all the mods available.
  5. Just rub some dirt in it. It'll be alright. But seriously, just keep an eye on it in case of infection.
  6. I recall reading that it was made in protest of anti abortion laws. Whoever wrote that doesn't really expect it to pass.
  7. I would have a horrible sunburn.
  8. I first seen this a few years ago and I just keep coming back to it. It's some kind of mysterious effect.
  9. Because anime is nice? I went to watch DBS earlier but apparently they're skipping a week because of women or something.
  10. Sieg67


    Wait, are you a Sim and the player just removed the door?
  11. Pfft. I usually take 2 a day. I have a high mecrapolism.
  12. Next to me means either to the left or the right. You may be right but it's just a weird way to put it.
  13. You have some weird junk. My gentlemen sausage is above the meatballs.
  14. I feel that somebody is projecting.
  15. I've had my real name mentioned in Totalbiscuit's computer build stream by saying mash potatoes make good thermal paste substitute. I can find the video but couldn't tell you exactly when it happened.
  16. I just put 2 on my radiator because my computer was too noisy. They're as good as people say. I got as low as 18C running under 500RPM. Pick those fuckers up if you have a noisy computer. They're pricey but worth every penny. Now I just need to replace my two top fans.
  17. It's almost like we have work in the morning.
  18. Hugh Jackman accidentally stabbed a stunt woman in the arm while filming the first X-Man movie.
  19. Legendary Frog is still a thing too.
  20. The same type of person that goes on a morning court show.
  21. You know he doesn't have an active license?
  22. Or he's trying really hard to justify buying one.
  23. Also note the fight scenes being copied. Or we can call them homages.
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