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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Sooo, not a good boob?
  2. Sieg67


    Is that the 4chan guy?
  3. It's only a matter of time before they release the full song.
  4. I've been watching it. Didn't even know it was a thing until I stumbled upon it while looking for something else.
  5. I feel with our history here, this is probably the worst place to ask.
  6. I didn't either. Then a friend got me the game and now I play.
  7. That's the one that got me.
  8. They kinda just forgot about Launch. Yajirobe is hooked up with Korin and Tien has been dating his Pokemon for years.
  9. Nope. Haven't even tried yet.
  10. I never liked adding friends on games. I like doing my own thing. Sorry.
  11. Or they wanted lots of kids that they can brainwash.
  12. I say if you need religion for morality, you probably weren't a good person in the first place. I feel religion is holding us back. It's telling us what to think instead of how to think. I see it as a way to control and suppress. Some people use it as an excuse to belittle and hate others. I wouldn't say there would be no fighting without it, but ditching religion would be a step in the right direction.
  13. PC gamers are PC gamers because we enjoy the finer things in life. Like higher FPS and hot pockets. I have OW. It's a lot of fun given you get a team that know what objectives are. Shit goes down hill fast when you have people playing it like CoD.
  14. You're just saying that because you can't aim on your console.
  15. I'm game. Here's my dusty rig with carpet that I just noticed should be vacuumed. Planning on upgrading to AM4 eventually once I get other things taken care of. AM3+ is kinda old. http://imgur.com/a/Q4Nc8
  16. I'm a great grand wizard.
  17. There are different RAID types when you have multiple hard/solid state drives in one machine. Raid 0 basically treats multiple drives as one. Like, a single file will get broken up and written to both. Having two hard drives reading the same file will double the speed. The downside is that anything on them is fucked if something goes bad.
  18. Don't know your budget but here are a few builds in various price ranges. You can pick one and swap out parts as you see fit. Also I should tell you that you're going to get a better bang for your buck with AMD. Something to keep in mind if you don't have all the money in the world to spend. https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/
  19. There was an episode of the Simpsons where they found out Homer was dumb because he stuck Crayons up his nose.
  20. Those old floppy drives are still used in some places.
  21. Well, yeah. He's been in space. The final frontier. He has gone where no man has gone before. He has seen some shit.
  22. We don't play on PC for lower textures. 8)
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