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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. You have delivered.
  2. I'm using my sig as a screensaver for everybody. You're welcome.
  3. Facade is alright. It reminds me of how the asmb use to be. Now we just need to get some bear fur wallpaper and we'll be set.
  4. Now it feels like home.
  5. Get out. I always found the pop and soda debate stupid. They both came from the same fucking word. Soda-pop. So there. Everybody is saying it wrong. Especially Texans. Edit: Oh snaps. I just noticed that we got our classic emotes.
  7. Try changing the way you wipe.
  8. Hooray!
  9. I still have one I bought at Walmart about 13 years ago. I gave it to my mom a few years ago and somehow it made it's way back to me. I once to use it to record shows on [as] when I couldn't stay up late. Pretty useful when I lived in Iowa and had to get up to work in the corn fields at 3 am. Now it's just sitting in my living room collecting dust.
  10. It's been a few days since they've been down. I should probably unbookmark it. I'm sure somebody here will mentions something if they ever get brought back up.
  11. I just saw a VCR/DVD unit at Walmart yesterday. It's been a few years since I've seen once outside of a pawnshop.
  12. Darude-Sandstorm
  13. It's actually a good thing. I don't do holidays and I get double pay on Christmas.
  14. Vodka and an Adidas jump suite.
  15. All of them.
  16. I call that going into Jehovah Witness mode.
  17. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-38304076
  18. Profile>Forum Profile>Select upload avatar>Upload avatar.
  19. Just did a reverse search. It's from Bungou Stray Dogs .
  20. I'm going to be a rich man soon. $_$ And before anybody asks "Who?", he's a repair guy that I'm sure none of you care about. EDIT: Time thing didn't work. Stamp is at the bottom of video until I fix it. EDIT 2: Fuck it.
  21. But it doesn't matter how the game is played because in the end, nobody wins.
  22. EDIT: First link went bye bye.
  23. I'm not exactly excited but I am interested in seeing it.
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