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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I wonder how many times he's going to plead the fifth this time. You guys know, that thing Trump claimed that only mobsters do.
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-declares-martial-law-annexed-ukrainian-regions-rcna52926
  3. I'm impressed so far. Good animation and impactful scenes. Seems like they turned Quincys into NAZI's, though.
  4. Not raid related but more legal troubles are coming. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-co-founder-of-the-firm-behind-truth-social-says-trump-retaliated-against-another-exec-who-refused-to-gift-some-of-his-shares-to-melania/ar-AA130ovT#image=AA130lwE|2
  5. They describe themselves as a think tank so I wouldn't consider them a news source. Their first linked source literally says the following: "Vladimir Putin is determined to shape the future to look like his version of the past. Russia’s president invaded Ukraine not because he felt threatened by NATO expansion or by Western “provocations.” He ordered his “special military operation” because he believes that it is Russia’s divine right to rule Ukraine, to wipe out the country’s national identity, and to integrate its people into a Greater Russia." Oh would you look at that. The source contradicts your NATO claims from before. The rest is behind a sub wall. I don't know if it's behind the sub wall but I don't see mention of an agreement here. Another source they provided was a twitter post which lead to this other source. https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2022/05/5/7344096/ It says that during the talks, Russia only expected Ukraine to surrender. Wow, much negotiations.
  6. Already did. That really didn't help it's credibility.
  7. He already explained it. Trump knows "negotiating" just means Putin getting what he wants. Trump wants this because he's gay for dictators. And what is that website, even? I never heard of it.
  8. It has already been made clear that negotiations are not going to work. Putin is not somebody you can negotiate with. They tried. I don't think you fully understand the kind of man he is. Again, either he gets what he wants or there's no deal at all.
  9. Negotiation? What planet do you live on? It's either Putin gets exactly what he wants or war.
  10. I don't know who they think they're fooling or how they think telling outrageous lies like this is going to help outsider opinions.
  11. Things aren't looking good for the Russian military. Here are a few things that have been reported. Russians are being provided with uniforms not suited for anything outside of a game of paintball. Soldiers have been seen entering battle with flip flops. Some soldiers have to share a single gun. Putin is using prison inmates as soldiers. Unsurprisingly, this was a bad idea and is now backfiring. The Russian Soldiers are now turning their guns on each other. In other news, Russians are fleeing Russia to avoid the draft. Estimated numbers are 700k so far.
  12. We've addressed every point and poked holes in every piece of your logic. It really is as simple as Putin invaded Ukraine but you're trying to make this into something more complex. Let's think way back. What reason did Putin initially give to invade Ukraine? His claim was that it was to de-Nazify Ukraine. This Nazi problem has been debunked and I've mentioned this previously. The Russian military invaded under a false pretense and the local Ukrainians told them that there is not a Nazi problem. So what's the real motivation here? The goal is land and power. It's literally that simple. Putin longs for the old days of Russia's glory. At the start, Putin even lied and claimed that Russia was not attacking. What reason would we have to believe anything he says? NATO can't be an excuse because they're not a part of NATO. Putin has always been against NATO because it threatens his domination goals. Hell, Putin's invasion only serves as encouragement for Ukraine to join. If Russia wasn't a threat, there's a good chance that there would be no talks about it. Zelensky is a Democratically elected president. Ukraine put him in power. Not us or anyone else. Who would Russia try to save Ukraine from? The man that they themselves elected? Anything that may have happened in 2014 in Ukraine has no pull here. You complain that the US is prolonging the war. Well, yeah. If it weren't for the aid from us and other allies, Putin in all likelihood would have succeeded by now or at least, things would be going much more poorly for Ukraine. Overall, there's literally no excuse to invade a non-threatening country. They're killing and raping Ukrainians as well as torturing children as young as four. You claim you're anti-war but let me ask you this, if somebody started to invade the US, should we defend ourselves or should we just let them take us over for the sake of ending the war? Let's make this clear, nobody here wants war. What we want is for Ukraine to succeed in fending off Russia. If Russia would stop attacking, this war would literally be over. That would be most ideal. Russia launched a huge wave on Russia propaganda on FB and other social media platforms. I hate to say it but it has had a enormous influence on American politics and public opinion. It's amazing how easily people can be duped and groomed to ignore that obvious in favor of wild conspiracy theories.
  13. All I have? We've discussed this to hell and back. We've spelled everything out for you but you're just going to believe what you want to believe. You're a lost cause. I'm starting to suspect that you're trolling at this point.
  14. There's only one other person here(that I'm aware of) that believes in your Russian propaganda horseshit. Repeating it is not going to change any of our minds.
  15. I wouldn't even say Russia. At this point, at least. It's mostly just Putin. The Russian civilians have made it clear that they don't want war. I think even government officials and the Kremlin is turning on Putin.
  16. https://www.ibtimes.com/putin-admits-mistake-russian-mobilization-wants-wrongly-drafted-men-returned-home-3618657
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/husband-marjorie-taylor-greene-controversial-143729178.html I'm amazed he stuck it out that long. Full blown Q-anon nutcase who cheated on him multiple times.
  18. Yeah, dude was shot and everybody ran out. There is also a video of new recruits being instructed to have their GFs buy them the cheapest tampons so they can shove them into bullet wounds.
  19. reddit. Not going to post the video because death.
  20. I've already seen a video of somebody killing an enlister.
  21. You keep using other events to justify the invasion and the attempted takeover of Ukraine. Peak whataboutism. Anybody should be able to see that invading another country to seize it's land, slaughter and rape it's citizens is inexcusable. Again, nobody here is excusing the wrong other countries may have done. I think we should have never stepped foot in the Middle East but I also think Putin's actions are despicable. His motivation is power. It's why he assassinate or jails opposition, rigs elections and changed laws to make himself ruler for life. He is a horrible person and thinking he's invading Ukraine for their benefit is laughably sad.
  22. You're completely ignoring the other countries who have helped. We're not the only ones supporting Ukraine. I don't know what Russian propaganda sites you've been frequenting but it's utterly and completely brainwashing you. You've fallen victim to Putin's propaganda machine.
  23. LITERALLY NOBODY HERE IS CHEERLEADING FOR AMERICAN IMPERIALISM. We think the Russian attack Ukraine is bad and would like to see Ukraine thwart Putin's effort. If Ukraine wanted to be a part of Russia, they wouldn't be resisting.
  24. Nato is a defense alliance. Russia shouldn't give a single fuck about Nato as long as it doesn't attack it's members. I also don't really see why Nato existing would provoke Putin to attack Ukraine. You're against war but seem to have the asinine belief that Ukraine should submit to Russia to stop the war. It's on Putin to stop the fighting. Putin is now dragging his citizens into a fight they don't want to be apart of. What good is coming out of Putin's attack? What's the point?
  25. They may have a point. I mean, who wouldn't want to be ruled by this stud of a dictator?
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