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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. *Sees prices* Fuck that.
  2. This is an old tactic. There's even an instance of using the dead body of a homeless man to trick the enemy with false information. They put some fake documents on him, some fake personal items and dumped him in a river for the enemy to find.
  3. Never was a fan of changing my oil. I'm just cheap.
  4. I've used them several times before. I did find a ruptured windshield fluid container on top of the ramps yesterday but I can't imagine it reacting with the plastic like that. In any case, I'll be ordering some metal ramps before my next oil change.
  5. I didn't dislike it but Sweetarts also crossed my mind.
  6. Just a couple of small things I read. There have been 15 reported instances or Russian soldiers dressing as civilians and deserting the military. Russian propagandist are having a hard time burying news of Ukraine's latest strides. The main propagandist appeared on TV with bruises on his face. Wonder what happened there.
  7. Sieg67


  8. Sieg67


    The world needs to be reminded of the evil of Bert. Bert is an immortal monster who has been present during some of darkest times in history. He works behind the scenes sowing chaos. His goal is to disrupt the natural timeline to ensure we reach the worst one possible. This motherfucker needs to be stopped. This was once a hot topic but the powers that be are trying to cover it up. I will not stand for this. I will not be silent.
  9. Zelensky took office in 2019 so I'm not sure what this stuff in 2014 would have to do with him. He wasn't even a politician prior to that.
  10. https://www.thedailybeast.com/st-petersburg-officials-demand-vladimir-putin-be-tried-for-treason-in-letter I was wondering if Russia would be the thing to bring down Putin. Now the question is, can they actually do anything about him? Also, how long before these officials start accidentally falling out windows?
  11. For everyone who said, "Long live the Queen", mission accomplished. 96 is quite a long life.
  12. But he needs to be in a huge amount of debt so those who paid theirs don't get their wittle feelings hurt.
  13. Not sure if I really have the resources or the know-how to look deeply into that. I see stuff like this but I'm not satisfied with the lack of real details. I know it's just an example but I wouldn't trust Nike to do anything good. They're famous for using child labor and sweatshops.
  14. I never understood why she is famous or why anybody would give two fucks about her.
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_offset
  16. The goal of the show is to educate and to bring problematic topics to a larger audience. Shining light onto corruption is always the first step to solving it. Would you like to contest any of his talking points regarding carbon neutrality? What exactly do you expect him to do?
  17. Please tell. How does student debt relate to carbon neutrality?
  18. You bitter bruh? He didn't just cancel ALL student debt. He chose to alleviate some of it which I think is reasonable. It's also only one part of a 3 part plan. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/24/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-student-loan-relief-for-borrowers-who-need-it-most/
  19. John Oliver recently did a thing on carbon offsets. They can work if done right but spoilers, they're often not. And of course some companies are switching to electric vehicles which are better but still not carbon neutral.
  20. This is completely unrelated to the thread but I finally looked into what the fuck in in your sig. It's Burmese peacock softshell turtle. You would not believe how long that shit has been bugging me.
  21. I would be shocked that they thought their viewers were stupid enough to believe that defense but they literally are.
  22. So it would seem that he had some secret documents in his desks. Not a typo because it's plural. Multiple desks. https://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-three-classified-documents-trump-desks-mar-a-lago-doj-2022-8
  23. If I had to guess, it's so the Righties on here can't claim source bias.
  24. Just going to pretend that I didn't see this.
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