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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. https://www.phonearena.com/news/twitter-ad-revenue-down-50-percent_id148944
  2. House of Leaves. I'm most of the way through it(A little over 100 pages left) but I still don't know how I feel about it. The thing I can say I like about the book is that it's different and a unique addition to my collection. Formatting it must have been a bit of an undertaking.
  3. Forgot all about this song until I heard it in a book store the other day. Didn't think much about it when it came out but I seem to have a new found appreciation for it.
  4. Knew what this thread was going to be about before I even clicked it. Was just telling a friend about how nonsensical these isekai have gotten the other day and then this comes out...
  5. No idea this was going to be a thing but yeah, two episodes are up. I've only watched the first episode and about to watch the 2nd. It seems to be a remake with some changes. So this is basically just a heads up for those who may be interested.
  6. Makes me think that judge has some skeletons in his closet.
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66174352 TL:DR 66 Year old caretaker who groped a 17 year old acquitted after judge ruled groping done for under 10 seconds is no biggie.
  8. I get up to use the restroom once or twice but can otherwise stay asleep. Helps that I now have a job with regular hours so my internal clock does it's thing.
  9. You've earned this.
  10. So are you afraid of falling out a window or what? It's not hysteria. We're just aware of the shit Putin does and what type of person he is. It's literally that simple. You're just a product of right wing propaganda which often favors Russia. That explains both your defense of Putin and your parroted claims on Biden.
  11. Thanks guys. Sorry I'm a bit late. Just got back into state yesterday.
  12. Not a lot and the ones I did make never really took off. Ironically, my most popular thread here was split off from another thread. I didn't even make it.
  13. At least 4. We have to keep the garage door open at work if we want any kind of airflow.
  14. That didn't take long.
  15. Posting link for photos. It's actually worse than I thought. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-indictment-photos-show-boxes-documents-stored-mar/story?id=99968740
  16. It's a sad set of affairs when somebody like that gets elected to congress.
  17. Can't help but feel like we've gone through this before.
  18. Thank you waybackmachine. This was my 2nd profile. First is going to be harder to find.
  19. Joshua Kramer. I think his username was Jero but I'm not sure. It's been a long time. He had a BBQ place for a while called The Burnt Fork.
  20. Phillip. Oh, we're talking about drinking establishments. In that case, Phillip.
  21. I've been using almond milk. It doesn't start to smell funny before I use it all up.
  22. None. I know a couple of people IRL who have made accounts but I knew them prior to that.
  24. I'm you.
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