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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. If it's worth it. I did three months for Boo before sobriety stopped being worth it. And it's gotta be a hell of a lot easier to like your daughter more than some broad.
  2. Or is it actually a drinking solution, ever consider that?
  3. Lol this reminds me of the other day when the shop was saying they'll pay 20 bucks for recommendations and I was like, "damn, you can't even pay me to make friends anymore."
  4. Oh man, I forgot I even saw the last movie it was so bad. Didn't Luke do some Snake Plissken shit as a distraction that killed him?
  5. Feel better, no one does really. Totally made up by Hunter.
  6. Like Grandma's blanket next to a fire...
  7. I'm lucky I'm off till like Monday. I need to pretend I sleep soon. I think I ate stuff but I don't remember. Bed is the most enticing prospect.
  8. Know what's exactly like food on your fourth day off after thousands of hours of work? BEER. I want some delicious shit but I should probably start out with the vegetable juice... fucking dammit.
  9. I want some food but I'm not sure how long it's been since I've eaten. And I want a bunch of food... shit.
  10. Better than asking why I didn't go to the hardware store to get towels...
  11. Yeah I've had full on conversations when indulged. Though it's better to abstain because one is later confused by my complete lack of memory. Why do people ask you to do shit two seconds after you lift your head?
  12. Happy day, schmaxagnmemnon.
  13. Omg these people keep having birthdays and making me post. I don't like posting obligations.
  14. Omg I'm getting confused with sponges? That cements it, buying beer now.
  15. Oh okay. Well I'm this guy.
  16. Fuck you too.
  17. Fuck you.
  18. The sheer reality of this shit, I eat them outside.
  19. It's not even that interesting.
  20. I can't even believe these people want me to be coordinated to play a video game. I should write a letter to their manager about how the character doesn't react quickly enough to my inputs. The reaction should be at the time I want it, because the reactions that are wrong upset me.
  21. Oh, and the thing about gay jokes was any woman making gay jokes. Every guy I ever knew has been calling their friends gay since they knew what gay was.
  22. Well I think I said here she's the only girlfriend I ever had, so. I have one instance of breakup gayness.
  23. That's cool. Just saying gay jokes were a part of my life being with her and I had to adapt to make them fun for me. It was like being 14 again except I was in my 30s competing with someone 14.
  24. And the gay jokes I made at my expense were so much better.
  25. Ah, okay then. But Boo made tons of gay jokes otherwise, so I thought it a little odd. I'd just prefer to not speak badly of her.
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