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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Cloyster would have made it a smoother line.
  2. Finding a reliable torrent and figuring out how to install it doesn't take much computer knowledge. It's usually a matter of replacing certain files and nearly all of them come with a readme.
  3. You like it shut up.
  4. Seems like you should be able to do that given the whispers I hear of your Kenworth digging skills.
  5. I want sleep.
  6. I understand, I found hapisk fucking his cousin hilarious for far too long.
  7. I have to go very slowly to keep her from waking up.
  8. Such a liar. You'd shoo me away and then you'd smarten up in your sleep and go looking for me. I'm supposed to just sit and do nothing? And if you know a way to not slap your ass when you bend over I'd like to hear it.
  9. I came here to say I hate this. Not really but it's so awful.
  10. I'm sorry but it's impossible for this to fuel a discussion. I can't imagine something so boring. Fuck, I need to buy groceries.
  11. Have you tried not dreaming?
  12. Being able to see Dumpster Fires fills in so many blanks.
  13. Val Kilmer?
  14. I think people are aware of that, yes.
  15. What? It's not like I told everyone about your secret love of Twilight.
  16. I haven't listened to this in so long.
  17. So when do you plan to swallow it whole like a snake?
  18. Holy shit, Lean On Me. I totally forgot the joke i was gonna make about them being there now. Omaha is really segregated so if i saw that many black people at a party i was in north O.
  19. Do i see white people in the back there?
  20. The plot thickens. Perhaps the cat is stockpiling peanut butter.
  21. So they have you leave before bedtime, good call.
  22. Does lb use peanut butter on you too?
  23. Did you molest her?
  24. Like your mouth?
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