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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. im putting on my makeup and my boss calls me...he's like "hey you know that guy that only works one day every other week? Yeah he called in...can you come in an hour later?".....but I'm already up......I've already caked my face in paste not found in nature......... .
  2. oh man one of my coworkers makes the best gumbo....gotta love texas
  3. aaaah ok...i really miss it....the amish near where i lived had a market and you could buy deer, rabbit, squirrel, pheasant...and my mother dated a guy that would give us boar and moose.....i miss game
  4. oh i was wondering when youd......come.......
  5. Still Me


    with tho scars....her career is over...
  6. really? i wasnt sure how frying would take considering how lean it is....
  7. horsey
  8. when i lived in NY i used to make stew with it
  9. then you wouldn't be able to vote... :D j/k but seriously...it's a basic right protected by the federal government....so good luck repealing that shit
  10. someone always get bitten...and hides it....every fucking time
  11. action? You trying to get some bowling poon?
  12. ive never had that happen...I always make my dinner plan intentions clear....like "hey come over this Saturday! Let's hang and I'll cook us dinner"....or "hey I'm sorry I'm running late but I was super hungry...I'm at TB you want a taco?"
  13. i don't know i think it's a luck thing...some get away some don't
  14. na I don't think all spiders do....praying mantis's do
  15. Still Me


  16. you wanna know why fat girls don't wear chokers? Cause you wouldn't be able to see it in all dem folds
  17. what a weird name for a bowling ball
  18. i keep trying but to no vail....some people just wanna be mad to be mad
  19. im not sure which weight I use....but I'm a girl so.....
  20. its kinda funny....but becoming sad
  21. i would eat the hell out of that...but would that be cannibalism?
  22. oh he does....but he gets pissed off cause whenever he tries to get you to play youre AFK
  23. no you cant....you can only buy ONE thing
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