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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org
  2. thats Disney
  3. yeah agreed...duck dodgers bits were fuckin gold
  4. my father like foghorn leghorn...I like wiley coyote
  5. i don't know enough about you and I don't care enough about you to roast you...+1
  6. shut up and go get me a brownie sundae!!!.....lol
  7. yeah but they are really small...plus i would want to make a ton all at once
  9. i live near the asian community and there is this super store they have...and its this crazy awesome place with hella good prices...and thanks to them... ive become addicted to takoyaki.....
  10. brownie sundae
  11. Still Me


  12. yeah I suppose your right..and if she gets pregnant she gets to clean up the mess and you get to be the deadbeat
  13. renegade for life
  14. i have super sensitive skin...like I can eat tomatoes but if the juice touches my skin I break out in hives....or if I touch a fake Christmas tree....some lotions....what's bad is my right forearm is cover in tattoos and I can't see the rash but all the lines will bubble up and become itchy
  15. :D :D
  16. :D :D
  17. naw i like turkey burgers
  18. hey...that's only 3% of their business....so they say
  19. ah super std's....
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