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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. its not being laughed at.....shit we can turn it in to trick bowling...
  2. i think 235 was my best.....but im normally around 195-215
  3. aww why not? it will be fun....we'll all laugh....
  4. and apparently painful
  5. use the bumpers and bowl like a grandma
  6. not to mention they go great with a nice cream pie
  7. i dont like vanilla waifus....especially when they get all soggy and wet....
  8. why you gotta be racist? why cant i have chocolate waifus?
  9. lol dude i dont know who the fuck you are....
  10. lol i dont know....spending 2 grand on dice is where i draw the line.....shit if you spend that much on something you would probably be far less likely to use it....
  11. seriously? mammoth die?
  12. yeah but you would be earning equity
  13. no...i dont know who the fuck you are....and since its 'no ones business' why did you bring it up?....unless youre lying, which is looking like its the case
  14. there ya go...fuckin YEAH.....
  15. lol im sorry i cant drink and handle ten pound balls
  16. im sorry who is your girlfriend?
  17. be specific
  18. keep trying.....im sure youll hit a nerve when you find your big boy words
  19. and you could only buy ONE thing.....what would it be?
  20. you really should stop assuming...
  21. lol....you keep trying to offend...and you keep failing
  22. so fund raising to help someone in need should only be talked about if the goal can be obtained?
  23. suuure.....you feel better now?....what rogue needs you to fight for him? sad
  24. i love playing them....and i do usually win and give the prizes away to little kids....but i love watching people win too
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