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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. "Terrorism" generally is the use of violence to make a political statement or to coerce policy changes in some way. Assuming everything we know is true, it's hard to argue this doesn't fit that bill - even if it's a sympathetic issue. The state will have a more specific definition of terrorism within the penal code, so it'd be on the the prosecution to prove that it checks off all those relevant boxes.
  2. it was literally one incel that everyone hated, and one or two regular Republicans you're making it sound like the first thing a toonami lawyer sees is a pervasive nazi quadrant of its user base, and not one persistent incel stirring up the angry politics folder lol this was all before katt even reached out, but if anything would have turned them off at inception it would have been the nsfw fuggs/whatsherface cooch-offs and present company's repeated use of trans porn to troll packard
  3. yeah luuv had the whole "no rules free speech triumphs" philosophy and there was a problem user of the alt-right variety, but i kinda disagree with your general characterizations of "shady site" and "severe nazi problem"
  4. what does it mean if SK successfully impeached its president and we failed twice
  5. happy day
  6. I'm interested, but also actively avoiding spoilers
  7. happy birthday @GuyBeardmane and @Big_Eyed_Fish!
  8. I do recall him saying that if Harris won he'd end up in jail
  9. You know, that's a good question. I know that there are some folks out there who are into that archival aspect of things, but I don't know off the top of my head if anyone retained a master list of ASMB avatars. Maybe someone plugged into that side of the world can pop in?
  10. https://www.propublica.org/article/unitedhealthcare-insurance-autism-denials-applied-behavior-analysis-medicaid
  11. He said in the Time interview that he can't actually make grocery prices go down.
  12. Maybe grift is a strong word, but I guess I disagree. She was an interesting figure in that she's from the inside and all that background, and it was interesting to hear her viewpoint about him and their ongoing family drama up to a point. Sympathetic figure and the schadenfreude and all that. But the eventual shift to every tweet just teasing the tip of some story about every twist and turn to hawk of her subscription-based website to read the full thing was such a turn-off. It feels like a very Trumpy turn to take, like proof that they are related. But I'm also probably overharsh because I kind of resent that whole chronically online "resist lib" ecosphere that I'm lumping her in with.
  13. I lump her in with the 'resist libs' grifters, those who got popular and then monetized their adjacency to relevance (e.g. the "mueller she wrote" lady). The folks where every other post they make is "[comment about the latest shocking news] and what it means for Trump and Democracy. If you subscribe to my website, you can read my analysis in full." Unless I'm totally mistaken and she's not charging anyone anything to subscribe to her. But people who use that framing just trigger me, it's literally DJT in reverse.
  14. the iranians can have jeff van drew
  15. but also a grifter like the rest
  16. happy birthday @UwPp x @Gemini@Sandstonerock
  17. ken klippenstein published the whole manifesto https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/luigis-manifesto
  18. happy birthday katt I almost wrote kapt by accident
  19. happy birthday @txanimeluva!
  20. My sense of it is that there is some risk of foreign influence both in personal data and in the algorithm, but the absolute ban is probably as much for the benefit of its American competitors and that there are probably much less extreme alternatives.
  21. Article is way longer but here is excerpt: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-rebels-celebrate-captured-homs-set-sights-damascus-2024-12-07/
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