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Raptorpat last won the day on November 13 2024

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Monster Mutant

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  1. The article I need had Ron DeSantis pre-emptive blaming "candidate quality" and I think I saw a headline that Trump is going all in down there, presumably because they're afraid.
  2. Trump pulls the Stefanik nomination to UN because their House margin is too narrow to lose the seat https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5217864-white-house-withdraws-stefanik-uno/
  3. hmmm screen cap if it happens again, and anyone else corroborate if it happens to you too
  4. The demographic shifts between the parties has led to (post-2016) the highest propensity voters being Democrats. I'd expect Dems to continue blowing Rs out of the water in specials and in the 2025 elections, but I think the realities of gerrymandering and partisan averages will blunt any potential waves in the actual 2026 elections (that being said, they only need to flip like three seats in the house so idk). This of course is all predicated on elections remaining largely the same as they are now.
  5. News is happening so best to create a thread now rather than splice one down the road. Election content for the 2025-26 cycle goes here. I've dropped in a bunch of things that literally happened in the past day to jumpstart the thread: Election Administration 3/25/25 White House Executive Order usurps Congress attempting to abrogate state control of elections Utah Gov. Cox signs away the state’s popular universal vote-by-mail election system, requiring opting in Kansas lawmakers voted to place a referendum on the August 2026 primary ballot to replace merit-appointment/retention elections with open partisan elections for the Kansas Supreme Court Recent Elections Democrats in Pa. Senate upset took inspiration from an Iowa special election campaign Democrat wins Pennsylvania special election, handing party control of state House Upcoming Elections Elon Musk dumping millions into trying to flip the Wisconsin Supreme Court, because some states think electing judges is a good idea ‘A lot closer than people expected’: GOP worries, Dem cash dominate tense Florida special election
  6. I'm not sure? The font is showing up to me as default, quoted your post to make sure, and to the best of my ability that screencap looks default to me. The blue highlight just looks like it was manually highlighted? I'm confused.
  7. good luck we're all counting on you
  8. happy birthday @OwlChemist81 I hope it is owlright
  9. weird how they loathe Europe but only want white immigrants
  10. Are they the ones who forgave all the fraudulent PPP loans? Maybe we're in business!
  11. Trump announced student loan portfolio will be transferred to the Small Business Administration https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-announces-the-small-business-administration-will-handle-student-loans-235043909909
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