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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Not really. When he panned IGPX in his post-series review of it on the Trunks thread, I more or less called him an asshole for making me feel bad about genuinely liking it, to which he responded by clarifying that he's glad I like it and that he was just personally disappointed by it. Still kinda wish he had the time to read my clarifications and comments to his posts so he'd obviously see things my way... But I digress. Point is, if you're on the right foot with someone, they'll be more generous towards the things they hate than it may look they are at first glance.
  2. I keep up with both. Go ahead and fight me if you don't like it.
  3. ...Would it be wrong of me to start sharing most of the different ideas I've had for potential anime in this thread?
  4. And here's one last reply to Angel before tonight's festivities. Actually, Sasuke didn't technically block/evade the Amaterasu. Sure, he avoided getting direct damage from it, thanks to that snakeskin-shedding substitution jutsu, but the fact remains that it still hit him/his protective outer layer. Really, when he says that it can't be blocked or evaded, he means that Itachi can't avoid getting hit by it and he can't bullshit his way out of receiving damage.
  5. And it turns out they air the (for the most part) full OP. You learn something new every day, I guess.
  6. In all fairness, they had no idea what they were getting into when they picked up GXP and regretted airing it after the fact. Still, I prefer surprises like that to the more predictable pickups like One Punch Man and JoJo, even though those two are objectively better than GXP.
  7. Well, it is called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for a reason. : Speaking of which... With the tragic loss of Baron Zeppeli and the addition of his teacher and allies to their party, Jonathan and Speedwagon (and Poco too, I guess) make their way towards the castle looking over Wind Knight's Lot, where Dio Brando lies in wait for their inevitable arrival. As with most villains, armies of the undead block the group's way to their ultimate goal, but even if their numbers prove no match for our heroes, does that mean the same applies to their master himself? Probably not. In other news, our heroes deal with the aftermath of the Cell Games, IBO's first season comes to a close as Mikazuki and Ein duke it out in the streets of Edmonton, Gon spends part of his recovery time watching one of Hisoka's 200th floor matches, Sasuke shows Itachi how you really do an unavoidable special attack, Nightmare Luffy shows up to take care of Oars for the remaining Straw Hats, and a giant meteor finds its way on a collision course with City A, putting to bed one of the most cliche crises in superhero fiction ever. 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #97 - A Bittersweet Victory! Until We Meet Again! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #8 - Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #25 - Tekkadan - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #31 - Destiny and Tenacity - TV-14LV 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #138 - The End - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #372 - The Incredible Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Luffy - TV-PGLV 3:00 - One Punch Man #7 - The Ultimate Disciple - TV-14LV Also of note: double Dragonball coming January 7. Super at 8PM with an 11:30 encore to kick off Toonami, and Kai's Buu Saga (dubbed "The Final Chapters") at midnight. And contrary to popular belief, we will not be getting Mob Psycho 100. At least, not right now.
  8. Geez, if you think the DBZ series are dumb, then you haven't seen Return of Cooler. [fuck that movie]
  9. Hmm, surprisingly decent.
  10. I remember when they threatened to quit the anime industry because people kept pirating anime. And they didn't have the balls to actually do it. :
  11. It was better than most people refuse to give it credit for.
  12. I wouldn't really call them fan-fiction in the conventional sense, but I have plenty of ideas that I either have or would like to put to paper as anime ideas. HardcoreHunter[/member] Speaking of Happy To Serve You, is that still going on or did Elfie's salt resulting from Inception being a total douche sink any chance of it continuing?
  13. Oh yeah, John Glenn's dead too. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/08/us/john-glenn-dies.html?_r=0
  14. No one listen to this man, he's delusional. :
  16. Stephanie Sheh > Megami33 > Kotono Mitsuishi > Terri Hawkes > Linda Ballantyne Never listened to Tracey Moore's version.
  17. Of all the things I'd have expected out of this... I did not expect that.
  18. Are we even allowed to post all of these? Or was the "no full episode links" rule strictly ASMB?
  19. Never cared for MDE when it was announced. Still don't care about it after it's been canceled. So does that mean we'll be getting our Korgoth series now?
  20. I'm gonna side with Jman on this one and conclude that Phantom Blood isn't grabbing the normie crowd.
  21. Why do you just assume that FUNi will fifteen the dub for DB Super when they haven't done anything of the sort for the rest of their DBZ properties?
  22. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong at all with how these boards look. Different tastes, I guess.
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