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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. I wanna fug the chick in that thumbnail. [damn you mask fetish]
  2. Well maybe Comcast is wrong for once. Ever think of that as a possibility?
  3. I don't see any difference either. Also, the presence of sigs is on/off for me. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not.
  4. According to the schedule Shelter's supposed to air at 12:30.
  5. From the looks of it, no.
  6. I'm just gonna agree to disagree here. Welp, 2016's about to come to a close. (Thank god. ) And since everyone's gonna be watching the ball drop and the musical performances following, of course it would be the perfect excuse for Demarco to break his "no subs" rule and premiere the first Japanese-language program to ever air on Toonami: Shelter the Animation. A collaboration between EDM artist Porter Robinson and the studio that brought you SAO, A-1 Pictures, this allegedly critically acclaimed 5-minute music video ventures into the possibilities of virtual reality, and how they affect a girl who knows nothing but... Oh, and there's also the end of the Cell Saga too. Probably to make up for the fact that the ratings for the JoJo marathon last week, as insignificant as they may have been, SUCKED. 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #92 - Tears for an Android! Gohan's Inner Rage Bursts Forth! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - Shelter the Animation- TV-PG 12:35 - Dragonball Z Kai #93 - Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive! - TV-PGLV 1:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #94 - Perfection's End! A Fury Beyond Super Saiyan! - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #95 - A Hero's Sacrifice! Last Chance to Save the World! - TV-PGLV 2:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #96 - Combine Your Strength! The Final Kamehame-Ha! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #97 - A Bittersweet Victory! Until We Meet Again! - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #98 - Peace for the Future! The Spirit of Goku is Forever! - TV-PGLV By the way, the lack of the bold function to do anything is stupid, so the underline will take its place until Luuv does something about it.
  7. Hmm. Maybe they'll throw in the rest of the shows once premiere week's out of the way.
  8. >Kekkaishi for babies >multiple TV-14 episodes. Worse than "Y7 drivel".
  9. Okay, now tell us the rest.
  10. Not you specifically.
  11. Look, all I'm trying to say is that an Anime main folder with a Toonami sub-folder is fine, as is a Toonami main folder with an Other Anime sub-folder. Keeping the former structure but renaming the main folder "Other Anime" is just gonna look weird.
  12. Something tells me you don't like shows that require you to think or pay extra close attention. Maybe that explains why you found Paranoia Agent and Moribito boring. :
  13. No one's going to a concentration camp, that's just mass minority panic that only the easily susceptible to suggestion believe.
  14. Ben's not in this thread, so the chances of this being thrown into the dumpster fire are pretty low right now, even if Jman insisting that Dandy isn't funny as if it's fact is really fucking annoying. >(
  15. Aside from jump-starting the "Broadcast Dubs" trend, anyways. :
  16. Well maybe you could enlighten him with something a little less "JoJo's gonna fail all the way through". At least show some hope that Battle Tendency will win back a portion of the crowd Phantom Blood lost.
  17. Yeah, 2009 was crazy. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays, all in one week.
  18. [slaps you] YOU'RE ONLY MAKING IT WORSE.
  19. The sickening thing about this is that both of you are acting like the moment DBZ finishes, all the viewers jump ship as opposed to less than half. It's natural for the follow-up to Kai to loose 300K to 400K viewers, so don't act like this is anything new or drastic.
  20. 1. Bad numbers, as expected. 2. Even more expected, as this was a Christmas Eve marathon. I don't think Demarco will worry about the ratings for this night specifically, since it's practically a throwaway. 3. Kinda funny that the Scavengers repeat actually gained from JoJo.
  21. Really, the only spoilers are the post-timeskip character designs and
  22. Huh, I remember Noike looking much different in her GXP cameo.
  23. I'm jut gonna agree to disagree between you two: JoJo isn't doing so hot and I hope it gets better, and while One Piece's shot at stateside glory has long since passed it's not doing bad enough to justify Jman's claim that it should be removed from the block forever and ever. (Well, any more than Demarco's had to defend against, anyways. S:)
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