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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. 3. Also holy shit we have more smileys. Including the ones from the old boards. [ O0]
  2. Putting Dimension W below Wulin Warriors ruined any chance you had of me taking this thread seriously. That said, best is Eureka seveN, worst is King Star King, 'nuff said.
  3. It wasn't perfect but I liked it and if you disagree then fuck you. 8)
  4. I won't say everything I got (I got a lotta stuff), but anime-related, I got Please Twins!, Venus Wars, and one of the two Michiko & Hatchin soundtracks. Elsewhere in my family, my mom got Nine Lives. I feel sorry for her.
  5. You know, by this point I shouldn't be surprised to hear such pessimistic things coming from you.
  6. The title's fine as it is, don't go trying to force nostalgia that wasn't even that old to begin with.
  7. Yes, she is. Oh, you mean Pepe Lima? I didn't really think of her as lez, to tell the truth. She was living with that one douchey favela gang leader, remember?
  8. His name was Ivan, and even though it wasn't said outright, Atsuko was in fact gay for Michiko.
  9. Yet still a complete manlet. [dodges dog treat]
  10. Fargo (1996). 10/10. Objectively the best Coen Brothers movie, even though Raising Arizona is still my favorite. Also, anyone who gushes over strong female characters in movies and TV today don't know shit about Sheriff Margie Gunderson, the strongest female movie protagonist there is.
  11. Doesn't change its believability any.
  12. Considering all the subtext behind it and nothing in the anime I've seen thus far contradicting that theory, I think it's safe to assume that it might be canon.
  13. Welcome to 2016.
  14. When I say that [adult swim] is the best part of Cartoon Network nowadays, I'm not kidding.
  15. You're forgetting his victories over Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon (after the initial beatdown), Jeice and Android 19.
  16. Forgetting the character development he went through in the Buu Saga, eh?
  17. So that Scavengers short was pretty neat. Very well directed and animated. Wasn't expecting it to be voiceless, but I'm not surprised either. That thing at the end with the girl finding herself in some image of a city was trippy. And of course Titmouse animated this. Those guys are great (outside of that Gucci Mane video). 9.5/10. Oh, and Merry Christmas, to those of you who celebrate it.
  18. I remember reading in a 4chan thread that the Canadian network where Pelswick premiered shot down a lot of stuff that the creator wanted to write into the show, including the use of the word "handicapped", so in the second season the writers created a very peculiar secret message: basically, the first letter of the first word spoken in each episode (or something), when put together, spells out "FUCK YOU CBC".
  19. Alternatively CBS Sports, since regular Jeopardy airs on CBS where I live. In regards to UberSupermansion, having enjoyed the pilot when it premiered I wouldn't mind checking out an episode or two in my spare time. [get brad]
  20. Usually "others" means other UHF stations, like TV Kanagawa, TV Saitama or TV Chiba. Regional stations, basically.
  21. They're both sports shows focusing on a single gender with subtext at the very least between the various participants. I'd say that's comparison-worthy enough.
  22. If he did die, the first episode better open with his hand emerging from his gravesite. Or however you word that trope.
  23. New York, 1938. Nearly fifty years have passed since the tragic demise of Jonathan Joestar, only slightly softened by the fact that his family's bloodline still lives on. Now, the elderly and widowed Erina Pendleton and her sole grandson, Joseph Joestar, have arrived in the Big Apple to meet with old friend and current oil baron Robert E.O. Speedwagon about some recent news of interest. However, matters of a similary important, if not unrelated concern, may wind up being the end of him and the start of a new evil to be faced... The above episode technically premiered last week, but is being covered today because, for those of you daring to stay up during Santa's cross-country trip around the planet, Toonami is giving you a JoJo's marathon. Starting from the midpoint of the Phantom Blood arc, marking Jonathan and his posse's arrival in Wind Knight's Lot, and ending with the premiere of Battle Tendency, as I just described to you above. And book-ending this marathon of six episodes is a special Christmas treat from the crew: the world premiere of Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner's quarter-hour animated short film about a stranded space crew trapped on a planet of creatures most definitely alien. Check out Scavengers, tonight at midnight and again at 3:15. 12:00- Scavengers - TV-PG 12:15 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #5 - The Dark Knights - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14V (personal) 12:45 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #6 - Tomorrow's Courage - TV-14LV (broadcast), TV-14V (personal) 1:15 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #7 - Sorrowful Successor - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 1:45 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #8 - Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 2:15 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #9 - The Final Ripple! - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 2:45 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #10 - New York's JoJo - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 3:15 - Scavengers - TV-PG
  24. Still doesn't change the fact that it evolved to begin with, albeit rapidly.
  25. Not as much as that one about the emojis will.
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