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Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
It’s weird starting a Toonami recording and not hearing the “closed captioning for Family Guy” ident beforehand. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Last time, the show provided actually decent justification for Goku’s terrible parenting skills, and it was awesome. Welp, Krillin’s officially a fanboy now. And, of course, we have Vegeta worrying about his pride as always. Looks like Cell’s trying to go Super Saiyan now. Aw shit, the DVR’s pausing randomly now. Dammit, I was hoping that’d be limited to the On Demand stuff… NO SELL. It’s always entertaining, watching Cell get his shit punched in. The green blood is a nice touch, but awfully reminiscent of The Exorcist. Welcome to DBZ, where everyone holds back their true power level. Wait, when did his blood turn purple? ;D All these strained grunts. TWIN KIENZAN. And here comes the Mankanshokusappo. The fear in Cell’s face. It’s marvelous. INCONCIEVABLE! When all else fails, use the Kamehameha. Turns out the above advice doesn’t just apply to Cell. Good work, Gohan. And there go all the normal people. And then he blasted off into space, where he froze to death. INTRUDER III: This was a pretty great episode. The intruders being sandworms all along, TOM experiencing the strange joys of molecular transportation, SARA becoming a much less annoying version of Navi, and Shogo 162 exploding in five minutes. Say what you will about the Toonami crew, but when they make a T.I.E., they almost always knock it out of the park. With the possible exception of the IGPX Microseries being not as good as the full show, but that’s just personal preference. Whoa, that deflection turned that landform into a desert. Because of course Cell isn’t dead yet. :-\ Okay, so maybe the green blood was just his saliva. More decent Goku parenting skills, everybody. THAT GRIN OF SAIYAN PRIDE. Is Goku just ignoring the fact that Cell’s still alive? Dayumn, Gohan. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! Did he just get uglier? I think he just got uglier. “He’s so focused on power, he’s not paying attention to his speed!” Or his looks. Seriously, fix that nose. And now I know the source of yet another reaction face. HE’S GONNA RALPH! All this buildup can’t possibly be any good for my cold. Hm, so 18’s back. That’s good, I guess. In which Toriyama tells his editor to go fuck himself. SEMI-PERFECT CELL IS BACK, BITCHES. Welp, this should please the inflation fetishists watching this show, if anything else. TOP BILLING: Cell. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE RATING SCREENCAP #1: A nice little bird’s eye view of Wind Knight’s Lot. ;D Well, so much for Speedwagon being useful this arc. Oh no! Their luggage has been stolen by British Tom Sawyer! Which means yes, is now relevant. ;D What the hell is that walking pose even? GRATUITOUS ITALIAN. Wow, sunset already. And now we’re in a zombie flick. Dang, Dio’s here already. SURPRISE ZOMBIES. Love the Zoom Punch. If anything he’s done before didn’t scream “ego”, what he said just now certainly did. How many breads have you eaten in your life? KILLER FROSTBITE. Wow, didn’t expect him to know what he was doing so soon. To Dio, anything involving him being evil is a compliment. Ooh, that’s gotta hurt. , you say? And here comes the backup. The snowman deserved it for singing before Christmas. RATING SCREENCAP #2: A simple shot of Jonathan. Who knew that Queen Elizabeth I could be such a tyrant? Never mind, turns out Speedwagon’s useful after all. Even if his methods are a little on the homoerotic side. : Bloodsucking hair tentacles. Even before STANDS, JoJo sure had some crazy powers. That’s the biggest dagger I’ve ever seen. And now for a history lesson from our dutiful narrator, Senketsu. Mary was awfully helpful for a crazy bitch. Same for Elizabeth being kind of conniving in spite of her popularity. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “I'm just gonna assume this is historically accurate.” Yeah, I doubt Tarukus and Blueford were real people, but the whole “Mary being blamed for the death of her husband” sounds like it’d be legit. “I knew that severed head looked familiar!” Talk about foreshadowing. Why can’t more protagonists be like Jonathan? He can definitely see the irony in this situation. [splash] Dio is so outta here. Of course the dead can speak underwater. SUDDENLY INSPIRATION. In hindsight, Jonathan’s father had plenty of decent parenting moments. Thank god this anime has the sense to give its protagonists above-average intelligence. “Underwater Turquoise Blue Overdrive” is the best Hamon attack name I’ve heard thus far. The “dadadada da da da” at the end of “Roundabout” is my personal favorite part of the song. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS I had a feeling Carta was still alive; that blow Mikazuki gave her mech didn’t look like a fatal one. In which the rain drowns out all the bad news and grieving. Telling Biscuit’s sisters about his death isn’t the problem. The problem is also telling them that Savarin hung himself. Propane convention in Alberta first, giving Biscuit a proper burial later. Orga’s thinking about taking up drinking. Meanwhile, McGillis is really enjoying himself right now. Fuck you, old lady. “Impetuous” is a great adjective to describe a tomboy. Impetuous indeed. 8) I say pull the plug. You aren’t giving up being human if you still have your brain intact after the implantation. And that, children, is how the Alaya Vijnana system came into being, and also what purpose “Gundam” serves in this entry to the franchise. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “I'm guessing this ties into the entire Gundam franchise but goddamn do I not care.” Actually the Gundam franchise spans across different universes, so it’s not like they’re all interconnected in respects outside the name “Gundam”. IBO’s just one of several universes all their own, so you don’t need to understand the rest of Gundam to understand it specifically. Fucking around with GIS. That’s a good explanation for them sneaking under their radar. Another Gundam, I bet. Like a roast from Satan would go over well… They actually put nutritional facts on that stock waterbottle. God, I love the little things in these shows. The black man says STFU. Clearly the solution to getting Orga out of his depression is for Merribit to have sex with him. Or you could have Mikazuki fix things, that works too. We going to Alaska now? Hm, so trains are for the most part extinct in this future, then. And that’s why Kudelia’s the third main character. I can’t stop staring at Makanai’s crazy beard. Almost compensates for his regular-sounding name. I also can’t stop staring at the hole where Sydney used to be. What a generous means of building up your own harem. “Maybe he should just be alone for now.” “He’s been alone long enough.” But what was the rest of the sentence? “Make Tekkadan Great Again?” I’m gonna believe that’s what he said. And then Mikazuki fixed things. Or at least, he tried to. “You’re gonna take me, aren’t you?” Okay, things just got slightly gayer. Of course that little pep talk would work. Technically Biscuit’s still in that body bag in the cargo, but I digress. And for Fumitan also. Stay out of this, Merribit, we already know you’re jealous that you weren’t able to fuck Orga back to normal. Ah, rural Alaska. Ain’t it beautiful? I love you, crazy ice-sculpting Grandma. HUNTER x HUNTER Fuck yes new expositionary cold open. Wing reminds me an awful lot of someone I know online, only explicitly hetero. “Fling”? Oh, Flame. Huh, that sounds simpler than I expected it to be. But is the posing really necessary? Aaaaaand his shirt’s still untucked. That stare would be enough to knock a normal person out cold. REVERSE COCKROACH POSE. Well that was an exciting lesson. Wait, so was what he was saying a lie, or was there more to it than just what he said? ;D I think you were a little too rough on him there. Either that or he’s super-resilient. Yup, lie it is. Okay, this real Nen looks pretty damn awesome in and of itself. Poor Zushi… Their opponents are a kung-fu Cylon and a greased-up masked wrestler. ONLY IN THE HEAVEN’S TOWER. Jennifer Aniston: Grinch of the Year. And if you’ve seen How I Met Your Mother, you’d know that I don’t really mean “Grinch”. FLAWLESS VICTORY x2. To floor 200! It’s like he wasn’t even there to begin with… Fancy elevator. I love marble walls and checkerboard-patterned floors. The red carpeting for the floor itself also looks nice. Gentlemen… BEHOLD! THE HALLWAY OF YOUR DOOM! Turns out it was just an ordinary clerk. ;D SUDDENLY HISOKA. That is some intense Nen I’m sure they’re feeling. Oh hi Wing. Ah, so it was a semi-lie. 3 hours and 30 minutes left. That should be enough. I had a feeling all those phrases would involve different kanji readings. Okay, so Nen is less like Chakra and more like Haki. Some poor contractor sure has his work cut out for him. Bestiality: not just for humans anymore. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN I never really thought of Itachi as one to paint his nails. Maybe it’s something that comes with being an Akatsuki. GOROU SESSHA SAKUGA SPOTTED. No way, Sasuke used to be upbeat? And kawaii too? Unthinkable. “Gah! My leg!” Okay, what trouble did he get in with the ANBU? I think you mean, “the mission is classified”. Before he had brother issues, Sasuke had daddy issues also. I take it these guys are extended family, they all have the Uchiha popped collar. Ooh, a suicide note. Well, that meeting went over better than expected. …Or not. And that was the first time Itachi got pleasure out of harming family members. It’s criminal that Crispin Freeman isn’t in as much anime as he used to be. Shut up, young Sasuke. “I’m truly sorry.” [coughbullshitcough] IT BEGINS. So what’s great about this DBZ/One Piece crossover game again? Holy crap, I’m more considerate towards my own parents than Itachi is towards his. REVEEEEEEEEEEEENGE! I will never forget the first time I saw them flashback to the Uchiha massacre and my biggest takeaway was that they had a TV set. And that’s how Sasuke became the edgemaster he is today. How did I not notice that his cloak had the popped collar until now? Seems like an awfully specific condition for eye hax. But who else has the Mangekyo Sharingan besides Itachi? Welp, here it is. The moment most have you have been waiting for, ready to get it over with. GOROU SESSHA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Wow, that was easier than I expected. I-Is that a gang sign? Nope, just an indicator of genjutsu, should’ve figured. Or maybe it was a crow clone, probably one of the weirder clone types out of this show. [teleports behind you] Pssh… Nothin’ personnel, kid. [stab] Alright, so it really was genjutsu all along. I don’t know whether to call Sasuke asking the same question as me predictable or deductive reasoning. Either ways, BOO YEAH. Wait, who are you going to kill? My DVR glitched right when you said it. Okay, all these DVR glitches are ruining the tension. Only now, Sasuke’s heard of him and he cares. He cares lots. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “An entire episode of Uchiha angst is hard to sit through.” And yet you made it. How’d they even get a black panther on set? ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Moria. I personally believe Kuma’s “small talk” was more than just small talk. Meanwhile, Doppelman’s still the worst character this arc, besides Perona’s chipmunk minions and that damned koala man. “I’ve been bamboozled!” FUCKING DOPPELMAN. He says the sun’s gonna melt him, but his imagination showed him disintegrating. Different means of obliteration, Luffy! Whenever Zoro sees a challenge, do you think he’s gonna back down from it? FUCK YEAH ZORO. And then the step-dance of death. Sometimes I forget that Franky has those huge pillar nunchuks with him. NAOKI TATE SAKUGA SPOTTED. ;D Not even Zoro saw that one coming. Well at least part of the slash hit him. The tone of Usopp’s voice does not match how wide he’s opening his mouth. BELIEVE IN LUFFY. Yeah, but it’s not like Absalom and Perona are gonna fight Luffy, considering one’s getting reverse-raped right now and the other just disappeared from the face of the earth. So disintegration is melting, then? Thanks, fog. Thog. Yes, blame it on Oars, see where that gets you. Okay show, you made me curious as to what these two guys look like. I forgot all about Moria’s annoying minions. :-\ Those are some huge men. Uh… what. (It’s up to you what ad I’m talking about.) I knew it, the small talk wasn’t just small talk after all. Oh hey, it’s that guy who fought Ace last year. But aren’t the Straw Hats already on Thriller Bark? Moria takes offense to… pretty much all of that. It’s always satisfying to watch Lucci get his shit punched in. No way, he was hiding inside Oars this entire time? It’s perfectly natural to blame Hogback for any weird body mods. Goddammit, more DVR glitches. ;D Robot!Oars is the greatest thing. SUDDENLY CHOPPERMAN. [sigh] If only I knew how to bring up the closed captions on my HDTV… FUCK YEAH BROOK. Huh, new FUNimation logo music. That’s odd. Welp, guess I’m rewatching this On Demand next week. [glitches suck] -
New Steven Universe tonight, and it's a full length Special
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Movies & Television
Shut up, mochi, America's not gonna go down the tubes like you think it is. Also, if I even watched Steven Universe, let alone was a fan of it, I would've ignored the political allegories in favor of the fact that Steven's uncle was voiced by Carl from ATHF. [tonight!] -
Has Tite Kubo been blacklisted from the manga industry?
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Anime & Manga
Actually, we refer to her as Angel. -
March Comes In Like a Lion 4
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Technically yes, but you get my point. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Wind Knight's Lot: a small seaside town in rural England with a population numbering less than 1,000 residents, and also the current whereabouts of the evil vampire Dio Brando. With their arrival in the village, Jonathan, Zeppeli and Speedwagon prepare to do battle with Dio and bring an end to his reign of terror, right here and now. But even with Hamon on their side, defeating Dio will prove no easy task, especially when he has backup... Elsewhere on Toonami, TOM goes down into the Vindication Base's basement in search of the all-new all-different Intruder, Cell pulls out almost every attack in his arsenal to combat the wrath of SSJ2 Gohan, Tekkadan maps out their route to the propane convention parliamentary session in Alberta while grieving over Biscuit, Wing teaches Gon and Killua the basics of their universe's equivalent to chakra, Sasuke and Itachi have their fated battle in the ruins of the old Uchiha hideout, Zoro gets serious against Oars while Kuma offers his assistance to fellow warlord Moria, and Saitama hunts down a group of Bernie supporters for giving bald people a bad name. 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #94 - Perfection's End! A Fury Beyond Super Saiyan! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #5 - The Dark Knights - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14V (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #22 - Not Yet Home - TV-PGL 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #28 - Nen and Nen - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #135 - The Longest Moment - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #369 - Oars + Moria! The Most Heinous Combination of Brains and Brawn - TV-PGL 3:00 - One Punch Man #4 - The Modern Ninja - TV-14LV Also, this. [respek one punch] -
collar6 is the only one I bother to keep up to date with nowadays, but I always check out Nedroid if the opportunity arises.
Cartoon Network is losing Pokémon to Disney XD
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Anime & Manga
[as] and Toonami are the only good things about Cartoon Network nowadays. -
Welp, this thread's a goner.
Kuromukuro 4
Bah, like I care what Tumblr thinks.
The whole "[as] hates women" thing is a load of bullshit. If they hated women, they wouldn't have hired Kim Manning.
Is it wrong to just not care if something's whitewashed or not?
Oreim-O! It's showtime! Episode 27: Little Sisters Can't Barge In On Their Brother Who Lives Alone Our official return to everyone's favorite aniki-imouto bonding series on an all-new, all-different ASMB starts out with Kyosuke and Kirino's parents confronting them about their recent "closeness". Having given birth to the both of them and thus have known them her entire life, Yoshino finds it strange that her two kids have been getting along so well recently, much better than she would ever believe. What's more, she also found the date sticker Kyosuke stuck on the fridge to troll Kirino three episodes ago, and takes that as a hint that the two's closeness isn't just them simply setting their sibling rivalry to the side. Basically, she thinks Kyosuke and Kirino may be partaking in forbidden incestuous love. Daisuke, however, does not think so, and even trusts Kyosuke when he insists that he hasn't even done anything strange (on purpose) to Kirino. But, he thinks it would be best if both he and his wife trusted Kyosuke, and not only one of them. So, with his police connections, he rented out an apartment where Kyosuke will live alone and study for an upcoming mock college entrance exam for the next few months, and will only allow Kyosuke back in the house if he gets an A on the mock exam. And while I believe giving Kyosuke the chance to prove his worth of trust to his mother is the real reason Daisuke went to all that trouble, I like to believe that wanting to separate Kyosuke and Kirino for a while to lessen their closeness played a decent part in it all. And so Kyosuke became his own man for the first time in his life. And to celebrate his getting his own apartment, Manami plans on throwing him a housewarming party to congratulate him on this milestone of manhood that I have yet to reach (partly because I haven't gotten my first payday yet). But, even as one who's now living the single life, it's not like Kyosuke isn't getting visitors on his first days at the apartment. The first guest is Kirino, who came by to give him a couple housewarming gifts. The main one is a refrigerator, as somewhat of an apology from her for getting him into the mess that led to his new solitary lifestyle, but she also gives him an eroge called "Little Sister Barges In" to play on his laptop during study breaks. She also poses a bet between them both regarding whether or not he gets an A on the mock exam. If Kyosuke fails to get an A (like Kirino's expecting), he'll be her slave for life, but if he pulls through and aces this Japanese equivalent of the PSAT, she won't return the favor (though she records Kyosuke's assumption for blackmail purposes), but she will do any one thing he asks her to. Considering how bossy she is most of the time, the deal is pretty sweet. The second guest is Kanako, who initially calls Kyosuke to get him to act as her manager again, but upon learning that he has a life outside of advice, settles for dropping by his place and having him try out her cooking. She got into a bit of a spat with her parents and ran away to her sister's for a while, but is looking to return and thinks learning how to cook will improve her chances of making up. Problem is, she isn't good at it yet, as Kyosuke hates the dish she made. He still eats it, though, because hey, as long as it's edible... (The self-insertion finds its way to me in oddly specific ways with this show, I guess.) Kanako also confronts him about a couple miscellaneous things, starting with the eroge Kirino gifted him and later about his actually being Kirino's brother. Nobody told her about it, but the fact that she was able to deduce as much in spite of her trouble recognizing faces she's seen once or twice shows that she's smarter than she appears. (That's savant syndrome for ya.) She also manages to conclude that Kirino's an otaku but denies her own deduction, writing it off as OOC and figuring that she came with him to her Meru-Fes concert to cheer her on and not because she's a fan of Meruru. This meeting ends rather nicely, with Kyosuke telling Kanako to keep looking after Kirino like the good friend she is. Kyosuke spends the rest of the day studying, with no more guests to interrupt his fast track to a presumably easy A. During one of his study breaks, he considers playing the eroge Kirino gave him, but instead tries to find nudes of Ayase online. (;D Oh Kyosuke, you sexual harassment overlord.) Instead, he finds a fan blog about her which he proceeds to bookmark, with the assumption that he'd do the same if there was one out there dedicated to Kirino. And so, the next morning, as if ironically, Ayase drops by the apartment (which she has a key to for some reason) to give Kyosuke her own housewarming gift - a kitchen knife with protective sheath - and let him know that Manami invited her to his housewarming party. After discussing Kirino's one-sided hater tendencies - which she first saw around the time of episode 4 - and that they should try and have Kirino and Manami get along during the party, Ayase prepares to leave, but her departure is interrupted by the appearance of the fourth guest: Kuroneko, dressed in the uniform for her new high school. Considering its dark colors, she pulls off the look very well. 8) This marks the first time that Ayase and Kuroneko meet, face to face, and as expected, they don't get along; Kuroneko thinks that Ayase has no right being Kirino's BFF, while Ayase disapproves of Kuroneko's relationship with Kyosuke for reasons that even she can't explain. I gotta say, my favorite part of this episode by far was Kuroneko's little speech about why she's a better friend to Kirino than Ayase; not because she knows and accepts Kirino's interests more than Ayase does or is willing to, but if Kirino and Kyosuke were ever to do the nasty, Kuroneko wouldn't so much as bat an eye. Because any attempt by the show itself to show Ayase in the wrong is a good one by me. 8) I'll also take this time to mention that even though I still think Ayase is the worst girl, I'm tolerating her a lot better now. As far back as Splitter's review of episode 5 of Oreimo for CSW (rot in hell, you dirty sons of bitches), I could barely stand Ayase based on the descriptions of her actions alone. But now, my reaction to her violence against Kyosuke is annoyance at worst, and an amused chuckle at best. It's amazing how much she's improved in this season, even if she remains on the bottom rung. Anyways, the episode ends quietly with a couple of small moments between the two MCs: Kyosuke telling Kuroneko that he won't date anyone else until he "settles things" with Kirino, for whatever that means, and Kirino feeling the loneliness of Kyosuke no longer living in the same house as her but refusing to admit to herself that she does miss him. So yeah, standard episode, liked it as much as I like most things. So far nothing to damn it yet, but hey, there's two episodes and three OVAs left for the crew to screw at least one thing over. Now to wait and see which format does the screwing first. RATED: TV-14DS WHY? Standard suggestive dialogue. Word-wise, "eroge" was used twice, with the similar but very much different phrase "dirty game" used also twice, and "pervert" was used six times. In a more general sense, we had Kyosuke and Kirino's parents interrogate him on whether or not he's done anything strange or dirty to Kirino, Kanako digging under Kyosuke's bed for porn mags and finding the eroge Kirino gave him instead, Kyosuke describing an unseen but probably pornographic screenshot on the back cover as the girl "eating a sausage", Kyosuke accusing Kuroneko of assuming he has a uniform fetish, Kuroneko proclaiming that she wouldn't mind it if Kyosuke and Kirino were to have sex, and Ayase describing her relationship with Kyosuke as being that of "a sexual harasser and his victim". In regards to sexual content, we had a flashback to episode 4, complete with Kyosuke groping Kirino's breast and rubbing his knee against her panty-clad crotch in true contrived anime fashion. SCREENCAPS: For act 1, a shot of Kirino amongst the cherry blossoms in the beginning of this season's OP, and for act 2, the episode's token eroge and the first image of one in this series thus far. And with that, phase 1 of 6 is complete. [icelandic ultrablue]
Sailor Moon Crystal season 3's character designs are much better
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Anime & Manga
And you're only mentioning this now? -
Rewatched Kuromukuro 3 Oreimo 2 11
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
You are a disgrace to Romans everywhere. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Don't we all? : -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
If that's the case, then this thread probably isn't for you. :-\ -
The best I can hope for is that it does GITS at least a little more justice than The Last Airbender did Avatar.
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Good, that should keep you off Moose's shit list for the foreseeable future. -
Has Tite Kubo been blacklisted from the manga industry?
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Anime & Manga
Well, I did say I made that theory up. And great, now I'm curious about what Pizza Hut did to you. -
Has Tite Kubo been blacklisted from the manga industry?
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Anime & Manga
I personally believe (read: just made up) that he wanted to quit for a long time and is so relieved that Bleach is finally over that he can finally get some relaxation time.