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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the Seth MacFarlane mouse.
  2. BREAK DOWN BREAK DOWN MOTHERFUCKERS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vioy595g06Y
  3. Yeah, so much for "more darker anime", right? :
  4. Half of this thread is needlessly negative and it fucking sickens me. [durarara rules]
  5. And when the time comes to consider it a classic, The Big Bang Theory will be 50% more tolerable. [bazinga]
  6. March Comes In Like a Lion 6
  7. Between this thread and the other one, I think Ben's gone off the deep end.
  8. March Comes In Like a Lion #5 - Agreement / Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  9. March Comes In Like a Lion 5
  10. That's the truth. There's no denying it when your first animated adaptation is an OVA adapting Stardust Crusaders. Why they started adapting when they got to Egypt, though, remains a mystery...
  11. No, The Rapsittie Street Kids Believe In Santa is the worst Christmas special. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer is just the one that's the most love-to-hateable.
  12. Actually, Smokey's VA is white. He's also the voice of Mumen Rider, Gaelio (purple-haired Gundam guy), and the doctor that revealed that Yuuki had AIDS. Also, Bang Zoom dubbed JoJo, not FUNi. Congratulations, you are officially delusional.
  13. This is the first time it's airing on TV in two years. Two. Years. I'd hardly call that "decrepit".
  14. It's the rerun slot, JMan, there's nothing dumb about sticking an old show there.
  15. Make sense that they'd dip back into the vault, seeing how there aren't any more recently ended shows for them to rerun.
  16. Calm down, Zeni, I wasn't even referring to you.
  17. Yeah, it really has been a while since I last posted here, hasn't it? Welp, time to get back to business. March Comes In Like a Lion #4 - Hina / V.S.
  18. Regardless of how Durarara!! really did in the ratings... You know what? I don't give a flying fuck how low it did, that shit was fun to watch and none of you are going to ruin that for me.
  19. And you're completely free not to have anything to do with it. Until Toonami picks it up. In which case you're fucked.
  20. I'd probably chalk that up to something like "Cell didn't intend to kill them when he self-destructed, they just got caught up in the explosion meant for Goku, so they don't count". DRAGONBALL Z KAI 17 and 18 maniacally laughing is disturbing. They’ve never done that, not even in History of Trunks. Oh hey, it’s MILF Bulma. Meanwhile, in the main timeline… ;D Chi-Chi’s taking this whole “Gohan sneaking off from his studies” thing quite well. Alternatively, better than I expected her to. And now it’s time to pound the tuna. In a way, Trunks will be an athlete/scientist. HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! I think this is the first time I’ve actively recognized a minor character as having Dandy’s voice. “Try this, kids at home!” 19 tiles is still impressive. Oh look, Goku’s a fan. ;D Way to miss the point, Goku. Interesting tree structure. Nice, vocal background music. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART. It’s time for Trunks to kick names and take ass. And he’s all out of ass. I’ve heard of Underworld multiple times before, but I think this is the first time I’ve actually heard what the movies were about. Vampires vs. werewolves? A little more cliché than I expected, but unsurprising. Normally, “lame-os” would be inappropriate for an episode of this rating, but considering my last experience with the 17 and 18 from Trunks’ timeline was a dub with no more profanity than the word “sucks”, this is oddly appropriate. Also, their voices are much better this time around. Perpetually whispery 17 and too-deep-to-be-sexy 18 were not my favorite voices, even if they were creepy enough to be unsettling. Apparently even his outfit is bulletproof. OH SHIT HE’S GOT A GUN TOO. INSTANT TRANSMISSION. Not a single minute in and this fight is going better than the entirety of History of Trunks. Not creating Android 16 was a terrible idea in hindsight for this timeline’s Dr. Gero. Whoa. I think that attack vaporized her. THIS IS FOR MISTER GOHAN. Looks like Trunks is surprised that he ended the Androids’ reign of terror so easily. Oh yeah, Cell’s still a thing, isn’t he. Foreshadowing? The surprise on Imperfect Cell’s face is magnificent. He has robot spies? Bullshit. “…what you’re into, what you’re not!” ;D Oh, Cell. You’re incorrigible. CAPSULE COOP. Sweet representative chasm. This fight reminds me of Xenoverse for some reason. Throwing him by the tail like Frieza. SUCK IT CELL. Nice hou-oh goddammit Goku. Did the narrator just say the Japanese word for “road”? And now, a musical montage of… what was said would be saved for another time? Sure, why not. Now this is how you do a montage. TOP BILLING: Trunks. Also, note how 17 is credited as “A17”, but 18 is credited as “Android 18”. Weird. I dare to be different, so I’m gonna watch that Scavengers short. So what if I have to view it on Christmas morning? I think it’ll be worth it. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: PHANTOM BLOOD FINALE RATING SCREENCAP #1: Dio falling to his impending doom. What good will decapitating myself do, he wonders? Creepy Chinese dude’s gonna do something sexual with that head. Huh, only 73 missing persons. Still a tragedy, but much lower than implied by the earlier narration. And that was the last anyone saw of the infamous Stone Mask. HOLY SHIT THEY’RE DOING THE SOUND EFFECTS. And they still cut the OP down to fit. Shoulda figured. Aww, how nice, they married. FUN FACT: Speedwagon’s favorite part of the newspaper are the funny pages. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “I like his new hat.” It’s also Zeppeli’s old hat. “I’m late! I’m late!” Took me a while to recognize those two other guys in the group. Speedwagon’s friends from Ogre Street, right? That expedition to Mexico sounds very curious indeed. SUDDENLY COFFIN. Yep, that breathing definitely sounds like Dio. Remember to say farewell to your co-producer. Damn, that’s one sparkly coffin. Literal lovebirds. Well I’ll be. For a split second, I heard “dear” as “Dio”. Oh yeah, George never met Erina. “I wish that today would last forever.” Oh, tonight definitely isn’t gonna end well. A priest drinking right from the bottle while talking about shekels? I don’t think we should trust this guy. Long story short… Oh no, Jonathan’s Dio senses are tingling! It’s locked… FROM THE INSIDE! Welp, so much for the drunken priest. And then Dio was one of those heads in jars from Futurama. I don’t know why, but the scene of that man randomly going vampire was kinda funny. “Do you see the condition in which I find myself?” You’re a talking head without a body, that’s pretty much more than just a simple “condition”! Yep, I now officially have no idea what Dio’s thinking right now. Well, that escalated quickly. Strange, that one vampire looks an awful lot like Straitzo… RATING SCREENCAP #2: Dio making himself an eye-level window for his head jar. Goddammit Wang Chen put that tongue back in your mouth. DEATH BY LIFESAVER. Now that. Is. Irony~. Oh thank god the baby’s alive. And then it became a ghost zombie ship. So… does that mean Dio’s better than Wang Chen? Musclebound sleeves. Well, at least his last attack landed. And now for a lesson in ship anatomy. INEXORABLY! “Jonathan Joestar is dying, but we are together, and that is enough.” Like I said. The baby’s still alive. Huh, that makes a lotta sense. And then the engine exploded at just the right time. Eughhh, tentacle veins. SHRAPNEL TO THE NECK. As far as I can tell, love is the only thing that can defeat Dio. It’s definitely keeping his head in place, that’s for sure. Welp, that’s it. That’s our story, Jonathan’s dead, good night. “But his descendants will.” Wait, so that means… Thank you, Dio, for blabbing about the protective nature of your special coffin. It sure as hell saved Erina’s life, partly because she was smart enough to use it after you spoke of it. “But that was only the beginning of a new… bizarre adventure.” He said it! He said the thing! Well, that doesn’t look too promising. This teaser looks positively… super. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: BATTLE TENDENCY PREMIERE RATING SCREENCAP #3: Speedwagon after 50 years. “You look as young as ever, Straitzo.” Even though he looks much older than he did before. Now it’s time for Japan to recognize Mexico as more than a place for their women to indulge in the food and men and then brag about being pregnant with “half-breeds”. Oh no, more stone masks! Meanwhile, IN AMERICA! Check it out, a random black kid. And a pickpocket too, from the looks of it. Again with the shekels… Man, those are some ugly cops. And assholes, too. Not a minute onscreen and I already love this guy. For some reason, nose-picking this obvious is anime is just so off-putting. Which is why episode 5A of Panty & Stocking is the worst episode. DAMMIT COP GET THAT FINGER OUT OF YOUR NOSE. “You made the wrong move, you stupid adult pig!” FUCK YEAH RANDOM BRIT. Wait, Granny Erina? Hey, you’d be surprised how badass some grannies are. AND THERE’S JOJO NUMBER TWO. A man made of stone? Now that’s bizarre. Those criminals look like they came right out of the Green Hornet. FUN FACT: In the original manga, the comic young Joseph was reading was Superman. Here, it’s BAOH, the name of the manga Araki did before JoJo. ;D The nerve of that kid. Oh my god Joseph you are amazing. One can only wonder what Jonathan would have thought of Joseph were he still alive… What the fuck Straitzo. RATING SCREENCAP #2: Even Speedwagon is surprised by Straitzo’s Face Heel Turn! “In fact, I’m saner than I’ve ever been!” I know you admired Dio’s eternal youth, but the way you called him “beautiful”, it sounds more like you’re gay for the man. Oh, and he also wants to spend less time conquering things and more time learning the secrets of the mask, which is a creative motivation at the very least. I gotta say, old age was definitely kind to Erina. So it was a taxi all along? What luck! Heh, Joseph thinks Jonathan and Speedwagon were gay lovers. I’m sure there’s a doujin with that focus somewhere on the Interweb. Yeah, an “accident”… : Wait, does that mean the baby Erina saved is Joseph’s mother? Oh look, another ugly dude. Interesting how he’s racist towards Smokey without even mentioning the color of his skin. Granny Erina allows this. Nice observational skills, Joseph. TSUGI NI OMAE WA… [insert phrase here] TO IU! Pink horror of a coat. ORA ORA ORA! I’m still not sure what that thing he used to block his hand is even supposed to be, but it got the job done. [APPLAUSE INTENSIFIES] NO NOT SPEEDWAGON! “Could it be Straitzo?” Yup. I like how he pronounces “genuine”. He’s telling the truth, but that doesn’t mean he’s allowed to like it. Yes, let’s all blame Dio. Irene’s Café: founded by a one-legged Asian woman with something to prove. A C-cup? Noooot interested. Wait, so snake oil makes your breasts bigger? SUDDENLY IT WAS A VAMPIRE STRAITZO ALL ALONG. ;D Joseph emptying a bunch of lead out of a conveniently retrieved tommygun and into Straitzo and the restaurant behind him is this part’s defining moment, and fuck you if you don’t like it. Now for the new version of the Roundabout ED! Love the subtle shift from young Speedwagon to old Speedwagon. HUNTER x HUNTER Forget the haters, I really enjoy this OP. So what makes this Tiger Bite Fist so “true” anyways? Oh Hisoka, for a creepy clown dude you are so fun to watch. 52 PICKUP, BITCHES. Scratch, make that 13 Pickup. MATH PROBLEMS, FUCK YEAH! Let’s pretend my number is 3. So (((3+4)*2-6)/2)-3=((7*2-6)/2)-3=((14-6)/2)-3=(8/2)-3=4-3=1. I got it! The answer to that equation is your original number minus two! Well that’s gruesome. Holy crap, my answer was 1 too! Or wait, maybe 1 was the number the picked? ‘TIS BUT A FLESHWOUND! Oh hey his arm’s back. “But how?” MAGIC! How did I not realize Hisoka was wearing high heels before now? DANCE YOURSELF TO DEATH. Now those are some primo observation skills. He punched him with his own severed arm! That’s pretty damn badass if you ask me! BARRAGE OF CARDS. Hisoka, you’re evil but I enjoy watching you so damn much. And Gon missed it all. Oh hey, it’s this show’s token pink-haired chick. Apparently she’s Hisoka’s healer. “You’re an assassin, Cal.” This healer chick’s voice should seem familiar, but for whatever reason I can’t place it… Ooh, this healing session isn’t even started and it’s already so kinky~. Camera eyes? This is probably the only boner Hisoka’s gotten that’s involved the female gender in any way. That is way too much money for a simple operation because of course it is. Now that’s a fun explanation behind that magic trick. “Elastic Love” sounds like a title befitting for rubber porn but not the kind of rubber porn that I’m into. Eh, better you hear about the interestingly mundane origins of his ability names than his more shotacon tendencies. I unironically love this exposition. FUCK YEAH SPANISH GUITAR. I kinda like how they didn’t explain how the arm punched him. Should be obvious by now that Bungee Gum was behind it all. HOLY CRAP HISOKA’S WITH THE PHANTOM TROUPE. Struuuuuck ouuuuuuut. True, it was super incredible. Time for a Hisoka shower scene! Hm, he actually looks kinda handsome with his hair down. AND HIS SPIDER TATTOO’S A FAKE. Such mysterious motivations… NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Meanwhile, Itachi is still dead, but somehow Sasuke isn’t. Yet… Meanwhile still, in a less rainy locale… Whoa, he just phased right through Tobi! Surprising. “What can I say? I’m just really flexible…” In bed. …What. So it’s just that Tobi is impervious to attack, then. Shino wants to compensate for being left out of the last big rescue mission. The way Naruto said that sounded kinda sarcastic. Yeah, Shino has a thing about being ignored and forgotten. If his dislike of Naruto not recognizing him says anything, at least… Maybe Tobi just phased into that tree. Zetsu at its absolute greatest. ;D WOW. Way to be useless there, Kiba. SUDDENLY VENUS FLYTRAP. Naruto is sick of all these random Akatsuki showing up out of nowhere. Welp, so much for their mission. They say it’s midnight to 3:30, but it’s actually more 12:15 to 3:15. ;D The only thing funnier than Zetsu being called “psycho aloe guy” is that Naruto knows what aloe is. Kakashi’s Sharingan senses just tingled, and not in the good way. And into the void he went. “That lone storm cloud looks ominous and death-related enough to be where he is!” Elevating the combustibles so they won’t get in your way. Smart move, and one of the reasons Yamato is one of my introduced-in-Shippuden favorites. I assume they took a break from their battle to figure out how part 2 was gonna go/wonder why it was raining so suddenly. Of course Karin and Jugo care about Sasuke’s safety and whereabouts. Kisame just doesn’t give a fuck, does he. Sai’s just here to feel empathy, just as his social skills book told him to. Geez Naruto, make it sound gayer, why don’t you? I would not at all be surprised if he just phased in like that outta nowhere. Turns out Tobi was an antihero all along. And then his eye started bleeding, for some strange reason. SURPRISE AMATERASU. And now he’ll never know the truth about his brother. OR MAYBE HE WILL! Man, fuck you Itachi. FUCK YEAH FULL ENDING THEME. Or maybe not. ;D This musical performance alone makes this a surprising more decent than it looks commercial. ONE PIECE I think this is the first time my channel guide gave a non-generic description for a One Piece episode. Oh yeah, there’s a new opening this episode. Somehow the art style has a bit of a DBZ similarity to it, even though it’s still all Oda. TOP BILLING: Brook. Holy crap, I think they’re airing the full version this time. Oh, and it’s to celebrate the show’s 10th anniversary too. Nightmare Luffy is the best Luffy. YEAH, FUCK YOU MORIA. “He took four of them from our crew!” Plus Brook, but he got his back so that’s no real worry. What the hell happened to Lola’s voice? Is this what it sounds like when she’s soft-spoken? Yeah, of course Oars hasn’t been knocked out for good yet. “That didn’t hurt at all…” Quit bluffing, Oars. WELL LOOK WHO’S STILL CONSCIOUS. He ain’t no zombie; he’s Zoro. I had a feeling the others would be awake (except for maybe Robin), but I’m impressed that Luffy’s consciousness has returned so soon. And that’s why I said “maybe” Robin. Because of course she’s awake too. : Wait, did Nami disappear or something while I wasn’t looking? Ah, whatever, this is still gonna be awesome regardless. But what of Usopp, Sanji, Chopper and Franky? Looks like we’ll be getting our answer right now. A literal footladder. Check it out, another solitary raincloud. And so Oars was kept in place just as he died the first time: frozen and near-butt-nekkid. I’M MADE OF RUBBER, YOUR OPINION IS INVALID. I feel like this scene should be animated by somebody important. “What in the hell are these guys doing?” TEAMWORK, THAT’S WHAT. If Shadow Revolution didn’t break Oars’ bones, that attack of Luffy’s definitely did. FUCK YEAH STRAW HATS. That’s not how you pronounce Romeo, you stupid kids. Oh hey, it’s all those zombie guys from the beginning of the arc. Plus all those other ones too. Yes, let’s all blame Hildon for what just transpired. Or thank him, since the Straw Hats are still technically the good guys. ;D I completely forgot about Tiny Luffy. So what even happened to Moria, then? Aww Brook. Speaking of Moria… THERE HE IS. That cat dance. Man, fuck you Moria. Aw crap, he’s going mental. And here’s the part where Foley flips his lid. (Supposedly.) FUCK YOU KOALA MAN. I recognize all those zombies! Poor half of them. Holy shit Moria I don’t know how but you uglier than ever before. And now, for a little blast to the past/present: various comments from this week’s 4chan discussion of the block that I found humorous and/or shareworthy. To make the first one a little more poignant, I’ll take the time to announce that the DBZ Kai New Year’s marathon kicks off with the premiere of the anime music video Shelter, which will be the first subbed anime ever on Toonami. Any other clarifying comments like that are marked in red. PRE-SHOW WHAT IN THE FUCK THEY FINALLY AIR MUSIC VIDEO IN JAPANESE AND DIDNT CHOOSE THIS? FUCK YOU FOREVER DEMARCO Oh, right. On a bright point, I found SAO Abridged, and it managed to do the impossible and make SAO amusing, and actually put some damn pathos into kittytoe. DBZ KAI >world has seen 20 some budokai tournaments >use of ki techniques caught on tape many times in the past >satan nowhere to be found when saiyans invaded earth what the hell, is everyone retarded Cell exploded, killed enemies of Gero, and got 72 Yamchas in the afterlife >SAY HELLO TO RECOOME CELL JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE >Cuts off head >Lives What the fuck? Isn't cutting off a vampire's head one of the guaranteed ways of killing them aside from sunlight and a stake in the heart? Jojo vampires have MOTHERFUCKING LASER VISION. Normal rules don't fucking apply here. [*]Dio is like a swarm of cockroaches. No matter how many times you kill him, he just keeps coming back. [*]For a second I thought the head bonk was what kills him (Jonathan) [*]>Jojo died as he lived, a nobody! >And his murderer lived as he died, a head with NO BODY! DOHOHOHOHOHO! [*]There's a lot of poetry to this ending >Dio's growing admiration of Jojo comes to a head >Wang Chan, the instigator of the father's poisoning is the catalyst of the destruction of the ship. >Dio, Erina and Jojo are the last characters left alive on the ship. Honestly if the entire series ended here I wound not be dissatisfied. [*]>yfw joseph's voiced by pic related [*]I love how Joseph's establishing character moment plays out exactly like one of those fake stories you hear on tumblr "Yeah I totally saved this kid being harassed by police. I shoved one of his fingers through his nose and broke his finger with my bottle of coke. Then the kid clapped and gave me 100$" [*]Remember everyone. Fighting corrupt policemen always tastes better, with a nice refreshing Coke. [*]MY ULTIMATE HAMON TECHNIQUE THE TOMMY GUN HUNTER x HUNTER WHY DO YOU PRONOUNCE THE "U" AT THE END OF HATSU BUT NOT ZETSU? MAKE SENSE NARRATOR! FUCKING CLOWNS AND THEIR CLOWN VOODOO MAGIC OH FUCK A FEMALE You will never convince me Hisoka is a villain. >HXH was the hype killer this week NARUTO SHIPPUDEN How come Saucekay just fucking cries blood? That's fucking fanfiction tier edge.He doesn't, it's literally eyecancer that his eye gives him ONE PIECE I DIDNT WATCH THIS SHIT TO LEARN ANATOMY >same sound effect as Cell's tail absorption What the fuck his final form is inflation shit??? WHO WRITES THIS SHIT ONE PUNCH MAN what does puri puri meanImagine saying "prisoner" with a heavy Japanese accent, but you stutter first. [pri-pri-prisoner]
  21. Eh, Robin's lighter skin tone was more of an obvious difference to me than her increased bust size.
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