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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Technically it was General Action Discussion this thread was on.
  2. If any of you go to or know someone who goes to OSU, this might be of interest to you. Hope you're all safe. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/28/us/ohio-state-university-active-shooter/
  3. Then how about Code Geass Super? Code Geass EVOL, maybe?
  4. Yes, you could interpret it that way. :
  5. 5AM. It was a terrible time, and a regrettable one too.
  6. Did you not understand what I meant by "words"? I mean WORDS. NOT PICTURES. Just say it. "I hate the fact that Geass is getting a third season." It's not that freaking difficult.
  7. Human words, preferably.
  9. If Toonami reairs Code Geass to celebrate, I'll laugh my ass off if they stick it in the 5AM timeslot a 2/5 of the way in. For some reason, my On Demand service doesn’t have last week’s episodes, so I’m going into this week unrefreshed. No real reason I should be saying this, actually; just thought it’d be something worth mentioning. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Turns out the only imperfect thing about Perfect Cell is his digestive process. See, his protocol is only similar to Shogo 162’s implosion because this will technically be an explosion. If only Cell knew how ridiculous he looked during this “last speech” of his. Dammit Gohan this is not your fault. Really, it’s Cell’s more than anything. “I know that look…” Yep, that’s his Trump Card face. Or maybe it’s his “go out like a hero” face, they look pretty much the same. Yes, that would make Chi-Chi happy, but do we really care about what she thinks, after telling her own father that he’s stupid for thinking Gohan saving the world is a good thing? SUDDENLY KING KAI. Welp, there goes the Kai Planet. And that’s another Cell memeface. I remember reading a comic recently where this turned out different; namely, Goku transmitting out just before Cell exploded. But that would’ve been a dick move, even for him. Wait, Piccolo can sense it from that far away? Sorry to break up the tension, but Mr. Satan’s lady fellow really wants his D, doesn’t she? Don’t be emo, Gohan. He was finally ze proud papa. Yeahhhhh someone should clean 18 off first. Oh, and make sure she’s still alive. Well, this appears familiar. ;D Exploiting him like a neighbor’s lawnmower. So… does that mean Cell’s the most overpowered character in DB history? INTRUDER III: Was expecting the new ship, but not the baby sandworm joining the crew. Overall, nothing disappointing here, aside from my being unable to sync my next blog post with the event for reasons that will be made known eventually. And maybe calling it Intruder III for no other reason than they didn’t know what else to call it. Goddammit Vegeta don’t be a buzzkill. The only upside to this: Trunks hasn’t been brought back with the Dragonballs before. Took me a while to realize that Goku’s hair is back to normal. Cell, you fool, you just revealed your weak point to the enemy! So it’s pure luck that he was able to go back to Perfect mode without 18’s involvement? [Cell explains it as such] Apparently so. Yep. Most overpowered character. Is Gohan gonna go full murder machine now? EVEN VEGETA IS AFRAID! Am I the only one that heard Yamcha’s “He’s dead!” as “He’s still…!” And like that, Vegeta finally felt the emotion of loss. Which, in this case, is synonymous with unyielding rage. FUCK YOU CELL. ;D The spectators are out, it seems. Dang, didn’t expect his arm to get all fucked up like that. “Look, it’s not like we can just wish Trunks back with the Dragonballs!” But we can, you’re probably thinking of Goku. A Kamehameha? That ain’t good… TOP BILLING: Cell. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE RATING SCREENCAP #1: Jonathan prepping his Underwater Turquoise Blue Overdrive. Missed him you might have, but at least you’re out of the water now. This dub has so many promo-worthy lines. Not five seconds and he’s already tied up. Way to go, Jonathan. : They always forget about the legs. Tarukus looks impressed by that move. ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA ORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Turns out that Blueford was a decent guy all along. Luck & Pluck. What a cool name for a sword. TARUKUS, RIGHT BEHIND YOU. And of course he was always a total dick. CUSTOM HANG GLIDER NO JUTSU OVERDRIVE! Looks like they’re flying by night, away from present danger… [insert clever quip relating to mooning here] When you put it that way, I guess Hamon is a sort of magic. And now for the second, less tragic half of Zeppeli’s backstory. Tom Petty? With a single handshake, he can tell you your fortune. Spoiler alert: it won’t be pretty. DEATH FROM ABOVE! They say “film not yet rated”, but it was obviously always going to be an R. RATING SCREENCAP #2: Life Magnetism: DENIED. PERFECT LANDINGS. 10/10. IMPERFECT LANDING. ALSO 10/10. That door and opening look like they’re exuding some sort of poison gas. Welp, he’s doomed. If you can beat down the bricks easier than the door, then why not punch a hole through those walls? Like I said, doomed. “This is all so frightening, I think I wet myself!” That you did, Poco. That you did. Oh, your village was unsafe long before those two showed up. And then, inspiration. Wherever you go in rural Britain, groups of bullies are always a given. Hey, his sister’s actually kinda cute. “What frightens you more than anything else?” “I dunno… bees?” “WRONG.” [bitchslap] Dammit Speedwagon that don’t look like no window I’ve ever seen. More like a tunnel for air. Still being in one piece is the best you can hope for in a situation like this. But look where that got Trunks. : JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: where even the plucky young sidekicks have their moments of usefulness. Apparently one use of “bastard” is enough for Turner S&P to give it the L subrating. BEST USE OF ROUNDABOUT INCOMING. Who else misheard “fate” as “face”? MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS McGillis is setting her up for death isn’t he. Yeah, she’s beautiful once you get used to her unique appearance. Fuck off, butler, let the kids be kids for once. “That young man may be a Fareed by name, but he’s really a-“ Montag? If he was running away, he wouldn’t be walking. Young Gaelio wants to be like McGillis one day. Aw yeah, they’re finally in the snowy part of Alaska. That bald dude is apparently important enough to get an English voice credit, but the much more important Makanai doesn’t and has been miscast by some asshole on ANN who doesn’t like that I’m more right than him about certain roles. It’s a fucking travesty. REVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGE! Holy shit what happened to Merribit’s voice actress. She sounds much more stiff now. Forget it, lady. It’s Tekkadan. And so Ein achieved what Setsuna F. Seiei could only dream of: he finally became Gundam. Still, that’s fucked up. McGillis is still shady as fuck. [FLASHBACK BREAK] They will go back home together, just not in the way they expected. The shorter Sonic guy is objectively the more annoying one if his request to hang out with his and his buddy’s lookalikes says anything. “A NEW AHAB WAVE” Possibly Engrish? Must’ve been some awesome dream. Yeah, McGillis’s allegiances are super-questionable. They’re gonna get interrupted aren’t they. SUDDENLY BARBATOS. When Mika’s involved, there’s no such thing as a clean duel. ;D Makanai thinking about what’s important. This fight is going faster than I expected it too. Dammit Merribit don’t be a buzzkill. I love how everyone wants Merribit to just butt out. And in comes the meltwater. Oh hey Gaeli-wait is his Gundam part-centaur now? Apparently even Orga has limits. And she thinks he’s McGillis. Not sure if I should find that sad or not, really… WELCOME TO CANADA: THERE’S NO ANIME HERE. I love you, Teehead. HUNTER x HUNTER Of all the new people in the OP, I wanna fug the girl with the killer vacuum cleaner the hardest. 3 hours and 9 minutes left. Plenty of time. It’s amazing how ominous the OST became in such a short amount of time. So humans in this universe have aura nodes, huh? From the looks of it, they must lie within the nervous system. ;D They’re taking all the fun out of it. Those silhouettes certainly seem ominous. I wonder how gay this dialogue sounds to someone not looking at the screen. And now they have… THE POWER. Like a waterfall. And that’s why they’re the main characters. AURA EXPLOSION. I have a feeling that Hisoka’s idea of 52 Pick-Up would be a deadly one. INSTANT SUCCESS. And there’s our end goal for this arc: can Gon win a match and then punch Hisoka? Oh hey it’s those ominous silhouettes again, only they’re not silhouettes. It? And they made it before midnight. Way before, in fact. That’s one cliché avoided. Quick-witted old ladies are the best old ladies. I like this one-off receptionist. She’s much less creepy-looking than the first one on the 200th floor and I enjoy her enthusiastic exposition, even if Gon and Killua don’t really care about all that world-building junk. Creepy red-robed cyborg shyguy is obviously the least trustworthy of those three. Rooms all to themselves. Never noticed how hardcore that wheelchair was before now. Are those monster truck tires? I’d live in that hotel room, but only if it had free wi-fi. Awesome, HDTV! Tomorrow already? Crazy. Dang, he’s up against the cyborg shyguy. This should be interesting. Sucks for Wing, Gon went against his suggestion in record time. DREIDELS OF DEATH. And now his back’s broken. This is the most intense game of Beyblade ever. Hmm, so that receptionist used to be in dubs for ADV. I knew that name sounded familiar. As far as this commercial tells me, the gimmick of Mr. Neighbor’s House is that Mr. Neighbor is demented as fuck. That, and fuck the puppet police. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN In which Sasuke saw through Itachi’s genjutsu with his own genjutsu. “Madara is still alive… somehow.” Sasuke has no time for all this DEEP shit. Goddammit Itachi quit using genjutsu this is all too confusing (but not really) already concerning where you are and where you’re not. SUDDENLY ZETSU. Oh boy we literal darkness now. Geez, how many secrets are there to those eyes? You wanna know how to make a flashback more interesting? Have the character who’s having to sit through them actually view them as the audience does. His sibling looks like Sasuke but with more pronounced lips. Like I said. Literal darkness. Okay, taking someone else’s eyes as your own to cure your own blindness is pretty hardcore, if not kinda edgy. I will never remember what James Franco looks like. Yeah… Sorry. How’d the blood even get that far? Dang, the Uchihas sure loved killing themselves, didn’t they. And that’s how the Leaf Village came into being. ;D And there’s the source of yet another reaction face. Itachi’s gone mad, even by villain standards. Turns out it was inner mind theater all along. I love how even after the dub started using death-related words, they keep that one line of Sasuke’s about “destroying” Itachi intact. Goes to show just how utterly he wants to off him. The bandages are coming off, shit’s about to get real now. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE. Fucking shoulder-mounted snake tentacle… I legitimately forget what the infamous “crowjob” even looked like. Huh. Didn’t think he was actually going to go through with that. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Lola, which is reason enough for me not to trust this credit’s list. Even moreso than the blatant misspelling of Brook’s name… SAVED BY THE BROOK. That closeup on Brook’s face. FUCK YEAH MILK. So scared, and yet looking brave regardless. The only nightmare here is the look on your stupid face. He threw his back out! Worker’s comp! Worker’s comp! Fire is always a good strategy. “Wait, there’s another step?” Alright, so it’s less a step 2 and more a backup step 1. Jenga Cannon is an awesome attack name. IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US! ;D Those thumbs-ups. That’s the largest makeshift slingshot I’ve ever seen. It’s Franky’s first legit adventure with the Straw Hats post-Enies Lobby, of course he’s extra super. Welp, that plan failed, everything is hopeless now. Oh shut up Moria. THANK YOU NAMI. “Was that lightning?” “How frightening!” ;D This dub cast. And as I expected, she’s in something a little more mobile. Nami-swan will never not be a stupid petname. Is Sanji more insufferable than usual today because the other Eric Vale character on the block right now is dead? I’m going to take that lull as a dramatic pause. ZOOM PUNCH. Whatever the reason is for that, I blame Moria. Thank you, Robin. “I’m gonna kill that guy.” Please do. I’m admittedly curious as to what the “tough time” they alluded to even was. I’d call these guys assholes, but seeing how they just wanted Luffy’s attention, I’ll let it slide. Ohhhhh those are the squirrel guys. No wonder I had the urge to kick their asses. And the woman whose shadow Lola had is their captain? (Also named Lola.) I’d comment more on this, but I’m not a spoilerer anymore, so I’ll just shut up. :-X Hmm, looks exactly like I expected her to. ;D Instant rejection. So they’re giving him all the credit for the Straw Hats’ accomplishments as a whole. Not unreasonable, he is the captain, after all. We wish Oars ate Moria. SHADOW PENETRATION. FUCK YEAH SAMURAI LUFFY. A ten-minute time limit. I have a feeling we’re gonna be entering Namek Time soon… And then a hideous transformation took place… So hideous, it has to be censored! WE HULK MODE NOW. Those spinning trees look like something straight out of Williams Street. [skull]
  10. Thank you, I struckthrough all the Ms myself. 8) Foley: Interesting point you made there about Tarukus and Blueford's appearance. In lieu of a more reasonable explanation, let's just say that Dio hax is responsible for them looking much more preserved than they had any right to be. And I got the feeling that Saitama calling Sonic's evil grin an "innocent smile" was subtle sarcasm.
  11. Although Jonathan managed to turn his fight with Blueford around in his favor, that certainly does not mean his victory is assured. The resurrected knight remains a fierce opponent, fierce enough to keep any opponent on edge, especially one as skilled as JoJo. But even his battle is easy compared to the one about to come with Tarukus, whose desired battleground may prove fatal for those who dare oppose him... In slightly more serious matters, TOM and SARA now have to find a way to deal with Shogo 162's impending implosion, Cell prepares to do something similar to the Earth as he activates his own self-destruct protocol, Carta and her remaining subordinates challenge Tekkadan to one final duel before they reach Edmonton, with only a few hours before their 200th floor eligibility expires Gon and Killua learn how to use the true Nen to get past Hisoka, Itachi tells Sasuke all there is to know about his special eyes, the terrible duo of Oars and Moria prove a real challenge for the Straw Hats while Luffy receives a power-up from some unlikely allies, and Saitama breaks several world records but still only barely qualifies for heroship. Also, who thought there'd be regular programming on Thanksgiving weekend? 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #95 - A Hero's Sacrifice! Last Chance to Save the World! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #6 - Tomorrow's Courage - TV-14LV (broadcast), TV-14V (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #23 - The Final Lie - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #29 - Awakening and Potential - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #136 - The Light & Dark of the Mangekyo Sharingan - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #370 - The Secret Plan to Turn the Tables! Nightmare Luffy Makes His Appearance - TV-PGLV 3:00 - One Punch Man #5 - The Ultimate Master - TV-14 [go bucks]
  12. If there's one lesson to learn from this thread, it's never to attack someone's ethnicity once it's made known. If anything, just keep to complaining about their taste in programming.
  13. I don't know how many times we have to tell you this, but... BAD. IS. SUBJECTIVE.
  14. I'm legitimately starting to think that the whole "Demarco hates PSG" thing is a meme. Still, having watched PSG in the past, I'd be up for a new season, especially if it means more Demon Sisters screentime. [kneesocks is best]
  15. ben0119 > Hollow_Gojira > link > Azthmr >>>>>> Bruce Sato
  16. Ah, what the hell. I'll play ball. Buying that used DVD from fye had to pay off somehow.
  17. That was the first one I learned. Moose was second, and Masquerade was third.
  18. I never realized how much of the Toonami General community was Hispanic before now.
  19. For some reason, I now have the compulsion to watch Keijo!x8 and OPM back to back...
  20. Wow, if that's the truth, then I really need to get caught up. And yes, Akari is the best. Took a while for Hina and Momo to win me over, but I'm glad they did.
  21. There's always Drifters. Owl gets to be right for once, it's the closest we'll get to Qwaser on Toonami (they were made by the same studio), and dat OP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQYJxbkEItQ
  22. So the problem's on my end? Whatever, I just want it fixed, even if you can't see the problem.
  23. I know Toonami won't air Keijo!!!!!!!! (You have to say it with all 8 !s.) Hell, they even had a bump saying that OPM was objectively better. [all praises to saitama]
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