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Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Come to think of it, Inception was kind of an ass, wasn't he? Him lowering his final score for Akame ga KILL! the more he thought about it was pretty obnoxious, even to the non-fans. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Technically IBO has four episodes left and HxH is at Heaven's Arena, but still, it's good to have you back. -
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4 Discussion!!
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
But Trump isn't even against the gays, you silly man. That's Pence, and not even he's that dictatorial. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Same here. Thank god for my interest in watching that show before Bandai went belly-up. Additionally: [*]Considering how mad Dr. Gero really was, I don’t think he’d mind dying from the bomb blast, as long as he was sure Goku would die from as well. [*]Those vampirized police officers came off less like legit, true vampires like Dio or that one guy he transformed with the Stone Mask, and more like zombies with a taste for human flesh, like the Ghouls from Hellsing. [*]Nadi having prosthetic legs was surprising – I never would’ve guessed he even had them – but I loved the subtle hint towards it at the beginning, when he’s carrying cargo through the water along the coast and hopes that his legs don’t rust. [*]I don’t think I would’ve guessed the true identities of the Six Paths of Pain either, obviously excluding Yahiko. [*]If I remember correctly, a waterfall started to come out the walls of Finis Terra around the time Asuna was attempting to head back, and it was flowing quite rapidly once all the water in the river had disappeared. I’d assume it was all part of the Agarthan geography, that the soil at the bottom of the riverbed leading to Finis Terra was porous enough to slowly drain all the water and channel it into the aforementioned waterfall. Being a fantasy realm, of course it’d be hard to explain in scientific terms. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Even Cell Jr. is astonished! YAMCHA IS DEAD. Of course he’d punch Trunks the moment after he was mentioned. “You’re getting warmer…” Damn Cell, try and make it sound less erotic, why don’t you… The remainder of this match is for Cell’s eyes only. I feel like his hair just got slightly bigger. Same with his forehead. KEEP-AWAY, BITCH. ;D Finally, one’s down. I think Vegeta felt that right in his pride. Break its hand! Or you could do that, that works too. ;D Goddamn Gohan, you awesome. Watching him take care of all these little bastards is so damn satisfying. ??? Really? Only a shout? “He’s not even breathing hard!” Insert joke about coming here. ZERG RUSH… DENIED! INTRUDER III: Automatic defense lasers are the best kind of automatic defense when it comes to sand worms. The idea of a base that’s one story up top but somewhere near 50 down below is the kind of shit that excites me. And I loved TOM being all “not this shit again” about the idea of an intruder. ;D The reporter’s hiding in the three. Mr. Satan sounds rather calm for someone pissed off at all this. “He is in so much trouble when he gets home…” If he gets home… Thank you, Ox King. What about college? Chi-chi is the worst daughter. Well, if anything, the direction for this attack scene was pretty good. TENTACLE LASERS. FUCK YEAH GOHAN. Wait, but isn’t Krillin the Senzu Bean guy? Oh, so that’s why Trunks has the beans. “How’s Gohan?” “He’s amazing.” MULTIPLE AFTERIMAGES. Hmm, so Goku’s parenting skills weren’t as completely reckless as we first thought. I love that he’s reporting without his mic. ;D Oh god he noticed. RANDOM JAPANESE TEXT. “Dammit, my fist is stuck!” [pulls out] “Oh wait, now it’s not.” Nothing’s impossible when you’re a Super Saiyan Level 2. TOP BILLING: Cell, with Ox King stealing second place. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE RATING SCREENCAP #1: Speedwagon waits dutifully! Apparently, whenever the narrator’s out, Speedwagon fills in the position. I wonder if anyone can hear him… You say it’s the dead of night, so I assume that blue light shining in is from the moon. Oh hey, it’s aged-up Erina. I take it Jonathan had a gut feeling she was Erina, but being the gentleman he is, decided not to assume until he got confirmation. This is the closest we’ll ever get to Speedwagon speaking in the third person. Helping a lady is a gentleman’s jojob. Meanwhile, Jack the Ripper’s doing what he loves. Oh crap it’s Dio. Oh crap now Jack the Ripper’s on Dio’s side. Nothing good can come of this… “Oh wow, I can’t believe my body’s already 75% healed.” Well, Dio knows about it too, but enough about him for the moment. How’d he even get there that fast? Must be some kind of super speed. FINGER PISTOL! Surprise! That man with the delicious sandwiches and awesome hat is now your team medic. “Lifting this rock is nothing! In fact, where’d this rock even come from?” One question at a time. Perfect advice. Well isn’t that ominous. ??? It’s amazing what water can do when you put your mind to it. No, not my friend frog! Oh thank god the frog is safe. Sendo, Ripple, Hamon, they’re all the same technique in the end. Holy crap he knows the mask and Dio. “None of it makes any sense!” And that’s why you’re only a supporting character. Nice, random flowers. For an evil douchebag, Dio looks fabulous when the situation calls for it. Gross, that eye pop. I’m… not sure what that father’s reaction was supposed to be. Excitement, or anger? Only people raised in the ‘50s may know the answer. RATING SCREENCAP #2: Jonathan learning the basics of balance. Wow, so we’re getting Zeppeli’s tragic backstory already. And it turns out this series’ vampires aren’t so afraid of running water. Wow, now that’s a tragic backstory if I’ve ever heard one. Basically, using Hamon means that you’re punching with the power of the sun. ZEPPELI PUNCH! Nice of you to join us, Speedwagon. So that’s where Tom Green got the idea. AW FUCK IT’S JACK THE RIPPER. See? Zombies. Okay, this dude’s nuts. KAN OGAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Now he’s growing knives… okay then. I call this one “the knife attack before the knife attack” for reasons that will be made clear if Demarco tells Jman to go to hell. Okay, now that was an awesome speech. ZEPPELI KNEE! A secret escape route! Only in Great Britain. Is that Norse mythology I hear? “If even one drop of that vino goes to waste, I don’t care how utterly you defeat the zombie, I will abandon you, here and now, leaving you with Speedwagon.” I’m not sure what that thing he had was, but it looked frightening. And so, with the power of deduction and observation, Jack the Ripper’s reign of terror came to an end. Awesomely. FUN FACT: This episode was guest animated by Hoods Entertainment, who’s currently animating Hellsing spiritual successor Drifters and is best known for that series about the Russo-Japanese warriors who control the elements of the periodic table with the power of human breastmilk. Yes, that’s a real show. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Oh crap, we’re starting the episode with Biscuit’s sisters, no good can possibly come from this episode now. Because Biscuit is an important member of the team. Why else would he have accompanied Orga and Kudelia to meet with Makanai? Eco is the most forgettable regular of the Turbine harem. Somehow Carta gets hotter the more she’s shown onscreen. ;D Orga’s still sour about his shadiness. WE PROPANE CONVENTION IN ALBERTA NOW. You’re awfully moody today, random blonde kid. Was that a bomb? If I wasn’t doing things shorthand last week, I would’ve brought up McGillis suddenly looking like he does normally while video-chatting with Gaelio during the phase where he’s currently Montag. At this point, I’d say the reasons behind it are a costume change and a backdrop that looks just like what you’d expect from a Gjallarhorn ship. Also, that purple hair being a wig, but that seems pretty obvious. “Try not to start a socialist uprising while I’m away, will you?” Huh, so they knew each other when they were kids. But how far back? Hm, so even he has one of those back implants. With Fumitan gone, Merribit’s now the person onboard we all want Orga to bang. So that’s why that random guy looks and sounds so familiar. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Whoever makes up the names in this franchise needs to be fired.” But it wouldn’t be Gundam without the ridiculous names. What fun would it be without hilariously stupid names like Revive Revival or Full Frontal? Fuck yeah, giant sword. Or whatever that is, that works too. ;D The interactions between Akihiro and the Turbine harem are great. Great, now they have Mobile Suits and KLFs to deal with. Okay, I’ll admit, I laughed when one of those posing guys got shot after their team catchphrase. I could see someone playing football like that in the XFL. PUNISHMENT OF THE IRON FIST! Mikazuki’s doing a lip lick? That seems awfully out of character, but still pretty awesome. Well then, this fight is pretty neat. STOP. GUNDAM TIME. Oh, so that’s what the bomb was for. AND THE BOMB WORKED. Wait, now it did. So what was all that fire, then? Another set of bombs that I didn’t know about? Yeah, they’re a bunch of children you don’t wanna fuck with. ;D This banter. SURPRISE PITFALL. Sweet, that weird weapon has a claw function. Mikazuki, you’re wonderful. WE’RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT! And then a heroic sacrifice happened. Holy… D-Did Mika just say “bitch”? So does that mean she’s dead now too? The best ending theme is back. Shame it had to pop up here of all episodes… Then again, that makes this whole scene all the more moving. [JYB RAGE SCREAM] HUNTER x HUNTER WE FULL OP AGAIN BITCHES. Now with new lyrics and animation! Those airships have the weirdest designs. So there are at least four buildings in this universe taller than the Burj Khalifa? You insane, HxHverse. Oh my god, it’s Bruce Lee! That’s a cute desk clerk. Which once again raises the question, why are all the women in HxH irrelevant? Those forms they signed are actually liability waivers. ;D Killua’s childhood sounds both crappy and awesome. Welp, didn’t take long for Gon to go up. Shut up dude, that kid has a Hunter’s License for a reason. NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL PUSHING HARD. ;D “When did I get so strong?” Weighted clothing. It exists for a reason. 50th, huh? Impressive. Shotas make the most captivating badasses. Look, it’s the Karate Kid! Okay, that breakdown makes sense, I guess. OSSU! I’m not sure if the Hunter Exam counts as formal training or not, but it definitely helped in its own little way. This guy sounds a little like Chuck Huber, but I’m confident it isn’t him. FUCK YEAH PAYD-152 yen. Aw. Who knew Fight Club could be so profitable? So those were boxes of snacks and not juice boxes? Very interesting… Oh wow, this is unexpected, and I glossed over the synopsis in prep for yesterday’s schedule post. Holy shit, a stray eyecatch has been spotted! Forget Goku vs. Doflamingo, I wanna see how Luffy does against Frieza. Was that the fat guy from Fist of the North Star? Another waifu-able minor ineffectual character has been spotted. Wait, so the wager buttons were to determine who loses the match? Did not see that coming. Still, with the outcome and those profile background colors, I’m expecting the outcome to be a lot like this election: Zushi wins the popular vote, but Killua wins anyway. NECKBREAKER. That referee looks like he doesn’t know how to take a pulse. Huh, didn’t see that one coming. What’s this aura I’m seein’!? Volume control, dude. Wow, so we missed out on Gon’s other match. Eh, I bet it wasn’t nearly as interesting and potentially plot-relevant as Killua vs. Zushi. So the aura was some sort of PTSD wave? Ren? I feel like it should be called something else. STRATEGY CHANGE. Because there’s no doubting the power of a main character. Woohoo, private suite! TOO MANY ZEROES. Hm, so asking Zushi worked after all. ;D Gon’s head is smoking. Yes, what is Nen? We just don’t know. Next time, superpower exposition! So that Wing dude was voiced by Ethan Murray. Nice to see he’s still somewhat relevant. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Last time, I CAN’T BELIEVE JIRAIYA IS FUCKING DEAD. How is that Venus Flytrap dude able to hide himself away so well? Meanwhile, the Hebi has no idea what to do without Sasuke’s leadership. Being tsun-tsun like that isn’t really your forte, Karin. Jugo sure does love his birds. Heh, Naruto’s clones are conversing with one another. I almost forgot that Sai was even in this show. Uchiha family reunion! Neat, a flashback from the original show. Sasuke may be edgy as crap, but damn was he awesome. Well that ended rather quickly. And of course it was a bunch of crows. Naturally Sasuke is only slightly frustrated by this reveal. Speaking of feathers… Oh hey, it’s the Valley of the End. IGNORE IT! Well, one of his clones was bound to find Sasuke eventually, and they succeeded. Nice of you to join us also, Kisame. Dammit Karin, keep it in your panties. Unimportant Land of Waves stuff. I hope this fight gets at least some screentime, and if it does, that it’s at least a little awesome. I don’t know what this Small Radios Big Televisions game is about, but it looks comfy. SURPRISE TOBI! REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “It's a fight between people I hate who am I supposed to root for here.” The one with less terrible people, duh. Remember, Naruto’s side has Kakashi and Yamato on it. And surprise Shadow Clone too. Oh hey, we’re actually seeing a bit of this fight. As expected, it’s pretty cool. Karin is surrounded by idiots, and that’s saying something considering her own intelligence. TSUTOMU OHSHIRO SAKUGA SPOTTED. Hinata is so wet right now, and not just from the water. [insert lack of good comments here] SAKURA THROW! And that, folks, is the power of teamwork. ;D He’s just popping up like a Whack-a-Mole and swatting at them with a switch. I like that Yamato dodged his. In Soviet Hidden Leaf Village, the mole whacks you! ;D Sasuke’s got his serious face on. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Usopp. He seems to get it more often than I expect him to. Also, those credits bastards spelled Franky’s name wrong! And this, folks, is also the power of teamwork. NAOTOSHI SHIDA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Yeah, fuck you squirrels. Nami is definitely steering clear of Oars for the time being. Bad news: Oars is pissed. Good news: he’s stuck. THAT USOPP FACE. And everyone else looks ghoulish too. Oh, if only you zombies knew what was really going on there… Hee, Robin actually looks embarrassed about the prospect of the docking maneuver now. In which Sanji fails to follow his mantra of “think unsexy thoughts” for the umpteenth time. CAN I GET A LEG! This is the coolest thing… and now it’s the most pathetic. Eh, at least it was fun in the moment. ;D Okay, now it’s no longer pathetic. Oh Sanji, you and your desire to impress the ladies. Wait, so Usopp’s got an actual plan? Now this, I gotta see. Sexiest “no” ever. LOOK! IT’S A LADY SWORDSMAN WITH A BUNCH OF MEAT! Bustin’ ‘em in the kneecaps. And now it’s Zoro vs. Oars, one-on-one. In which Foley fondly recalls Crispy M&Ms while snacking on some other candy. Check it, Luffy just remembered that he has a brain. Nice of you to finally join us, Nami. Perona’s laugh still gives me conflicting feelings, even now. SUDDENLY KUMA. “Whoever he is, he’s bad news!” So in a way, he’s… a Bad News Bear? [rimshot] I can’t help but imagine what he did that was so terrible. Can’t have been worse than what they did to Ohara. What an interesting question to ask. GO PERONA GO. And then she disappeared into thin air. Even Nami is shocked! What the fuck how is that koala man still alive. HE MENTIONED ACE THAT MEANS ANGEL IS SATISFIED. A Bad News Bear indeed. FUCK YOU DOPPELMAN. [you are the worst shadow clone] -
Yesterday's watches: Dragonball Xenoverse Let's Play 19 Infinite Stratos 2 8 Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 3 #TIBA Finalists 11-16 plus Honorable Mention 3 Today's watches: Dragonball Z Kai 92 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 20 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 3 [say no to pointless cancellation]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4 Discussion!!
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
First you type "img" in brackets, then your image URL, then "/img" in brackets. It's that simple. -
Better yet, the "jerk store" line said to Vegeta.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
In the aftermath of his deadly battle with the vampirized Dio Brando, Jonathan Joestar has sustained multiple severe injuries, of which he takes the time following the disappearance of his "brother's" looming shadow to heal, alongside an old friendship. However, whilst walking along the road of recovery, he encounters a mysterious man who not only reveals to him the truth of Dio's fate that unforgettable evening, but a mysterious power that can be used to end the wrath of the Stone Mask... Tonight on Toonami, TOM tries to escape the wrath of one of those sand worms from Dune, Gohan goes SSJ2 on Cell and his hideous offspring, Tekkadan tries to simultaneously deal with Biscuit wanting to quit and the Gjallarhorn forces rapidly closing in on them, the first rule about Heaven's Tower is you don't talk about Heaven's Tower, we find out what Naruto and Sasuke's parties have been doing while Jiraiya was off living his final moments, Doflamingo's oft-silent pirate warlord buddy from the Skypiea arc arrives on Thriller Bark in search of Moria, and Saitama unveils the secret behind his super abilities. 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #93 - Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #4 - Overdrive - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14V (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #21 - To the Place of Return - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #27 - Arrival at the Arena - TV-PGV 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #134 - Banquet Invitation - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #368 - The Silent Assault!! The Mysterious Visitor, Tyrant Kuma - TV-PGL 3:00 - One Punch Man #3 - The Obsessive Scientist - TV-14LV [he who controls the spice controls toonami] -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Oh, and here's a little good news for Wolf's Rain fans. -
Rewatched March Comes In Like a Lion 3 Rewatched Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 2
A General Thread for Content Rating Aficionados
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Anime & Manga
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on the planet who isn't depressed or even bummed out by the results of the election. Maybe it's the Aspergers, maybe it's the overreactivity of people today. Point is, enough politics for now. Here's a little something new for y'all reading this. March Comes In Like a Lion #3 - Harunobu / Beyond the Night Sky [how bizarre] -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Well, it is now. -
And now, the recap. Episode 1: My Little Sister Can't Be My Love Synopsis: After discovering a stray magical girl anime DVD lying in the middle of his foyer, high school student Kyosuke Kousaka discovers that his bratty younger sister Kirino is actually a closet otaku, particularly towards anime and video games involving little sisters. As repayment for keeping this little secret of hers, Kyosuke now has to help Kirino out with certain tasks that require his assistance; a little something she refers to as "advice". Content Rating: TV-14DL for intensely suggestive dialogue (multiple mentions of porn stuff, particularly eroge) and strong language ("bitch") Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 2: My Little Sister Can't Bring Me to an IRL Meet Synopsis: As his first piece of advice to Kirino that doesn't involve playing her eroge, Kyosuke convinces her to attend a meeting between female otaku in Akihabara. The actual meeting doesn't give Kirino much of an opportunity to converse with the others, but an impromptu afterparty held by the meeting's leader gives her (and Kyosuke) two associates she'll keep for the rest of the series. Content Rating: TV-14DLS for slightly incestuous suggestive dialogue (Kyosuke's review of an eroge Kirino leant him), strong language ("bitch" again), and brief sexuality (a Meruru doujin cover) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 3: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute Synopsis: Kyosuke and Kirino's father finds out about the latter's possession of adults-only materials, prompting Kyosuke to come up with a solution that will keep her from having to give it all up. His solution, which involves claiming the little sister eroge CD is his, is the first of many instances where Kyosuke sacrifices his own dignity for Kirino's sake. Content Rating: TV-14DL for suggestive dialogue (more eroge talk) and profanity ("shit") Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 4: My Little Sister Can't Be Going to Summerket Synopsis: Kyosuke attempts to keep Kirino from unboxing a collection of doujins in front of her friends, but ends up getting to second base with her (by accident!) instead. Later, he accompanies Kirino and her otaku girl-friends to Comiket, where we get a first glimpse at Kuroneko's superb gaming skills. Oh, and something about a little sister fighting game that Kyosuke can't seem to get past level 6 on. ?.?/10 Content Rating: TV-14DLS for suggestive dialogue (even more eroge talk, plus the word "pervert"), profanity ("shit" again), and sexual situations (the accidental groping) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 5: My Little Sister's Best Friend Can't Be This XX Synopsis: After running into her post-Comiket and discovering her recent doujin haul, Kirino's best friend Ayase breaks off her friendship with her. Kyosuke fixes it, but ends up making Ayase hate his guts as a result. Point is, Ayase is the true worst girl of this show, and it's nice to see my thoughts back in 2010 before I even watched it were same was when I finally did. Content Rating: TV-14D for suggestive dialogue (the usual plus an false incestuous declaration of love) and partial nudity (Kirino showering) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 6: My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Cute Synopsis: Kyosuke finally gets an excuse to be rid of Kirino for an entire episode by hanging out at his childhood friend Manami's place, where everyone in her family wants them to do it. He doesn't bite, since he and Manami are just friends. Content Rating: TV-14 for notable sensuality (the intense Kyosuke/Manami shipping) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 7: My Little Sister Can't Be a Novelist Synopsis: Kyosuke finds himself trapped in a fan-fiction flame war between Kirino and Kuroneko as they're livewatching a Meruru DVD. Later, as reparation for watching porn on her laptop, he also finds himself having to assist Kirino in research for her light novel. Foiled attempts to have him play in traffic ensue. Content Rating: TV-MA for explicit suggestive dialogue (the fates Kirino and Kuroneko picked out for each other in their fanfics and the uncut Meruru home video release being for lolicons) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 8: My Little Sister Can't Be Animated Synopsis: Kirino's light novel gets an anime adaptation, which she approaches with the exact same enthusiasm I do with my own fictional ideas (READ MOAR NIBAI MUGENDAI), but an assholish scriptwriter demands changes to the adaptation that not even Kirino can accept. Thus, Kyosuke, Kuroneko and Saori are left to settle things themselves. Content Rating: TV-14 for mild suggestive dialogue ("erotic character designs", Kuroneko calling Kyosuke a masochistic sister lover) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 9: My Little Sister Can't Be This Absorbed Into Eroge Synopsis: A brief look into the various happenings of our main female characters. Kuroneko has two little sisters of her own, Saori's actually rich and ladylike, and Kirino is so excited about playing her new eroge that the tension between her and Kyosuke actually gets worse than usual. Content Rating: TV-14DLS for intensely suggestive dialogue (the now-meaningless eroge talk and Kirino getting hot and bothered over her game), simulated off-screen sexuality (also Kirino getting off on her game), and profanity (the return of the S-bomb!) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 10: My Little Sister Can't Be Cosplaying Like This Synopsis: Ayase wants to make up with Kirino after unintentionally insulting her Meruru figurines, so she has Kyosuke try and pick out the perfect apology gift. Said gift is an extremely rare Meruru figurine that can only be won in a cosplay contest, which Ayase decides to participate in... with Kirino's other friend and near Meruru look-alike Kanako as her proxy. Content Rating: TV-14DLS for suggestive dialogue ("pervert"-calling), strong language (the return of "bitch"), brief sexuality (more doujin covers), and moderate violence (towards Kyosuke, of course) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 11: My Little Sister Can't Be This Maid Synopsis: Kirino tries to ruin Kyosuke's chances with Manami by rigging her laptop with eroge footage and embarrassing comments which Kyosuke fails to spoil because he's apparently never heard of closing a laptop manually. Later, she makes up with him over it and a bunch of other harsh sibling moments by thanking him for all the advice he's given him over the past several months. Content Rating: TV-MA for intensely suggestive dialogue (the usual dialogue junk), profanity (another S-bomb), and sexual content (Kuroneko's incest doujin) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 12: My Little Sister's Advice Can't End Here (GOOD END) Synopsis: After buying an eroge for her as his last piece of advice for her, Kyosuke learns why that is: she's going to America to improve her skills in track and field. Except not really, because Splitter can't have nice things. The end of the animated franchise in the alternate universe where it was too unpopular to justify a season 2. Content Rating: TV-14DL for suggestive dialogue (eroge talk and gay panic) and strong language (another "bitch") Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 13: My Little Sister's Advice Can't End Here (TRUE ROUTE) Synopsis: The alternate canon cut of last episode, where Kyosuke doesn't learn about Kirino's trip to America and she goes without fanfare. The next thing Kyosuke has to worry about in her absence, however? Kuroneko now going to his high school. Content Rating: TV-14D for suggestive dialogue (eroge talk and gay panic) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 14: My Junior Can't Be This Rotten Synopsis: Noticing that his new kouhai Kuroneko is avoiding her peers, Kyosuke gets her to join the school's Gaming Research Club in an attempt to have her socialize more. It's there that we're introduced to Sena Akagi, Kyosuke's friend's little sister who is the biggest teenage fujoshi barring the MC of Kiss Him, Not Me! Content Rating: TV-14DS for adult content (Sena's homo love), intensely suggestive dialogue (Sena talking about homo love), moderate language (the phrase "piss off"), and mild sexuality (Saori groping herself) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 15: My Junior Can't Be This Cute Synopsis: The Gaming Research Club has Kuroneko and Sena work together on a video game for an upcoming contest, forcing them into a contest of ideas that Kuroneko wins out on. But even after fixing all the bugs with Sena's help, they still win Worst Game In Show. Content Rating: TV-MA for adult content (Sena's homo RPG game), explicitly suggestive dialogue (the details of the game's story), and profanity (precision F strike, bitches) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 16: My Little Sister Can't Be in the Last Episode Synopsis: After getting a mysterious text from Kirino asking him to get rid of all her eroge goods, Kyosuke flies out to America to find out why. As it turns out, her end goal for her time in America is eating her alive, so he uses everything in his power to convince her to come back to Japan. And it works! Content Rating: TV-14L for profanity (yet another S-bomb) and suggestive dialogue (apparently not enough to get a 14D consideration) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 17: My Little Sister Can't Come Back Home Again Synopsis: Upon bringing Kirino back to Japan, Kyosuke starts to regret doing so, as she's falling back into her old habits. Turns out that's just her way of settling back in before having Kyosuke accompany her to Akihabara as a one-year-anniversary life advice shopping spree. Content Rating: TV-14D for intensely suggestive dialogue (Kanako calling Kirino and Ayase lesbians, Sena talking more about homo games) and off-screen sexuality (more Kirino getting off on her eroge) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 18: The Onii-san I Trusted and Sent Off Can't Get This Hooked On Portable Bishoujo Games and Start Sexually Harassing Me Synopsis: In the best episode of the series yet, Ayase asks Kyosuke to get Kirino to pay more attention to her and not the make-your-own-girlfriend game she got from Akiba last episode. Kyosuke's attempts lead to him getting hooked on the game too, but the sexual harassment towards Ayase that results ends up leading her to fix things herself. At least, until she showed Kirino how yandere she's willing to be. Content Rating: TV-14D for intensely suggestive dialogue (Kyosuke's sexual harassment of Ayase) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 19: My Friend Can't Take Off Her Glasses Synopsis: Here we learn the story of how Saori went from being a shy loli to her otaku girl self, all thanks to her older sister's multiple interests and her desire to pick up where she left off with her little otaku collective. Content Rating: TV-PG for simulated peril (chunibayu prince, meet model AK-47) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 20: My Little Sister's Rival Can't Come to Japan Synopsis: The arrival of Kirino's elementary-school-age track and field rival from the States to the Kousaka family abode makes Kyosuke's life even more hectic than it already is, especially with Kirino's super-protectiveness prompting her to call Kyosuke any range of names from "pervert" to "lolicon". Content Rating: TV-14DS for intensely suggestive dialogue (the phrase "little girl lover"), moderate language (5 uses of "pisses me off" in a row), nudity (Kirino and Ria out of the bath), and fanservice (striped panties~) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 21: I Can't Be My Little Sister's Boyfriend, and My Little Sister Can't Have a Boyfriend Synopsis: Kirino convinces Kyosuke to pose as her boyfriend in order to avoid having to model in Europe, and they go on a fake date to convince themselves further that the insistent talent agent bought it. Later, they go to Comiket again and sell out of a joint doujinshi they, Kuroneko and Saori made. Content Rating: TV-PGD for suggestive dialogue (the usual stuff and incest panic) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 22: My Little Sister Can't Be Bringing Her Boyfriend Home Synopsis: Kirino introduces Kyosuke and her otaku friends to Mikagami, a fellow model who also likes anime, but the reveal that he's her boyfriend is too much for Kyosuke to bear. However, after deciding that he'll only accept Mikagami if he can love Kirino more than he does, Kirino admits that the boyfriend thing was a lie. Also, Ayase put Kyosuke in handcuffs and somehow I didn't want to do to her what I want to do to Jman every time he says Toonami should cancel JoJo for no reason. Content Rating: TV-PGDL for suggestive dialogue (more harassment and perversion), mild language (six uses of "damn"), and partial nudity (a fantasy shot of Kuroneko) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 23: I Can't Become a Couple With My Underclassman Synopsis: Kuroneko asks Kyosuke out on a date and, after turning to Kirino and Manami for further advice, takes her up on her offer. He also introduces Mikagami to the Gaming Research Club, which somehow avoided having Sena talk about her love of homosexual men. Content Rating: TV-14D for intensely suggestive dialogue (the standard plus Kyosuke talking second base with Mikagami) and partial nudity (a fantasy hug between Kyosuke and Kuroneko) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 24: I Can't Create a Summer Memory With My Underclassman Synopsis: In accordance with her Penguindrum Future Diary, Kyosuke and Kuroneko go on the latter's ideal dates, and it manages to make their ship look appealing even to those who don't have a problem with them not being the endgame! Which makes it all the more heartbreaking when it turns out she plans on breaking up with him. Content Rating: TV-PGDLS for suggestive dialogue (incest accusations and chesticular compliments), strong language (two uses of "bitch"), and mild sexual situations (Kyosuke wondering if Kuroneko wants to re-enact a MASCHERA sex scene with him) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 25: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute! Synopsis: Kuroneko's breaking up with Kyosuke, on top of transferring out of their school and moving out of her house, tears Kyosuke up pretty badly, so Kirino decides to help him figure out why she did all that. What results is a surprisingly moving reveal that for as much as she dislikes Kyosuke, Kirino actually cares about him very much. Oh, and Kuroneko's father's work was what made her move and break up with Kyosuke, besides wanting them to get along better. Content Rating: TV-PGDL for suggestive dialogue (Kirino calling Kuroneko a "horny cat"), moderate language (two uses of "pissed off"), and mild sexuality (an off-screen imouto sex dream) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 26: My Little Sister Can't Wear a Wedding Dress Synopsis: Ayase thinks she's to blame for Kyosuke and Kuroneko breaking up, and to convince herself that that's not the case after Kyosuke outright said it wasn't, she has him attend a Meruru promotion concert Kanako's performing in as a favor. He misses most of it, though, trying to get Kirino there in time to see it for herself. He mostly succeeds. Content Rating: TV-14D for intensely suggestive dialogue (Kyosuke: Sexual Harassment Overlord) and brief nudity (Mikagami's censored Meruru bicycle wheel covers) Rating Screencaps: Act 1 Act 2 Episode 27/11 coming next week. [and then it begins]
August 10, 2008. Tsukasa Fushimi debuted his light novel Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute), better known as Oreimo, to many otaku about to get a wake-up call on their imouto fantasies. October 3, 2010. The animated adaptation of Oreimo, directed by Hiroyuki Kanbe at AIC Build, premiered on Japanese television. The now-defunct blog Chocolate Syrupy Waffles disliked it, on the pretense that Kirino was not the little sister any of them wanted. August 21, 2014. I, PokeNirvash, who actually has a little sister unlike those poseurs on CSW, started watching Oreimo, for no other reason than it was about damn time I did so. With it, I also made a thread simply titled "I've Finally Done It", where I commented on all of the episodes to prove to those who clearly don't know me well enough that not even this show can crawl under my skin as much as it did with them. June 1, 2016. After a needlessly long hiatus associated with the fact that I technically watched Oreimo alongside three other anime, and in response to the Hulu expiration that never came to be, I resumed watching Oreimo with the intention of finishing it for good this time. As the first couple episodes I watched as part of this resurgence were done on Wednesdays, a whole new title for this ritual came to pass: Oreimo Wednesdays. November 9, 2016. After the official unprecedented shutdown of the [adult swim] message boards where I talked Oreimo Wednesdays, I have decided to revive the thread in which I did it. Only six episodes remain of the Oreimo animated franchise, and starting next week, those six Wednesdays will be spent seeing where it goes and what it does and why nobody liked them besides the obvious. Today, however, I will post brief descriptions and thoughts on the episodes that came before, not unlike what Blatch did with BAKUON!! in the General Ratings thread. With that, I can finally finish this damn thing. Here's to my health, and the best of luck. [or whatever they say these days]
So that happened and honestly I'm not surprised
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Free-For-All
We can only hope that's the case, and I am confident that will actually be the case. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Not. Going. Anywhere. -
No, that's me who likes everything, and Michiko and Hatchin was not that awful, it just wasn't to your taste.
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
More like time for you to shut the fuck up pipe down. JoJo's not going anywhere, and there's nothing your sour sorry ass can do to stop it. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
This is why I hate the ratings thread. You people think ratings are all that matter. Just as long as you enjoy it out of your own accord, who cares if the ratings suck for one night? [apparently you assholes] -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
No matter how decent CWCLV does for its timeslot, people are still gonna find a way to blame IBO and One Piece. [thus all is right with this thread] -
Technically not anime, but I gotta make my mark here somehow. Off The Air - "Work" Gotham S3E8
My thoughts exactly on both accounts. Also, the CGI fast food simulator short was freaky but appeared normal compared to KOKOFREAKBEAN's Pizza Apocalypse. [do they take coins]
>not calling it Zaregoto
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Alright, now that my opening post has been edited thanks to our complaints about the so-called "privileged" edit button, I might as well post my thoughts on this week's block. INTRUDER III - Good start so far. I have a feeling I'm gonna enjoy this, even if it's not as plot-heavy as Intruder II nor as much of a game-changer. DRAGONBALL Z KAI - Removing 16's bomb was brilliant in practice but terrible in hindsight. R.I.P. Brobot. :'( In other regards, I didn't expect the Cell Jr.s to be so blue, nor for their beatdown of the Z Fighters to look so hilarious. Only problem was, all those shots of Gohan crying made it hard for me to really laugh at it. Well, at least there's always Mr. Satan's antics to serve as comic relief. TOP BILLING: Android 16, with Mr. Satan finally getting a credits mention! ;D JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE - If Dio's the most hateable character based on principle alone, then Speedwagon is the most loveable. Becoming a fan of him is the second step to really enjoying JoJo, after all. Speedwagon fanboying aside, this episode was just as fun and exciting as it was the first two times I saw it. (Yeah, still the only one here who saw the dub before [as] because I don't give a crap about DVD packaging.) Not dubbing in "I reject my humanity!" is regrettable, yes, but the dub's alternate sounded just as impressive and intimidating. Not too bummed personally about the missing "Even Speedwagon is afraid!" either. RATING SCREENCAPS: Dio before and after the Stone Mask. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS - I don't really have much to say about the actual plot of the episode (just that circumstance made Makanai unable to follow Tekkadan's plan exactly and his shadiness is the only way for every party to have their way), but you know something's wrong if the series kills off Biscuit's brother yet allows Ein to live. Well, at least Atra going full annoying harem girl on Mika was fun. Also, if I was taking up Foley's reins in the top quotes department too, Angel's comment in the old thread about Fumitan lacking the Joestar mustache would've automatically gotten #1, not just for the excellent tie-in to JoJo but the hilariously wrong/sexy image of Fumitan with a mustache. HUNTER x HUNTER - Recap was recap. The full version of Just Awake was fun, just for seeing it up to and including the moment Hisoka let out his banshee scream. Canary getting a fireblast to the head is still hard to watch, even after learning it was nonfatal. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Dragged out as Jiraiya's death may have been, at least it was better than the inaccurately heavy-handed flashbacks to Gaara's loneliness at the start of this show. Really, I'm just curious as to who Pain really is, plus what code was used for Jiraiya's last will and testament. ONE PIECE - Weird that Luffy was nowhere to be seen this episode, if you don't count Oars. The teamwork this episode was fun, even if it didn't go exactly as planned. Between Nami putting fear in the eyes of those annoying squirrel minions and Robin's nonchalant refusal to partake in the docking maneuver, the female crew members this episode were on point. Very weird and mysterious that Kuma showed up, but I wasn't expecting his voice to be so... soft. CHILDREN WHO CHASE LOST VOICES - Or according to 4chan, Children Who Chase Lost Debts. It's been forever since I've seen a Shinkai film - all I remember about The Place Promised In Our Early Days was that it was beautiful as fuck and I added a majority of its staff to Anime News Network when I first watched it - but the experience was fun, especially watching it live. The pacing could've been a little slower, and the plot a little more concrete, but it was still fun, if mostly because it was the first time we had a movie on Toonami since FMA: Sacred Star of Milos tanked the already-low ratings of the final Hellsing Ultimate episode even further. Hopefully it pulls through decently in the ratings. Also, the dub was better than I expected, mostly because I was fearing the worst from Steven "The Reason Sentai's Dubs Are The Same But Worse Than ADV's" Foster before I went into it. Besides a few hiccups, it was a decent dub. Makes me feel better about going into his other Sentai works. Except for maybe Penguindrum... 9/10, would watch again if it reruns. [the national debt has been repaid] -
I frequent another SMF-powered board, and if you log on, you have the option of staying on for a certain amount of time. "Forever" is one of them. I'd suggest selecting that if you want to avoid a random logout.