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Kuromukuro 15
When does DB Super stop being a crappier version of the movies?
PokeNirvash replied to Ric's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Mm-hmm. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Well, April 1st is on a Saturday this year, so if there was any time to fix this problem, it would be then. But then they have to evade the wrath of Toei afterwards. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Clearly the problem is either the 11:30 Super being a rerun, or Super being aired to begin with. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
When I do brackets, it's either for the fun of it, or me assigning an anime to each team so that as the tournament actually plays out, the one show left standing is the winner. [baccano won last year] -
March Comes in Like a Lion 20 Rewatched Kuromukuro 14
A General Thread for Content Rating Aficionados
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Anime & Manga
March Comes in Like a Lion #17 - Silver Thread / Water's Surface / Base of the Blue Night March Comes in Like a Lion #18 - Torrent / Passing Time March Comes in Like a Lion #19 - Passing the Night / Kyoto -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Ah what the hell, I'll do one too. 1. Samurai Jack (We need series and episodes like this to counterbalance all the waves of shit in today's animation climate.) 2. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (The distaste for Wild Beck has to be the most meta this show has ever gotten.) 3. Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX (Mmm, that technical direction.) 4. Hunter x Hunter (That auction house massacre took way less manpower than expected, but that's the Phantom Troupe for ya.) 5. DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters (YO THAT KID JUST KILLED DANNY DEVITO.) 6. One Piece (The final lesson to learn from One Piece: you can ship Robin with pretty much any other Straw Hat and it works.) 7. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 (Mecha Pilot Karen Strassman 2.0 is everything wrong with Zeon today.) 8. Naruto Shippuden (Filler villains: always slightly overpowered.) 9. Sand Whale and Me (Why is it a video game? What purpose is there for it being a video game? Who in their right mind would think a concept this cool would require the supposed thrill of being a video game?) 10. Dragonball Super (Lord Beerus, you a busta.) -
The last One Piece episode on Toonami discussion.
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Took you long enough to shit up this thread like a true busta, Jman. O0 -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
My guess is that the dagger exploded only the walls Jack hit with it, and the castle collapsed because those walls weren’t there to support it when all was said and done. You could see the collapsed structure after he made his escape, after all. I find it interesting how all the filler arcs thus far for Shippuden have some connection to Jinchuriki. First we had Sora being infused with residual Nine-Tails chakra to serve as a pseudo-Jinchuriki, then we had Yukimaru be used to control the Three-Tails remotely as a different approach to the Jinchuriki, now we have Utakata, who appears to be a more conventional Jinchuriki than the first two. Also, at least the Shadow Beasts are named after actual animals, so it shouldn’t be too taxing to memorize them all. Fuck yeah, they’re kicking off anniversary month with the mechanical component design theme. ;D SAMURAI JACK Greg Baldwin ain’t no Mako, but he makes a decent substitute as Aku. That whole self-therapy scene was surprisingly fun. As for the rest of the episode, AWESOME. I’ve always enjoyed the design of those ancient and abandoned tombs, and seeing yet another one in action was just as enjoyable. The scene where the Daughters of Aku are scouring the main mausoleum for Jack was absolutely perfect, thanks to the music used. Now all that’s left to wonder is, how will Jack recover? Both from his wounds and his first confirmed human kill. (Why did it have to be the one with the best hairstyle?) DRAGONBALL SUPER If the problem’s with the engine, why don’t you send someone down there and check? Piccolo is content with staying outta this one. I still love that Vegeta’s got the best seat, so to speak, in the house. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS AN ATTACK FROM BEHIND, BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY A STOMACHPUNCH! “So that attack didn’t faze you at all, huh?” I wouldn’t say that, he looked pretty fazed in the moment. Compressing a super-huge energy blast into something smaller so it’s easily throwable. I don’t know whether that’s awesome or stupid. [blows up] Stupid it is, then. Goddammit Bulma, what part of “humans can’t sense god energy” from last week did you not understand? I guess Saiyans are hella resilient then. HE BIT MY FUCKING TAIL! [banshee scream] Gohan, you give your old man too much credit. Oh god, it’s a “Goku convinces his opponent to go at him with full power for a fairer fight” episode. Someone sure is disappointed. “He’s unpredictable. That is what makes him so scary.” Ain’t that the truth. : In which Beerus uses Goku’s attempt at conversation as the perfect guise to get in close. Welp, so much for the wildlife on that desolate island. But why the weird live-action video game angle, though? “Where is everyone?” Or maybe he didn’t dodge the explosion, and Saiyans are just hella resilient. HEADBUTT. So he’s repaying the one headbutt with ten. That ain’t good. Yeahhhhhhh this series was more fun to comment on when it wasn’t all action. We hackeysack now? Man, fuck Beerus. Hmm, that was easy. Or maybe not. I’m pretty sure Sean Schemmel passed out at some point while recording this episode. Because nearly nothing can beat the Kamehameha. EVEN BEERUS IS SURPRISED! His skin went pale, that ain’t good. MAN, FUCK BEERUS. “Saw it coming.” Not even Goku understands the reason behind his thrill for the battle. “Also saw that coming.” And then Beerus ate his words. If you’re gonna go all out, go all out near Mars, or at least Venus. TOP BILLING: Beerus. Clearly the most disappointing part of last episode was the lack of Whis. Thank god for these next episode previews. SAND WHALE AND ME Okay, I think I understand the plot of this one. Our female protag crash-landed on a remote planet with strangely Earthican landscapes, but all the food she tries to eat, from the snail gum to the dragon eggs, are sapping her health, which is named after Owlchemist’s amusing nickname for DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters for some reason. And these Sand Whales are apparently the only non-potentially lethal edibles on the planet. (Besides her can of “Green Peace”.) I still don’t get the whole “video game” angle of it, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it come the second episode. DRAGONBALL Z KAI NORMAL PUNCH. Even when he loses, Mr. Satan remains the awesomest. “…be ready to let it all hang out!” Even funnier that he’s talking about the Adult Division. MUH JUNIOR. Fuck yeah, brackets! Oh Trunks, you’re definitely Vegeta’s kid. Speaking of real knockouts… Oh man, now I know what the mask was trying to hide. Piccolo and 18 are sour because they don’t have digestive processes. Sucks to be Krillin. “The thing I miss most about this world is the totally awesome food!” Lord Beerus agrees with that last part. That purple kid looks awfully familiar… Okay that is not a kid’s voice. Soooooooo creepy. Man, fuck these creepy USB-mouthed motherfuckers. Yeah, the purple skin was a pretty obvious clue. Poor Piccolo, getting inadvertently shit-talked by his own adoptive son. That M on the bald dude’s forehead looks mighty curious. Eh, it’s probably just a tattoo. Oh hey, his buddy’s got one too! I dunno, pear-shaped bodies are a thing… Congratulations, Krillin! You’re #1! Gohan got the real luck of the draw there. : “Regular names are so overrated.” Spopovitch disturbs me, almost as much as Shin. Chi-Chi, you may be hot, but you could really be a better daughter. This selection process is actually very invigorating, but I doubt it’ll do well with the regular audience. Videl gets her looks from Mr. Satan’s hot Asian wife. :-D Oh good, Pintar isn’t Spopovitch’s equally jacked friend. Goku vs. Vegeta. That one should be good. :-D JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: A carefully framed shot of Caesar’s final resting place. Also, props to [as] for finally utilizing the best rating. They truly have more patience than I. I would’ve guessed it closed after the depression struck. Maybe that’s what caused the owner’s death… I completely forgot about the doorknob being a fist. In a show full of ambiguously gay vampires, this one takes the cake. Lisa Lisa will handle this one. Alright maybe this guy isn’t as gay as I thought. The sunglasses are on, shit’s about to get real. I love that they just don’t give two shits about this guy. Joseph mocking him pre-mortem made it all the better. Just like the ending to Eureka AO, Joseph not taking the antidote immediately makes most go “WTF!?” while I respond with an “eh”. REPLY TO BUU: “Besides, do you know where that ring's been?” The same could be asked about Esidisi’s, but like that one, Jojo will knock it back when it’s time to take the antidote. My sister’s home this week for her Spring Break (while mine’s just short of ending), and I can only imagine what her reaction would be to all these subtly sexist remarks within the episode like “even though you are a woman”. Oh no, human vampire bats! Such subtlety. So there’s a device now, huh? SMALL BOMBS. What? “You do have pluck.” Thank you, previous arc, for teaching me what that word meant. See what I meant when I said this wasn’t a revenge tale like you all wanted yourselves to believe? SCREENCAP #2: Pillar Manservice, go! We coliseum match now! So apparently Kars can use the light to make himself equally invisible. Thank god they remembered about Messina. Oh Joseph, you’re incorrigible. See, I told you the contents of her briefcase would be important. I’ve missed young Speedwagon. The appointed hour has arisen. FUCK YOU DIO. Turns out Lisa Lisa was the baby all along. Note that his questioning is out of surprise/disbelief. Eh, 50 isn’t that old. And so the complications arise. STAMPEDE! WAMUU used HAKI! IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE! “Vampire horses!? Now that’s just insane!” Oh yeah, chariot races! These two vampire minions remind me of Watch and Ward. WAMUU! WAMUU! WAMUU! WAMUU! And on goes his headband. Shit’s about to get really real! Man, Sand Whale and me really screwed up the timing of my recordings. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 Time for another five minutes of the same old recap! All right, let’s see how long we can last before Banagher starts bitching again. So they’re in the Sahara then, fair enough a location. This series really makes a decent argument for Zeon. Oh hey, Campbell’s soup. If it ain’t sad, it’s complicated as fuck. Crying is a completely natural thing. Some people just refuse to understand that. IIRC, he’s referring to Haman Karn, one of the main antagonists of Zeta Gundam. She’s pretty hot. SIEG ZEON. I wanna punch Angelo in his stupid face. Well, at least her hair’s fluffy. All these sleeper cells, waking up at once. It’s good to see that Banagher isn’t complaining. Bright’s lack of sclera reminds me of Hanna-Barbera. That man in the picture frame is Amuro Ray, the OG Gundam protagonist. He complained about piloting robots before Shinji Ikari made it the cool thing to do. THE SIEGE HAS BEGUN! You gotta love that giant robot carnage. I love how these beams melt the metal before exploding it. Man, fuck this fluffy-haired chick. Banagher reacted to that better than I expected. Meanwhile, who cares about what Riddhe is doing. This is why you never let women into your mancave. HUNTER x HUNTER Why would you capitalize the X in Hunter x Hunter? Turns out the third bodyguard at the auction was the narrator all along. The tension in this room is so thick, you could fantasize about it sitting on your face. Oh shit they’ve already infiltrated the inner corridor. FINGERBANG TIMES TEN! Yusuke Urameshi would be jealous. Dude, I think they’ve already found their way inside you. Well… that’s one way to give someone brain damage. Shizuku killed Baise, that means she’s my HxH waifu now. Anyone who thinks HxH is still a kids’ show after this needs to be lobotomized. “Oh look, a survivor.” Instant beheading. Alright, that Nen vacuum is actually kinda cute. :3 Dang, the Phantom Troupe really doesn’t mess around. No one ever suspects the hot air balloon. Wait, so someone besides the Phantom Troupe stole the merchandise? Now that’s a twist. Nevermind, it was just the auction staff planning ahead. EVERY DAY IS GREAT AT YOUR JUNES~. I liked this commercial better when the refreshed sighs were natural and not Autotuned. Personally, if one of them had to be a “Junes” (sorry, Judas), it’d definitely be Hisoka. The ten dongs? Okay, so the mafia did take at least some precautions. But what could they do to draw that many bad dudes out? Any reason why the token black guy has a lisp? Patrick Seitz has got this handled. Caught the bullet with his teeth. Now this is a villain I can get behind. DICKS OUT FOR UVOGIN. “Damn sniper bullets…” BULLSEYE. A super bazooka? Must have some ammunition. “Did I get him!?” No you did not. It’s a… slugman? “Those guys are so dead.” Oh yeah, Gon wasn’t even in this episode, was he? That’s why you use concealer, you stupid bitch! NARUTO SHIPPUDEN This is certainly a disturbing time to show some cleavage. It’s hard for her to be happy with a blank face, dumbass. Creepier than Shin. BIG BANG ATTACK! That gaze… so she’s not exactly out of it after all, no matter what her pupils say. “Have you lost your mind?” No, it’s natural for filler villains to have delusions of grandeur. In what way are those two the same? Oh yeah, that… Clearly Utakata killed his master out of self-defense. Naming your new country after your clan is a terrible idea, there’s already a Land of Earth and Village Hidden in the Clouds. Unless the “Gumo” part of Tsuchigumo means “spider”, otherwise go nuts. She’s his vessel because this series isn’t edgy enough for sex slavery. FREEZE FRAME NO JUTSU. And then Toonami became part of a weird music video. Demarco, that madman! Still, it was a better episode of Off the Air than the last episode of Off the Air. I know you’ve got that freeze-frame kanji thing going on, but can you beat Madara Uchiha in battle with it? Flashback Utakata, you dick. Why do Shiranami’s abs look like a butterfly is trapped inside them? I feel that this guy’s ripping off the Spirit Bomb with this move. “Believe it!” may have died out after thirty episodes, but “Cha!” is forever. Watching these three do something, even if it’s against a bunch of hypnotized villagers, is pretty relieving, considering Naruto’s frozen in place for the foreseeable future. CURSE YOU, VIC MANGINA. I WILL GET YOU BACK. SOMEHOW. “There’s no end to any of this.” He says in the filler arc with one episode left. : Utakata always plans ahead. JINCHURIKI CHAKRA, ACTIVATE! Shadow Clones: always the perfect distraction. Did he just say “Furry Jutsu”? Welp, they’re boned. ONE PIECE ONE LAST TOAST FOR ONE PIECE! TOP BILLING: Brook. You gotta love them skull jokes. It always pays to keep a record of your adventures for future generations to find. The White Hankerchief of Happiness. The funny thing is, I only remember two of those adventures. Part of 4Kids alabasta, and the [as] run of Water 7/Enies Lobby. Somehow never got around to watching Skypiea, which is apparently as elusive as the Band of Seven arc. Whatever adventures you have next, you’ll have to go elsewhere to hear about them. Luffy’s appetite certainly knows no bounds. Catching the plate with his teeth. Not as impressive as Uvogin and that bullet, but it’ll do. Tough luck there, Sanji. So I assume the official world maps in the OP universe are technically incomplete. Well… that was certainly painful. : ( A simple task that he’ll inevitably screw up. The lesson to learn from this: always label your liquid storage barrels. Well, at least Luffy’s having fun. Zoro’s training regimen is pretty extreme. Hm, that turned out slightly better than I expected, even with the bathroom humor. And then Robin was Brook’s therapist. Oh boy they’re gonna bond over their tragic backstories. When are they gonna air that Tokyo Ghoul promo they aired during Samurai Jack again? That would be waaaaaaay more preferable than this titanic testicular travesty of a promotional. ::: Robin, you are the best. And considering we won’t be getting to Hancock anytime soon, it looks like it’s gonna stay that way. Luffy doesn’t discriminate, and that’s why he’s also the best. And so lunch went by without much incident, apart from the usual wackiness. That hallucination is always hard to take. Mmm… stew. Sometimes I forget that Luffy has abs. Ah yes, the sad violin version of Binks’ Brew. Always moving. T_T And with that, One Piece’s time on Toonami has come to an end. Whether it returns in the future or not, it was a great four-year run regardless. Until we meet again, old friend… Later. T_T7 GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX I’m more than certain that the episode airing in letterbox was some type of programming error, but considering the letterboxing was part of what made several of the scenes across this episode so awesome when I first saw them, that error was the right choice. That, plus the retro packaging, made for an entertaining night of Toonami. The Tachikoma Days short was fun too! ;D [happy 20th toonami] -
So we've moved onto Dimension W hate, huh? ... FUCK ALL OF YOU I'M STILL BUYING THE HOME VIDEO RELEASE.
I just remembered why Samurai Jack is mediocre
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
A 5/10 seems too generous for you. : -
Since One Piece is Dead (on Toonami) **spoilers**
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
SEVEN YEARS HAND DRAWN is actually a reference to Redline and the time it took to animate it. But I appreciate the unintentional SAO connotation. -
See, here's my beef with Toonami
PokeNirvash replied to Zenigundam's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
You real name is Davy Beans? That's hilarious. -
Since One Piece is Dead (on Toonami) **spoilers**
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Yes, but that was the Cell arc, and they're talking about Super. The two of which are SEVEN YEARS HAND DRAWN APART FROM ONE ANOTHER. -
Did y'all know Boondocks Season 4 was back on the air??
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Is it any surprise that I consider Pretty Boy Flizzy to be the best of the eight episodes of the show that I bothered to watch? -
Eldlive... not sure how I feel about this anime.
PokeNirvash replied to Sandstone's topic in Anime & Manga
...Okay now I kinda wanna see this show for myself. -
One Piece leaving Toonami. Tokyo Ghoul to replace it.
PokeNirvash replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
To reiterate what I said in the Trunks thread, if you thought Akame ga KILL! was pure edge, then you ain't seen nothin' yet. [b-b-b-baby] -
March Comes in Like a Lion 19 Also, hooray for season 2! ;D
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
With the defeat of Esidisi on Ersaplina Island, and the demise of Caesar Zeppeli in Saint Moritz, the Pillar Men and Hamon users fighting against them are now two and two: Kars and Wamuu vs. Joseph Joestar and Lisa Lisa. But as ready to fight them as they are, will the two be enough to take on both the Pillar Men and their swarms of minions? Will Joseph take the antidote now or wait until his rematch with Wamuu, whenever it may be? And what of the mysterious contents of Lisa Lisa's briefcase? Before I get too carried away, Jack finds himself hunted down by the so-called "Daughters of Aku", Goku gets the hang of fighting as a Super Saiyan God after a few more exchanges with Beerus, Toonami's first microseries since the original IGPX makes landing and it's hella weird, the adults' division of the World Martial Arts Tournament finally gets underway, Zeon forces from across Earth race to where the second clue of Laplace's Box is hiding in Australia, the Phantom Troupe makes their move as the Yorknew City Dream Auction begins, Naruto and Utakata rush to stop Shiranami from releasing the forbidden jutsu sealed inside Hotaru, One Piece's four-year Toonami Swim run comes to a close as Brook observes a day in the life of the Straw Hat crew, and Section 9 investigates what the deal is with a famous revolutionary leader's visitation pattern to Japan. But really, this is all that needs to be said about that episode. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #11 - Let's Keep Going, Lord Beerus! The Battle of Gods! - TV-PGV ... 11:00 - Samurai Jack #54 - XCIII - TV-14V 11:30 - Dragonball Super #11 - Let's Keep Going, Lord Beerus! The Battle of Gods! - TV-PGV 12:00 - Sand Whale and Me #1 - Warfare Encounter - TV-PGV 12:05 - Dragonball Z Kai #109 - Restless Foreboding. A Mysterious Warrior Appears! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #21 - A Hundred Against Two - TV-14V (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #11 - The Battle at Torrington - TV-14V 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #43 - A Shocking Tragedy - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #150 - The Forbidden Jutsu Released - TV-PGL 2:30 - One Piece #384 - Brook's Great Struggle! Is the Path to Becoming a True Comrade Rigorous? - TV-PG 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #7 - IDOLATER - TV-14V Next week: if you thought Akame ga KILL! was pure edge, then you ain't seen nothin' yet. [b-b-b-baby] -
>implying one gay fanfic will automatically ruin a cool concept forever and ever
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I know. It was magical. -
Eureka Seven Movie Trilogy Announced [Remake]
PokeNirvash replied to MasqueradeOverture's topic in Anime & Manga
Pretty sure AO retconned itself out of existence in the final episode.