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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. All these precious babies 😍😍😍
  2. It's hella difficult. I don't have the willpower to diet, so I asked the doctor for a meal plan and she told me 1200 calories a day. Its hella expensive too. I don't take a lot of time for meal prep because I don't have the time to do it with the sleep I like to get, so I got 90 calorie protein bars to snack on and shit. It's awful. Just one pizza a week. I mean if I wasn't 441 pounds and my knees worked, I'd be there.
  3. I'm gonna write a thriller movie about this if I survive.
  4. More action than I've gotten in a year. Have at it.
  5. I mean same.
  6. There wasn't an option to choose for that. Probly because I am the last.
  7. I've not been to a doctor in 15 years. If I'm feeling bad I go to the clinic where they just ask to see my insurance card, so it tripped me up. After I actually saw the doctor they gave me the forms to fill out and it made a lot more sense because they also asked about gender identity, sexuality, and preferred pronouns.
  8. I mean at least they aren't combined. Bend you in half until you can look up your ass until you can see your own prostate.
  9. You bring up a good point. I may be prejudging here. I just hate living in Bumblefuck, Kentucky.
  10. Nah, this is Cult of Christianity, bible thumping, Trump humping country. Surprised the lil holiness girl didn't kick me out when I said none.
  11. Happy birf! Tell your kitty I love her.
  12. Scheduled my appointment and gave a lot of information last Wednesday. Came in early for new patient onboarding. The first question I was asked for the new patient paperwork was "what religion are you." Suddenly I'm really uncomfortable in this place. My insurance needs to get their shit together and find me a better selection of doctors, because all the local ones were listed at this place.
  13. See, at least with the music playing it's theatrical and dramatic, playing out like a scene in a movie. With no music it's visceral, real, and raw. Makes me feel violated thinking about it.
  14. Plus my bathroom at home is just more comfortable.
  15. I'm just grossed out by it because I cannot stand people being in the same room as me as I'm trying to dump a load.
  16. Cracky Butt Day!
  17. Lions fan here. I know my fate but I face it with pride. ...like a lion! Lion! Pride! It's a pun!
  18. just admit you had a run-in with Gollum when you went to Mount Doom.
  19. yeah, a 4-wheeler accident, I'm sure.
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